Chapter 442

If the strongest boss of this ghost story is among those few corpses, Wei An just needs to be careful.

However, he suspected that it might not be those corpses, but the strange and strange man who appeared in the plot speculation would be more likely.

Now there is no support in this strange story that is published, except for his own plot editor, which Wei An never thought of at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, the plot editor can take both sides, and it can run normally.

And this role positioning is the same as the plot speculation, and it can also be activated normally, and soon a red dot flashes in front of Wei An's eyes.

Wei An turned his head slightly, and noticed that the red dot was in the house, and it happened to be in the master bedroom.

This made him have to suspect that the object pointed by the red dot must be the strange man who appeared in the plot speculation.

Unexpectedly, it was not the corpses that were most dangerous, but this strange man who had never shown his face.

From the plot speculation just now, it can be known that if Wei An goes to the master bedroom next door to find out what's going on, he will soon become dizzy after seeing the man, and then belch, so he can't go there.

Because in this weird story, he doesn't have any means to resist the opponent.

And little Ah Hui didn't have time to call for help at all. He seemed to die like the other corpses soon after he passed, and then lay down with them, a neat family.

But if this is the case, this weird talk should be over, because all the parties involved died, leaving only these foreign participants who are not considered participants.

Unless the ensuing plot is that not only are these corpses untouchable and transportable, but every night they get up to find and eat their own participants, endlessly.

I don't know how the strange talk will end, it will be a disaster for everyone in the house.

Because Ah Hui hadn't yelled at this moment, and the master bedroom became very quiet, so Zhang Shiqing and others thought that Ah Hui might not be in any danger, after all, those corpses were his family members.

Wei An didn't take the initiative to run over to check as the plot speculated, otherwise he would really have died in the past.

The red dot in his eyes kept flickering in the master bedroom next door, but there was no movement in the master bedroom. In fact, the whole family had become corpses, lying neatly on the ground.

The red dot was moving slowly, but no sound could be heard.

After waiting for a while, Yao Meishan couldn't sit still anymore. She worried, "What's the matter, Ah Hui? Why is there no sound at all? He is a child, can he handle the strange talk task?"

Everyone looked at Wei An.

Wei An shook his head: "Something may have happened, but we'd better not go there now, otherwise it will disrupt the rhythm of the ghost story."

He can only say this, keep everyone safe and don't leave this bedroom, because if the strange man sees it now, no one can avoid death if the item bar cannot be opened.

Everyone could only wait quietly until the sky outside the window brightened.

In order to ensure safety, Wei An checked again with the positioning character, and found that the red dot had disappeared and did not appear in any corner of the house. He suggested opening the door and going out to check.

When Zhang Shiqing and others opened the door and came to the master bedroom next door, they opened the door and looked, and they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

All eyes were focused on little Ahui's body on the ground, only to see that Ahui's complexion was already pale, and his chest did not heave.

He was lying beside his mother, with a calm face, and he could not see any panic or fear before he died.

At this time, the whole family is still leaning on the top of the head, with their feet facing each other, lying together in a flower-like pattern.

"This is... what's going on?" Zhang Shiqing's entire face was blue, his expression was ugly, and he turned to stare at Wei'an, "Ah Hui is dead? How could he die? He was killed without making a sound die……"

Yao Meishan was also in a daze, staring helplessly at little Ah Hui who was lying on the ground.

Dai Bin watched Zhang Shiqing question Wei'an without saying a word.

After the rest of the task force came out of the bathroom, they stood behind them one by one, watching the scene in the bedroom, and no one spoke.

Zhang Shiqing is very concerned about the safety of the participant Ah Hui, so Wei An didn't think there was anything wrong with his performance at the moment, he stretched out his index finger and waved it lightly: "Leader, remember that we are in the ghost talk now, not you The ordinary world I know."

Zhang Shiqing was slightly taken aback by these words.

Wei An continued: "Are you sure that what you see must be real? We don't know the plot of the ghost talk, and we don't know the mission prompts, but the family involved may know, except for Ah Hui who is too old. The reason is small, so I may not understand."

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

Wei An tapped his forehead with his index finger knuckles, and said, "Think about it, the corpses are here, why can't others touch them? Why can't they be transported out? And why can't Ah Hui leave? So you think they are really dead ?"

"You said... these are the rules of this strange talk." Zhang Shiqing was stunned.

Soon his eyes lit up slightly: "So their death is actually the direction of the plot? But why is it like this? They have to die!"

Wei An looked around and said in a secretive tone: "Maybe they are avoiding something."

Others looked around the room.

Suddenly, Yao Meishan felt a chill down her spine, folded her hands on her chest, and said, "Could it be that there are other more terrifying monsters hidden here?"

Wei An immediately said: "I agree with Yao Meishan's statement, and now this strange story is not over, it means that the death of this family member as a participant is only one of them, those of us who entered the strange story have also been targeted by them, or I was targeted by the more terrifying weirdness that Yao Meishan said, so the strange story is not over yet. To end the plot, we must speed up the progress of ending this strange story."

"Then how do we do it?" Dai Bin asked.

I didn't expect the plot of this strange talk to be so cryptic, and it needs people's death to advance. If what Wei An said is true, then this family dares to use death to promote the plot immediately. It can be said to be very courageous and courageous, because even the ordinary Investigators may not even dare to do this.

"Let's not make this strange story too complicated." Wei An said: "If you look at it this way, the strange story that will be released this time will not be too complicated, and the level will not be very high. The only thing that makes us unable to judge is the task information of the strange story. And the plot, we just need to keep it simple and follow the plot that we have speculated now."

Speaking of this, Wei An turned his head and glanced at the five corpses lying on the ground: "So my suggestion is that each of us should be like them, die first, and I... die first to respect."

(End of this chapter)

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