this is not a joke

Chapter 458 Rescue

Chapter 458 Rescue
The efficiency of this investigation team is very high. After Wei An and Jin Mingfei read all the materials and had a general understanding of the whole strange talk incident, the team leader called everyone to hold a meeting.

At the meeting, Tang Li, the middle-aged female team leader, divided Wei'an and Jin Mingfei into eight teams, and the captain of the eight teams was a middle-aged man named Chen Yao.

This Chen Yao is extremely powerful, and he is also the top investigator from other cities.

Tang Li was actually a little worried that Wei'an and Jin Mingfei participated in such an important mission for the first time, but Wei Zhengdong's recommendation, and she also learned something about Wei'an from the administration, so she did it Decide.

However, just to be on the safe side, she reorganized the last team of the investigation team, the eighth team, and put the original team members into other teams, and let Chen Yao, the captain of the eighth team, lead Wei An and Jin Mingfei exclusively.

At the meeting, Tang Li divided the tasks of all the teams. The eighth team where Wei An was in was responsible for rescuing the two technical experts.

These two experts happened to know Wei Zhengdong well, and they were in charge of studying the rules of ghost stories.

According to previous investigations, it can be determined that the two experts are trapped in the same ghost story, which is a secondary ghost story attached to the main ghost story.

In fact, Wei An originally intended to enter the main ghost story to have a look. Firstly, he could save the more important people trapped in it, and secondly, he could find out the special features of the main ghost story.

But there was an arrangement in the group, and he didn't raise any objections, but just followed it with Jin Mingfei.

At the meeting, Tang Li also specially told Wei An: "Chen Yao, the captain of your eighth team, is extremely powerful. After entering the strange story, let him do the task of resisting the weird. You are responsible for clearing the story with your partner. Remember, Although our task is to rescue the two experts, we still want to bring as many participants as possible under the circumstances."

"Got it." Wei An nodded.

At this time, he noticed that his father looked at Tang Li with a sense of obsession, and immediately elbowed him.

Wei Zhengdong immediately came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly, and the image of Wen Qiong holding a meat cleaver appeared in his mind, and goose bumps appeared all over his body, and he immediately kept his eyes fixed.

Jin Mingfei raised his hand hesitantly.

Tang Li smiled and said, "Young man, you can ask any questions you have, you don't have to be so restrained like in class."

She knew that Jin Mingfei was still a high school student, but Wei An's respect and trust meant that he must have some advantages.

Jin Mingfei nodded, stood up and still looked like a student asking a teacher a question, and asked, "May I ask the team leader, how can we be sure that we happened to enter the first strange talk where the two experts were, and not other strange talks?"

Tang Li said: "Good question, we really dare not [-]% guarantee that we can enter into that strange talk. But Mr. Wei Zhengdong is here..."

While speaking, she looked sideways at Wei Zhengdong.

Wei Zhengdong immediately coughed, attracting everyone's attention, and then gracefully raised his right hand, showing a bit of contempt in his humility, and a bit of aloofness in his smile, which made Wei An's teeth itch.

At this moment, Wei An also had to admit that his father was too good at acting.That expression, that movement, if my mother was here, I would have slapped him.

After attracting everyone's attention, Wei An said with a humble tone but an extremely arrogant expression: "After everyone enters the area where you can be sucked into the strange talk, I will be in charge and try to let you be sucked into the strange talk that Team Leader Tang has just arranged. Li. But I can’t guarantee 90.00%, at least [-]% five is fine, ahem.”

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhengdong has already developed this ability. In the case of multiple strange stories appearing, he is able to control which strange story the inhaled participant enters, although it may not be precise.

It is impossible for the investigation team not to pay attention to him now.

With such an old thing, not to mention the investigation team, even the administration has to be a bodhisattva.

Wei Zhengdong saw Wei An's surprise and doubts, and said quietly: "I only discovered that I have this ability after I came out of the mezzanine space. I don't know how to control it specifically, but I just remember some key points for you to enter the strange talk." Points, such as the names of the participants in it, some information about the strange story, and even knowing the environment of the strange story. Then when you are sucked in, just think about these key points."

Wei An said: "Dad, please summarize carefully. Your abilities are very special and very powerful. If you can summarize them and use them perfectly, I doubt there is anything you cannot do."

Wei Zhengdong was not polite at all, nodded immediately, and laughed happily, regardless of whether he was in a meeting or not.

The time to enter the ghost talk is carried out in batches. Starting tomorrow, each team will enter one after another, starting from the first team. Of course, there are times when they cannot be absorbed.

This is also a situation that Wei Zhengdong can't control, and he will wait for a few days at this time, for example, there are several teams currently waiting.

And Wei'an's eighth team lined up the day after tomorrow.

After the meeting was over, Chen Yao, the captain of Team Eight, called Wei An and Jin Mingfei over. This guy seemed a little worried about bringing these two into a strange talk.

But he couldn't disobey the team leader's instructions, and he just told him: "If you enter the ghost story, you just need to analyze the plot of the ghost story, and leave it to me to save people or deal with monsters, and don't act on your own. Once the mission fails due to disobedience to orders, I don't care who is whose son or who is whose father."

He obviously said this to Wei An.

Wei An didn't expect that he would be reduced to relying on his father to take care of him now that he possessed a sharp weapon, a golden finger, a bunch of good weapons and armor, a wealth of experience in ghost stories, and a spiritual totem.

If he had been told this matter three months ago, even if he was killed, he would not have believed it.

After hearing Chen Yao's words, Wei'an and Jin Mingfei looked at each other, and Jin Mingfei couldn't help laughing.

Although he is inexperienced, he also knows that Wei An has a lot of cards in his cards. It is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface, and he...

Jin Mingfei was also excited at the thought of using his time totem again.

The day passed quickly.

When it was Team Eight's turn to start action, Wei An and the others got into an army green off-road vehicle that had been prepared long ago. Wei Zhengdong was also in the vehicle, and then drove towards the direction of Ever Love City.

The closer you are to the City of Eternal Love, the greater the chance of being sucked into the strange talk at any time.

And Wei Zhengdong's role is to help them enter the destination ghost story at the moment they are sucked in, rather than just random other ghost stories.

Captain Chen Yao is in charge of driving, and if they can enter the ghost talk later, Wei Zhengdong will also be in charge of driving the car back.

The off-road vehicle drove for a while, and a large cloud of dust rose above the dusty road ahead, blocking everyone's sight.

Chen Yao said: "Old Wei, get out of the car first. Others pay attention, we will be sucked into strange stories anytime after passing here."

(End of this chapter)

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