this is not a joke

Chapter 436 Fortunately, this is not a building!

Chapter 436 Fortunately, this is not a building!

Wei An knew very well that it was impossible for Na Yunzhen to pass through and enter this shopping mall for her strange behavior like they did.

If she really wanted to come, she could only do so through projection, but it would take a while.

And this time is enough for them to leave here.

He quickly returned to the first floor of the shopping mall through the stairs. It was the same as when Wei An left before, but it seemed to have an indescribably strange feeling.

Zhang Zuxia also felt the same as Wei An, because many things in the mall had already been destroyed by him, plus the buildings outside the mall, in fact, this strange talk was basically ruined by Zhang Zuxia.

But he still has a very special feeling, it seems that this place has become different from before.

Wei An was thinking about it, when Wei Zhengdong said in a surprised voice: "So this is the ghost story? Is this the world of the ghost story?"

Wei Zhengdong's face was full of surprise, this was the first time in his history that he saw a real strange talk, not the mezzanine space just now.

This moment is what Wei Zhengdong dreamed of, so everything in front of him is full of magic, and everything has a sense of novelty, so he can't help but want to walk through the shopping mall and touch everything.

Wei An looked at his father, and suddenly realized why he felt different here!
He was about to speak when the mall suddenly started shaking.

Everyone was stunned, and Wei An immediately said, "No, my dad can't appear here, let's go!"

After saying that, he grabbed Wei Zhengdong, Lin Rui quickly supported Zhang Zuxia, and the four of them ran desperately to the gate of the mall.

After running a few steps just now, a large piece of the ceiling at the top of the shopping mall fell off and hit the ground with a bang, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

Immediately, the windows of these shops all began to crack, turning into a large number of glass shards scattered, countless mannequins fell to the ground, and most of the corpses that were frightened to death in the shopping mall were covered by fallen cabinets and fallen objects. The bricks were buried.

The whole mall looks like it's about to collapse completely!
The four people quickly evacuated to the gate of the mall, and quickly stayed away from this place.

At this time, they found that not only the shopping mall, but also the square next to it and the surrounding streets were shaking violently.

Nearby buildings began to collapse in large numbers, and street lamps and traffic lights also fell down...

Wei Zhengdong was shocked, because from Wei An's words just now, it seemed that his arrival caused all this to happen.

Could it be that the sudden collapse of this weird talk has something to do with me? !
"It's dangerous!" Lin Rui suddenly patted his chest.

Because he suddenly realized that if Wei Zhengdong could really enter his strange talk building through the hole formed by the cursed corpse, his building would collapse immediately as soon as Wei Zhengdong passed by.

At that time, I will not even have a place to live.

"Go about ten steps forward and you can leave Guai Tan!" Wei An said at this time.

Zhang Zuxia looked not far ahead, nodded and said: "It's there, let's go there quickly."

"Wait!" Wei An hurriedly stopped, turned to look at Lin Rui, with a look of worry on his face.

Lin Rui knew what he was worried about, and said: "I tried to use the clone for so long in the option of the god of death before, but I couldn't get away from the strange talk, so I thought about it for a long time and thought it was a problem with the clone. Because the clone is my Strictly speaking, he is not a real person, but rather a weird one, so according to the rules of the human world, he cannot enter. But I am a real person, not a weird one. If it were me who tried it, I would probably be able to into your human world."

Wei An said worriedly: "But you can only try once at most, if you don't succeed this time, you will be wiped out!"

"I believe it can be successful." Lin Rui nodded, "I have to try this time, the difference is only the early test and the late test."

Wei Zhengdong and Zhang Zuxia probably understood what they were talking about.

Wei Zhengdong grabbed Lin Rui's hand and said, "You can succeed, haven't I been unable to get into strange stories? You see, this is also coming in, although it's a bit..."

"Then let's go!" Wei An urged.

At this moment, all the buildings in front of me have collapsed, and even the ground has cracked a lot of cracks, and it will collapse soon.

Unlike the choice of God of Death, this strange talk will disappear completely soon and will never exist again.

The four immediately walked forward for about ten steps, and a piece of white appeared in front of them at the same time.

The sky turned and turned, and after the white color returned to normal, Wei An immediately looked to his right.

At this time, he was still holding Lin Rui's hand, and he could feel that the other party was still there, but he was worried, so he looked at Lin Rui at first glance.

I saw Lin Rui was looking at the surrounding environment in surprise, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual about his body.

As the native human being in the ghost story, after this attempt, he successfully came out!
Wei An looked at his father again, and found that Wei Zhengdong was still the same, nothing unusual seemed to have happened.

Zhang Zuxia immediately checked his injured and broken foot, and found that it had recovered to its original state, and he was gently kneading it.

"I'm back, everyone is back, there is no danger!" Wei An said.

Then he asked Lin Rui, "Do you feel any strangeness?"

Lin Rui shook his head, but his brows were tightly locked, lost in thought, and seemed to be sensing everything here.

"What about you, Dad?" Wei An asked again.

Wei Zhengdong asked, "Where is this place? Where's your mother? I'm going to see her."

"Brother Wei, this is Brahma City, and Wei An and I both work in the management bureau here." Zhang Zuxia said: "However, I was temporarily suspended because of mental problems, and I am going back to the bureau to report the situation. Explain, let them give me another appraisal, and then apply for reinstatement."

"How do you feel now?" Wei An asked.

Zhang Zuxia took a deep breath: "I have never felt so good before! This time I have been adventurous in the dark space between the consciousness and the material level, and I feel that I have killed all my shortcomings there, and now there is only a brand new one." I."

After a pause, he continued: "And I can feel that my mental barrier has been formed, and I can completely control my mental state. If I want, I can let myself break this layer of flexible barrier at any time, in a kind of In a state of madness, but the strength will be increased several times, and this layer of barriers can also be restored immediately to ensure that the spirit is stable."

"That's good! Congratulations!" Wei An laughed.

"An An, what's wrong with Lin Rui?" Wei Zhengdong whispered to Wei An at this time.

Wei An looked sideways at Lin Rui, saw that he was still thinking about something, touched Lin Rui's arm, and asked, "Is there any problem? Do you want to try to realize something here?"

As if waking up from a dream, Lin Rui came back to his senses in an instant, and suddenly said: "Ah, no, no...well, I just tried it, no, I have lost the ability to manifest here. It seems that I The ability can only be used in ghost stories, and here I have become an ordinary person like you."

Wei An stared at Lin Rui and nodded: "It's okay, you feel it slowly, you will always feel a little uncomfortable when you first arrive, and then we will go through the strange talk of the God of Death's option in Biluo City, and what will happen after returning to your building?" will be re-owned.”

Even though he said this, Wei An seemed to be able to see from Lin Rui's casual expression just now—he seemed to be covering up.

(End of this chapter)

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