this is not a joke

Chapter 459 The Lucky One

Chapter 459 The Lucky One

It would be impossible for Wei Zhengdong not to get out of the car first, because if he was in the car, the people in the car might not be able to be sucked into the strange talk all the time.

The first few teams entering the ghost story also used this method to let Wei Zhengdong leave the team first. After keeping a distance, before the ghost story came, Wei Zhengdong would always present some key points of the target ghost story in his mind.

After the ghost story really appears, the chances of everyone being absorbed into the target ghost story will be greatly increased, and they will basically not go astray.

Wei Zhengdong got out of the car quickly, and the off-road vehicle continued to drive forward, but at a very slow speed, so as not to exceed the range that Wei Zhengdong could control.

At this time, Wei Zhengdong put away his thoughts and began to sense carefully. He was wearing an earphone walkie-talkie and kept talking with Chen Yao who was driving.

After about 200 meters, Wei Zhengdong stopped the car.

The off-road vehicle stopped ahead.

At this time, the road was full of dust, and Wei Zhengdong, wearing goggles and a mask, turned around to check his surroundings.

Soon he said through the walkie-talkie: "Chen Yao, get ready, here we come!"

Then he said to Wei An: "An An, be careful when you go in."

"Okay, Dad." Wei An replied.

As soon as the words fell, there was silence on the walkie-talkie, and there was no more sound.

Wei Zhengdong sensed that the attraction of the strange talk was leaving, he immediately trotted to the side of the off-road vehicle, and looked inside, the three people in the vehicle had disappeared.

"Should... have entered the target ghost story, not other ghost stories." Wei Zhengdong said to himself, and opened the car door.

The off-road vehicle stayed in place for a while, and then drove away slowly.


The moment he entered the ghost talk, there was darkness in front of him.

But it wasn't that kind of complete darkness. After a while, his eyes began to adapt to the surrounding darkness. Wei An turned his head to look and found himself standing in an open place with uneven ground.

It seemed to be a small square, and there were people all around, but they stood silently.

Wei An glanced down at his attire, it had completely changed, and nothing from the outside was brought in.

His attire was changed to that of the aborigine in the ghost story, with a set of rough linen clothes draped over his body, and a pair of shoes woven from tree rattan under his feet. His whole body was dirty, as if he hadn't bathed for a long time.

Bursts of strange smell penetrated into his nostrils from time to time, it was the smell of sour smell and corruption.

Soon Wei An noticed that almost everyone in the vicinity looked like him.

I seem to have become a slave here?

Because the surroundings were too dark and there was no moon in the sky, the vision was not very good. Wei An couldn't find Jin Mingfei and Chen Yao who had been separated from him.

But he guessed that these two people should also be in the team at the moment, but just like himself, they should not be too abrupt.

The standing people formed a line, and instead of standing still, they took two steps forward from time to time, then stopped again, and continued to wait.

Wei An knew they were queuing, but he didn't know what they were queuing for.

At this moment, the task reminder of the strange talk appeared.

【Ghost Story: The Lucky One】

【Grade: C】

[Type: Multiplayer (occasional)]

[Description of the event: This is an ancient village, with no record, no location, and secrets everywhere.The blood guardians of the village will go out every once in a while to capture a large number of slaves, and you and the other participants are one of them.You don't know what the purpose of the Bloody Guardians is to capture them, but they will be locked up during the day, released at night, and then start queuing up.As for what is going on in front of the team, you have no way of knowing.The bloody guardian represents the rules here, don't try to forcefully break the rules. 】

[Main task: 1. No matter what you are doing in line now, please try your best to be a lucky person; 2. If you are lucky, you can get the key to leave here; 3. The key can open the closed door in the east of the village. The gate, once you get the key you know what to do. 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points]

[Hidden mission: yes]

In fact, the types of ghost stories around Everlasting Love City are all multi-person, and there are basically no single people, but it doesn't make much sense to choose them occasionally.

Because Wei Zhengdong is there, even if you are selected, there is still a way to let one more person in, at most, the identity is different.

After experiencing so many strange stories before, Wei An is now considered an old investigator. In addition to the particularity of the large-scale strange story in Hengai City, he, like other investigators, is currently a participant in the strange story, not a consistent one. The identity of the intruder.

After reading the task information calmly, the team also slowly moved forward more than ten meters.

It was dark in front, and I couldn't see what was going on, and no one whispered to each other. The people in line just bowed their heads one by one.

Wei An didn't dare to speak casually, and just secretly looked at the people in front of and behind him as he walked, and soon he realized that someone was watching him. This look came from behind, but he couldn't determine the specific location.

That person might be Jin Mingfei or Chen Yao, but everyone knew that now was not the time for communication, so no one acted rashly.

The rules of the main ghost story implicated many ghost stories, and the other ghost stories that the investigation team has mastered have actually been reflected in the materials, and Wei An has also read them.

But at present, this second ghost story has not been discovered. This is also because there are too many secondary ghost stories related to the main ghost story. In such a short period of time, the investigation team cannot grasp all of them.

The team has been moving forward slowly.

Not long after, Wei'an heard some movement from the front. It seemed that there was a sound of a hard object colliding, but it didn't sound like metal.

He could also vaguely see what someone in the front line was doing, holding something in his hand, and there was a slightly gray object beside that person, and he didn't know what it was.

After walking two steps forward, Wei An heard the sound of water.

He also saw the gray object clearly. It was a wellhead made of stone bricks, and the slave standing beside the wellhead was waving his skinny arms, struggling to draw water from the well.

There is a hand crank handle on the head of the well. It may be because the bucket is larger, and it is filled with well water.But this slave was as skinny as a stick, exhausting all his strength to slowly shake the bucket up.

For some unknown reason, the moment the bucket was brought up, the man was shaking all over, not because he was shaking from exhaustion, but because of psychological fear.

I saw him trembling and frightened, holding on to the bucket, and it took a lot of effort to lift the bucket down, and then carefully cast his eyes into the bucket.

Soon he raised his head, as if someone was talking to him, the slave nodded repeatedly, relaxed, and quickly poured the water in the bucket back into the well, and threw the bucket in again.

After a while, the slave, like the others in front, left the team and disappeared into the darkness.

The team moved forward again, and Wei'an saw it more clearly this time. The second slave, like the one just now, fished the bucket out of the well with some trepidation, and it could be seen that the bucket was really heavy.

Not long after, he lifted the bucket he had scooped up, and, like the man before him, leaned over the mouth of the bucket and took a look inside.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, a thin and long hand suddenly stretched out from the barrel, and directly stretched in from the man's mouth that was opened because of fright, grabbed his tongue, and pulled his head yanked into the bucket.

(End of this chapter)

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