this is not a joke

Chapter 441 The Second Speculation

Chapter 441 The Second Speculation

Zhang Shiqing gave Wei An a thumbs up, and he quickly shook his head and sighed: "I feel that only in the real ghost story world can I display my previous level of handling cases. Head to tail, completely unable to keep up with your rhythm."

After a pause, he hesitated and said, "The reason why I'm afraid is very simple, because we can't use any trump card here. If we make a mistake, we will die, and if we are seriously injured, we will die. There is no turning back. But let me see how you You are confident, as if you can open the inventory. Do you really have something to rely on?"

Wei An's heart skipped a beat, he quickly shook his head and said, "What can I rely on? I'm just an investigator with mental problems, don't you know?"

"Mental illness?"

Wei'an continued: "I was mentally damaged by a strange talk. I have been trying to build a mental barrier, but it still hasn't been built, so the brain circuit will be a little abnormal from time to time."

"But don't be too aggressive, this is reality." Zhang Shiqing reminded.

"Yeah." Wei An spread his hands, "If the team leader or someone else has a better plan, I will definitely implement it strictly."

"I think Wei'an's plan is very good. After all, if you don't try it, no one knows what the plot is going to be." It can be seen that Yao Meishan believes in Wei'an, and immediately said: "Little Ah Hui is really next door later. Crying, I will hold the door for you, come over as soon as you save him, I will close the door to stop them."

"That's just a preliminary plan, it might not happen." Wei An replied with a smile.

At this moment, there was movement from the master bedroom next door, and there was a rustling sound, as if the corpse lying on the ground was getting up.

Everyone was silent, and the room was suddenly quiet, only the movement next door was getting louder and louder, and it came out from time to time.

Soon footsteps came to the living room, one person, two people, three people.

It sounded like three corpses were moving, leaving the master bedroom one after another, wandering in the living room, and even heard someone entering the kitchen, but the knives inside had been taken away by the working group in advance, and there were no sharp blades for them use.

Wei An and Zhang Shiqing lay behind the door of the second bedroom, listening carefully.

Not long after, those footsteps walked into the children's bedroom on the other side one after another, wandered around for a long time, seemed to be searching, and kept searching.

After a long time, the weird voice that appeared in the plot speculation sounded, but now Wei An knows that it should be the voice of Ah Hui's mother calling him, but the throat of the corpse should be completely broken, so like It was the sound of a broken water pipe.

After noticing that Ah Hui was trembling slightly, Yao Meishan knelt down and hugged him in her arms, gently stroking his shoulders.

But everyone was silent.

After a while, a footstep came out, and soon came to the second bedroom door where everyone was hiding.

This time, because it had been discussed in advance, no one objected to Wei An's approach.

And Wei An also heard clearly that what the mother really yelled was "Come and sleep, otherwise it will be dangerous".

Nodding to Ah Hui, Wei An pulled him to his side. Although the kid stared at the door resolutely, he could still feel his body trembling.

This is a kind of contradictory feeling of wanting to meet his parents but full of fear for the future, but there is no fear in Xiao Hui's eyes.

"Do as I told you just now, don't be nervous, you are a boy, you will become the bravest man in the future!" Wei An encouraged softly.

Soon he opened the bedroom door, and he could see a figure standing outside the door, his body swaying slightly from side to side, which was extremely strange.

Judging by her height, she seemed to be Ahui's mother, while the other corpses were still walking around in Ahui's bedroom.


Ah Hui walked out through the crack of the door where he could just pass one person, and shouted timidly towards the door.

No one answered him, but a cold hand quickly stretched out and grabbed Ah Hui's right arm firmly.

Ah Hui didn't resist, and walked over with her mother. Her mother didn't say anything, maybe she couldn't say anything, but just dragged Ah Hui to the next bedroom.

Somehow, they notified other relatives who were looking for Ahui on the other side, and soon the two people's footsteps came out of Ahui's bedroom, walked in the direction of the master bedroom through the second bedroom, and soon entered the master bedroom.

The door of the second bedroom has been closed by security, because these corpses are not only looking for Hui, but also looking for other human beings as targets, so if they are seen by the other party, they are likely to be in danger.

At this moment, almost everyone in the second bedroom was lying behind the door, listening carefully to the voices from the next door. In fact, it was very quiet outside, but they could hear everything clearly without maintaining this position.

What's more, Wei'an asked Ah Hui to yell immediately if he encountered something he didn't want to do.

Wei An seems to be listening to the movement next door at this time, but in fact he has already started plot speculation again.

Words quickly came to mind.

[Plot 1: Listen for a while and there is no movement next door, you are a little worried, so you open the door directly and come to the door of the master bedroom.Finding that the door is closed, you quietly push open a crack in the door, only to find a strange figure also bent over behind the bedroom door, secretly looking at you outside the door.You have never seen that person before, he looks ordinary, you don't know if he is human or weird, but after seeing you, he actually smiled.You suddenly feel nauseous, want to vomit, feel dizzy, feel very sad, everything in front of you quickly becomes blurred, and your body falls forward limply.The man caught you and dragged you into the master bedroom.The probability of this scenario happening is 70%]

[Plot 2: When your vision is gradually blurred, you can vaguely see the corpses still lying on the floor of the master bedroom, but there is a child beside the hostess' body, which is Ah Hui.At this moment, Ah Hui was like the other corpses, his face was pale, he was motionless, and he had already lost his breath.And after the strange man dragged you into the bedroom, he didn't let you fall down, but after supporting you, he looked you up and down in surprise, stuck out his tongue and kept licking the corners of his mouth, and greedily said to himself: this It's alive, it's alive, it's fresh!Greater dizziness comes, your head feels heavier and heavier, you can no longer see your surroundings clearly, and soon you don't know anything.You are dead and all scenarios are over.The probability of this scenario happening is 50%]

After meeting that stranger, he died unexpectedly.

This is something Wei An never expected, and this time the plot speculates a lot of information. It seems that this stranger is the biggest boss. He is looking for a living person, and everyone in this family is dead, including the one who was called over just now. Ah Hui.

So he couldn't find a living person, so he waited in the house, and at this time he happened to pass by, and then the sheep fell into the tiger's mouth.

"Could it be that those corpses are hiding from this stranger?" Wei An guessed.

Because Ahui's mother told him to "come here and sleep, otherwise it will be dangerous", and then Ahui slept with them, and this "sleep" means dead.

It is impossible to seek death directly in order to avoid this strange man, what kind of operation is this?
The more Wei An speculates, the more unpredictable he feels. Could it be that everyone in this room, including Ah Hui, is a participant, not just Ah Hui?
"What the hell is this weird rule?"

This plot speculation not only failed to make Wei An understand the facts, but made him more and more puzzled, just because there were no task reminders in the ghost story after it was released, and there was no item bar for participants to go all the way.

It directly led to a strange story that might be very common, but it turned into a hell-level difficulty in front of the investigators.

After thinking of this, Wei An turned on another function of the story editor - character positioning, and this time he positioned the strongest boss in this ghost story.

(End of this chapter)

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