Chapter 443
When Wei An said these words, everyone was taken aback.

In fact, the current situation is very rare. Wei An took great difficulty to lead everyone's speculation to the plot speculation he already knew, making everyone think that this result was their own speculation.

So after the results came out, Wei An naturally expressed his current thoughts.

"Die first?" Yao Meishan turned pale with fright.

Dai Bin also had doubts on his face.

Zhang Shiqing asked, "How did he die? Did he just commit suicide here?"

"Then how do you think this family died?" Wei An looked at the corpse lying on the ground.

Zhang Shiqing shook his head: "We can't touch the corpse, so we can't do an autopsy, and we don't know."

"Actually, we don't need to know, we just need to come into contact with these corpses." Wei An said: "I guess after a certain period of contact, we will definitely become one of them. Otherwise, how can you explain that after you accidentally encountered the corpses in the first place, There will be various abnormal reactions?"

Everyone was thoughtful, but it must be difficult for some people to accept Wei An's proposal of "die first".

You must know that if what Yao Meishan just said is correct, that is, if there is an extremely terrifying monster hiding in this room, at most I can hide from the other party and the dead family every night, but if I choose to die first, No one is sure whether he will be alive or not by then.

Wei An dared to do this, at least he guessed the plot through the plot editor, and combined with the current situation, he had a certain confidence.

But others have nothing. It is indeed not an easy task to let them touch the corpse and let themselves die with just a few words.

Wei An pointed to the family lying on the ground, and said: "Some of them must have realized how to get through this strange story, so they chose to die. They died together, so every night their corpses will briefly come back to life, looking for Ah Hui."

"But how do you explain that these corpses appeared in the living room of my house, looking for me everywhere?" Dai Bin asked: "And those sheriffs who disappeared, what happened to them? Were they really eaten by these corpses? If After dying and eating people, can we still come back to life after the strange talk is over?"

Wei An said: "I don't know if I can survive, because I was not the first participant, maybe you have to ask this family. But I believe they dare to do this, and they will not do so without consideration. Now if you want to I think it's worth a shot to end the spooky talk instead of being hunted every night by these corpses and the weirdness that hides."

After a pause, Wei An continued to answer: "As for these corpses coming back to chase you home at night, I'm still guessing that if they find you, they will indeed eat you, because this is their instinct after death. If I Choose to die first, and probably do so unknowingly."

At this moment, Zhang Shiqing finally sorted out Wei An's speculation and thoughts, and said, "So if we all choose to die like this family now, this weird talk will end after we become corpses?"

"It might end, but it doesn't have to be." Wei An shrugged, "After all, we can't see any text prompts about ghost stories."

"This choice... makes people afraid to make a decision." Zhang Shiqing exhaled.

"Perhaps this is the most troublesome part after the strange story came out," Wei An said.

"Let's do this..." Zhang Shiqing finally made a decision, "Wei'an and I die first, all of you should hide tonight, don't show up, don't come into contact with the weirdness hidden in the dark, let alone be resurrected The body was found! Even if Wei An and I are resurrected, you must not let us find it."

"What if you don't survive in the future, what if you really die?" Dai Bin asked urgently.

Wei An pointed to the family on the ground: "I still say the same thing, none of us here can match the courage and courage of this family. Even if you really can't survive, it's better to live in fear every night for the rest of your life." are hunted by freaks and corpses."

Zhang Shiqing made a final decision: "That's it, Wei'an and I die first. If we are resurrected tonight and behave like this family, then Wei'an's speculation is probably correct, and everyone can die in peace. If you die, maybe this strange talk can truly end."

The others didn't say anything anymore, but they obviously had the same thoughts in their hearts, and they were all afraid of the consequences.

Of course, Wei An can actually speculate on the plot again before he dies first. Through this third plot, he guessed that he should be able to see part of the ending.

As long as the speculation can be proved to be correct, he will contact those corpses with Zhang Shiqing. If the plot of the third speculation is different from what he expected, then it is enough to directly interrupt the decision of "die first".

In the eyes of uninformed bystanders, Wei'an's speculations and decisions seem too impulsive, but only Wei'an himself knows what his trump card is. In fact, every step of his decision is adjusted through plot speculation.

After discussing with Zhang Shiqing, if you die, you have to be a full ghost, lest you really eat human flesh at night, so the two ate a lot for dinner that day.

It was going to be dark an hour after eating, Wei An and Zhang Shiqing walked into the master bedroom.

The two squatted next to the corpses of the grandfather and the master, while the others stood outside the bedroom, staring at them nervously.

"Remember, if the conditions are ripe, all of you must do the same. If one person temporarily changes his mind and refuses to die, then this strange talk will never end, and the dead person may become a real corpse forever." Zhang Shiqing Solemn warning.

Wei An glanced at Dai Bin who was standing behind Yao Meishan. Although that guy was frowning at the moment, Wei An suspected that if someone really fled, it would probably be this guy.

There are three other members of the task force, and Wei An feels that all three of them are trustworthy after contact, because they are all people who have been with Zhang Shiqing for a long time with Yao Meishan. Only Dai Bin was transferred in, but it was much earlier than himself.

Wei An knew that Zhang Shiqing had quietly given instructions to others, and there must be someone watching Dai Bin's actions, but he was still worried, so he also secretly informed Pei Na who was far away in Biluo City.

If the strange talk is not over, that is, there are still people who are not going to die, then Pei Na will rush over, catch the person who is not going to die, and press them to the scene of the strange talk to die together.

Before touching the two corpses, Wei An made a third plot speculation one step ahead, and soon the latest information came to mind.

[Plot 1: In the eyes of other team members, the decision between you and Zhang Shiqing is like a hero who died righteously in ancient times.You get ready an hour before dark, each chooses a corpse, and starts touching them.Soon you feel a strong stench entering your nostrils, dizziness, and confusion.It seems to be gas, but it doesn't seem to be, but it is affected by the spiritual level.Soon your heartbeat disappeared, you lost your breath, and you fell straight beside the corpse of your grandfather. At the same time, Zhang Shiqing also suffered the same thing, and fell beside the corpse of Ah Hui's father.You are dead and are turning into living corpses.The probability of this scenario happening is 95%]

[Plot 2: Your consciousness is already very blurred, and will remain in this vague state for a long time, even if you don't realize it at all.You suddenly feel very hungry. This kind of strong hunger makes you with cold hands and feet unconsciously open your cloudy eyes. You can't see anything, but you can keenly feel that there are people in this room, there are living people, you Eager to get close to them, to bite through their skin, to swallow their flesh and blood.But at the same time, there is also a fear in your heart, which is an instinctive fear, as if you are afraid of something.You have no idea that you are moving, that you are looking for living beings, fresh flesh.The probability of this scenario happening is 90%]

(End of this chapter)

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