this is not a joke

Chapter 435 Escape

Chapter 435 Escape
The moment the image of fear appeared, all the long hair attacking Wei An suddenly trembled and hovered in mid-air.

Wei An immediately took a step forward, and at the same time he swung his halberd and axe. The red light on the surface of the weapon flashed, exerting the most powerful power, cutting off nearly half of these long hairs that had stopped.

An extremely terrifying feeling emanated from the surface of his body. At this moment, Wei An looked like a fierce god!
Yunzhen, who was chasing after her, did not expect that the other party would give her such a feeling of trembling and uneasiness. Her body shook violently, and the oval-shaped hair cluster around her body collapsed, revealing her true colors.

However, Yunzhen's true face is different from what Wei'an saw in other ghost stories at the beginning. It was just her projected appearance, a very strange-looking woman, wearing simple clothes, pants or long skirts.

But at this moment, Wei An saw that the hairs of Yunzhen were twisting and wriggling all over her body. These hairs were her clothes, and even every part of her body was made up of these hairs.

This scene made Wei An involuntarily think of the two tall stone statues in the underground hall of the cemetery, one with tentacles all over his body, and the other weird one with sarcoma all over his body.

Yunzhen is slightly different, but her body is made of hair.

At this moment, all the hairs were trembling after feeling the fear from Wei An, shaking non-stop, and making swishing sounds.

Taking advantage of the short-term effect of the activation of the fear image, Wei An took a step up and forward with both hands, throwing the halberd and axe.

This halberd ax was flashing red, and was stimulated to the maximum energy, rolling in the air, whistling...

In the next second, it chopped into those wriggling hairs.

Yunzhen let out a scream, and a large amount of hair on her body was cut off by the halberd axe, and the halberd axe itself had penetrated nearly half of her body.

Immediately, these hairs closed together, preventing the halberd and axe from advancing further.

Wei An has already run away here. After sensing that the halberd and ax were stopped, a thought moved in his mind, and he retracted the halberd and ax into the inventory. The whole person has already run into the darkness.

Because he knew that his terror image could only last for a short period of time, so no matter how effective this hit was, his next step was to run away.

If it is a monster with almost weak strength, after feeling the image of fear, you will be scared to the ground, and your body may even collapse.

But Yunzhen's top-level weirdness was only interrupted after feeling the fear, so Wei'an took the lead.

The feeling of fear image quickly receded, but Wei An also ran away without a trace.

The broken hair on Yunzhen's body began to reconnect quickly, and new hairs grew to cover the places where there were too many breaks.

Soon Yun Zhen came to her senses, filled with powerful anger, locked on the direction where Wei An escaped, and continued to chase after him.

At this time, after Wei An fled, he ran away for a while and didn't see the shadows of his father and the three of them, but a familiar monster stood not far away.

This weirdness is the guy with a split body in the strange story of the building, that is, Lin Rui's father. This guy killed all the parents of Lin Rui's little friend before his death.

This is the weirdness that Lin Rui realized.

Seeing the place where the monster was standing, Wei An knew that other people passed by here, so he didn't stop, and quickly passed the monster and ran forward.

The weird stood there motionless, as if he couldn't see Wei An at all.

Not long after, Yunzhen chased after him, and also saw this weird body split standing there like a log.

Usually these monsters will be scared away immediately after seeing her, and there are also a few who are brave and want to attack themselves. This kind of weirdness usually doesn't survive two seconds.

Of course, there is also this kind of weirdness that is silly and doesn't seem to know what it is doing.

Yunzhen ignored it, but tried her best to locate Wei'an's whereabouts, and after a while, she reluctantly followed the direction where Wei'an left.

At this time, Wei An over there saw a sword falling on the ground. The shape of this sword had appeared in the sword wheel hell, so it was also manifested by Lin Rui to show him the way.

Since he escaped, his speed has not dropped, so he has already thrown Yunzhen some distance away.

And because Yizhen needed to track down Wei An's tracks by herself, she didn't know the secret code between Wei An and Lin Rui, so she was a little slower.

After Wei An rushed to meet Wei Zhengdong, several people had already arrived in the dark space of the parking lot on the first floor of the suspected shopping mall.

Because there are square stone pillars in the parking lot nearby, although I didn't see any cars.

Seeing that his son was fine, Wei Zhengdong finally let go of his worry just now, and pulled Wei An to his side.

At this time, Lin Rui could no longer control their bodies to levitate, and everyone ran wildly on the ground.

The rustling sound came out from far away again, and Yunzhen's ability to lock people's breath was extremely powerful. Although she was a beat slower, she still approached them not long after.

"It should be here, the entrance and exit are in front!"

Although Zhang Zuxia's injured foot hurts badly and his body is covered with sweat, his eyes are shining at this moment. He didn't expect that his memory is not bad, and he really found the exit!

Soon everyone saw that the darkness in front of them began to recede, and some faint light penetrated in, which indicated that that was the exit.

Lin Rui let the others go first, and after he stopped, he quickly materialized a Wei Zhengdong standing behind him.

This Wei Zhengdong just looks exactly like Wei An's father, but he is a wooden man, standing straight in a daze, unable to make any movements.

This is the only manifestation that Lin Rui has left that can still be made, but as long as there is this thing blocking it here, and preventing Yunzhen from chasing him immediately, it will be fine for everyone to escape successfully.

After catching up with Wei An and the others, the four of them rushed to the dimly lit place.

Soon Yunzhen appeared, and at this time she had already wrapped herself in an oval-shaped ball of hair. After seeing Wei Zhengdong standing obediently in front of her suddenly, Yunzhen was stunned for a moment and stopped in her tracks.

But it didn't take long for her to realize something, a large amount of hair pierced the body of Wei Zhengdong in front of her, and she was suspended directly.

Before Yunzhen could look carefully, Wei Zhengdong's body disintegrated in an instant, falling to the ground inch by inch, turning into powder.

After being blocked for a while, when she rushed to the place overflowing with faint light, she could no longer see Wei An and the others. She stretched out her right hand wrapped in a lot of hair and touched the place of light.

An invisible barrier blocked Yunzhen's palm, preventing her from reaching into the twilight on the opposite side.

This is the barrier between strange stories and weird stories, blocked by rules, not only the rules of the opposite side, but also the rules of the dark space where Yunzhen is currently, and even Yunzhen's own rules.

The dark space belongs to the mezzanine, not a strange story, but if she wants to go there, she will still be subject to these rules.

Unless it is projected as usual, but it will take a certain amount of time. After she passes through, I am afraid that Wei An and the others will no longer be in the opposite strange talk.

Yunzhen stood silently in the twilight, staring at the twilight quietly, the hair on her body slowly wrapped around the Wanderer...


The four stood still panting, looking towards the dark underground garage.

It was only now that they were sure that they had escaped from the dark mezzanine space, because they could smell a musty smell in the garage, and they could also feel the dull atmosphere that had not been ventilated all year round.

"We're back at the shopping mall, we'll be fine for now," Wei An said.

(End of this chapter)

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