this is not a joke

Chapter 429 Unable to Pass

Chapter 429 Unable to Pass
Zhang Zuxia had successfully passed the pothole and reached the other side, so he didn't see the situation here.

The scene of Wei Zhengdong being bounced away by the repulsive force from the entrance of the cave startled Wei An, and looked at his father lying on the ground immobile for a long time in surprise.

This is the first time that Wei An has seen someone unable to pass through this passage between the two worlds.

And the manifestation of being unable to pass is being bounced directly, as if this passage is very repulsive to Dad's entry.

"Stinky boy, come help me!" Wei Zhengdong had half of his mouth on the ground, his whole body was numb, only the half of his mouth that was exposed slowly wriggled and made a sound.

Only then did Wei An come to his senses, and quickly ran forward to help Wei Zhengdong up, sat on the ground, and let him have a good rest.

Wei Zhengdong looked surprised, and when he regained his strength, he rubbed his body and said, "How could this be? Didn't Brother Zhang just pass by with a whoosh? Why was I bouncing away with a whoosh? "

Wei An frowned and shook his head. He was also surprised by the situation his father was facing at the moment. It seemed that some kind of rule did not allow him to pass.

This rule should belong to this dark mezzanine space, not other strange talk rules.

When Wei Zhengdong was sucked into the temporary camp of Eternal Love City by the super-large strange story, he was sucked into the strange story together with those people, but because of his special mental power, he still did not enter the strange story, but entered the strange story. In this mezzanine space.

At this moment, the rules of the mezzanine space do not allow Wei Zhengdong to go out, probably because of his special mental strength.

"Dad, wait here for a while, I'll try again."

At the same time, Wei An also wondered if there were other reasons, for example, the passage could only be opened for a short time, and whether it had been closed again after Zhang Zuxia passed through just now.

He tried to jump into the dark pit.

The whole person entered the pothole in an instant, his eyes went dark, and then lit up. He had already seen the light outside the equipment room of the strange talk of the building, and then he crawled out of the pothole.

No problem, traffic through the potholes on both sides is normal.

Zhang Zuxia was introducing each other with Wen Qiong, Lin Rui and the others at this time, looking polite and polite, without the previous crazy and unstable appearance.

After seeing Wei An's return, Zhang Zuxia asked in surprise, "Why didn't your father come over?"

Wei An replied: "He couldn't leave, he was directly rejected by this passage after you."

"What?" The people present were surprised.

But Zhang Zuxia's face changed quickly: "No, you can't leave him there alone! I don't know what's going on, the weirdness in the dark is all offensive to your father, he is very dangerous by himself!"


Wei An, who didn't know about it just now, hadn't had time to react when he saw his mother Wen Qiong disappear, leaving only an afterimage at the hole leading to the mezzanine space, passing through in an instant.

When Wei An rushed to the other side of the pit, Wen Qiong was holding the meat cleaver in his hand, standing vigilantly beside the pit and in front of Wei Zhengdong, paying attention to the surrounding environment in the dark space.

Wei Zhengdong didn't think about any danger he was in carelessly, but when he suddenly saw Wen Qiong passing through, he was so happy that he rushed up and hugged Wen Qiong.

He kept saying, "Honey, I miss you so much! I thought I'd never see you again! It's been a long time since I ate your cooking. In fact, I still have some private money. I forgot to mention it last time... Hey, what are you doing with this broken sack on your head..."

While speaking, even though Wen Qiong didn't pay attention to himself for the time being, but was paying attention to whether there was any abnormal movement around him, Wei Zhengdong had already stretched out his hand to pull the mask on Wen Qiong's head.

Of course, he soon discovered that the mask seemed to be completely glued to Wen Qiong's head, and he couldn't take it off at all, so he was a little terrified.


Wen Qiong interrupted impatiently before she finished speaking: "Don't push me, are you injured?"

", I just fell down just now, but I didn't hurt at all, I'm fine!" Wei Zhengdong shook his head.

At this moment, Wen Qiong saw that there was no abnormal movement around him for the time being, and she let go of her heart slightly, then turned her head to look at Wei Zhengdong, scanned his whole body up and down seriously, and said, "It's good that there is nothing wrong."

Then she seemed to react: "You still have private money?!"

Wei Zhengdong chuckled.

"Mom, don't worry about these things just yet." Wei An approached and looked around, "The most important thing now is to find a way to get Dad to leave here first."

After a pause, he said again: "You are here to protect Dad. I'll go over and ask the Cursed Corpse to see why my dad can't pass through this passage, and if there is any other solution."

Soon Wei'an returned to the strange talk of the building from the entrance again, and after briefly explaining the situation to Lin Rui and Zhang Zuxia, he began to communicate with the cursed corpse again.

It was the first time that Zhang Zuxia saw the red coffin and the cursed corpse. His body had already started to itch, and he felt that something was wriggling under the skin, and it was still pushing out of the skin.

Because the vigilance against Zhang Zuxia had not been completely eliminated, Wei An did not tell the cursed corpse and listed Zhang Zuxia as a person he could trust, so the itchiness on his body has not disappeared, and he has followed Lin Rui's advice and retreated to the The first floor of the building leads to the stairway on the first floor.

After standing in that place, the itching on the body began to disappear, and there was no longer the feeling of something creeping under the skin.

Zhang Zuxia was very surprised, and at the same time, he was even more curious about the red coffin and the tall corpse lying inside, but he knew that this thing was of a very high level, and seemed to have very special abilities, such as infecting and breaking certain restrictions of the ghost story world.

After careful consideration, Zhang Zuxia thought that if he and the cursed corpse broke out in conflict, he could still endure the pain of growing mushrooms for a short time, approach the red coffin, and smash the coffin and the corpse inside with a metal stick.

So although the other party is in danger, for himself, he thinks it can still be solved.

It's just that Wei'an obviously has a good relationship with the corpse, and from Lin Rui's words, the formation of these passages is related to the corpse.

The information he learned made Zhang Zuxia have to pay attention to the corpse in the red coffin, and he had no intention of confronting it for the time being.

After all, even though he has left the dark space on the mezzanine, his spirit seems to be very stable, and even his anxiety is much, much less.

When Zhang Zuxia was thinking, Wei'an had already had a lot of communication with the cursed corpse.

Wei An found that the curse corpse didn't know why Wei Zhengdong couldn't come through that passage, but the rules of the passage established by the curse corpse were the same, if Wei Zhengdong couldn't pass through the pothole passage, then he couldn't pass the curse corpse either. Other passages established by corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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