this is not a joke

Chapter 460 Salvage

Chapter 460 Salvage
This scene startled Wei An.

According to what happened to the first slave, he originally thought that the next person should also salvage the bucket of water to see if there was anything there.

If the item is fished out from the well, it may be the "lucky one" mentioned in the ghost story prompt. He still thinks that he will try to salvage something when it is his turn.

Looking at it now, it turned out that the first slave left with ease just now was because of this reason.

The things salvaged from the well may be good or bad, because these people are afraid of salvaging bad things, and would rather not salvage anything, so that person just left so easily.

After seeing the unlucky slave's head being dragged into the bucket, no one dared to step forward to help him, and the speed was extremely fast. His body and head were separated quickly, a lot of blood spurted out from the broken neck, and his body fell on the ground. Beside the bucket, he was still twitching like a conditioned reflex.

And that head was still in the bucket, but from Wei An's perspective, he couldn't see anything, and he didn't see the hand that just came out of the bucket.

Not long after, a man in a loose black robe approached the corpse, first grabbed the bucket without looking at it, and threw it back into the well, then grabbed the fallen corpse in silence, and threw it into the well. dragged into the depths of darkness.

The man in the black robe was tall, at least about [-] meters tall, so when he grabbed the corpse and dragged it away, it was as easy as grabbing a toy. When he appeared, the people lining up beside the well immediately gave way, obviously all terrified he.

Wei An guessed that this person might be the bloody guardian in the village mentioned in the ghost story prompt.

So far, until the slave was decapitated and the body was dragged away by the guardians, he didn't make too much noise, just like watching a silent movie, an extremely bloody silent movie.

Up to now, Wei An has temporarily figured out the meaning of "lucky man" in this strange talk.

There may be three endings when the bucket is salvaged from the well. One is to salvage the ghost-like thing just now, which is a fatal ending for the salvager. The other is that there is nothing in the bucket except water. The salvager is in no danger.

And the third ending may be that good items will be salvaged. This is Wei'an's guess, because there are so many people queuing up here to salvage one by one, there can be no reason.

So the blood guardians definitely wanted to salvage something they wanted from the well, but they didn't dare to do it themselves, so they brought a large number of slaves to do it.

Based on such speculation, the plot clue of this strange story is probably already clear.

Wei An quickly turned his head to look at the people queuing up around him again, wanting to see if the two experts were still in the line.

If these two people were involved in the salvage as slaves and encountered the horrible situation just now, they might already be dead, and there would be no point in rescuing them.

At the same time, he still didn't see Jin Mingfei and Chen Yao.

Then the people in front continued to go forward to salvage, one by one, and they were all terrified when they were salvaging. When they saw that there was only clear water in the bucket they had fished up and nothing else, they were all relieved. Take a breath.

At this time, Wei An noticed that there was a higher chance that there was only clean water in the buckets brought up. There were five people in line in front of him, and four of them were filled with clean water.

Only the old-looking slave in front of him, in the process of salvaging the bucket, obviously saw that the bucket was shaking violently, and there was more than clear water in it.

When he leaned over the bucket tremblingly and took a look, Wei An thought another hand would come out from inside, but nothing happened.

The old man just stared at the bucket with fear on his face for a while, and the tall bloody guardian soon appeared from the darkness, standing beside the old man without saying a word.

The old man seems to know what he should do, he has been inactive just hesitating.

And if he still doesn't move, the bloody guardian will immediately strike and kill him on the spot.

The old man turned his head to look at Wei An who was next to him in line. Wei An didn't know why he was looking at him, because the previous one didn't end, so he couldn't get close to him, and he couldn't see what was in the bucket.

The old man withdrew his gaze, and before the bloody guardian was about to make a move, he stretched out his hands tremblingly, reached into the bucket, and quickly took out something.

Wei An took a closer look and found that it looked like a bumpy meat ball, the size of a football, and water was still dripping.

The strange thing is that this meat ball is alive, and something inside is constantly touching the surface of the meat ball, sometimes protruding and sometimes sinking.

Just holding the meat ball like this, the old man was sent away by a bloody guardian, and disappeared into the darkness.

Now it's Wei'an's turn to step forward.

After another guardian threw the bucket back into the well, Vian immediately went to the mouth of the well, grabbed the handle on it, and started shaking it.

The bucket was really big enough, and it was very heavy after drinking water. Wei An took some effort to shake the handle, and then felt that the bucket in the well was being lifted up little by little.

At the same time, he could also feel a sharp gaze scanning behind him, which should be the guardian standing in the dark watching him.

Not only that, but the eyes of other slaves nearby were also focused on him, each of them was more nervous than him.

Crashing, I could hear the sound of water shaking, and the bucket quickly came to the mouth of the well.

After fixing the rope, Wei An lifted the bucket down. In fact, he didn't need to look at it. He already knew that there was nothing in the bucket except clear water.

I put it down and took a look, and sure enough there was only water in it.

The guardian also saw this scene, didn't say anything, just asked Wei An to throw the bucket into the well again, and then walked on.

Wei An didn't look back. After putting the bucket back, he immediately walked forward. He quickly left the small square with uneven ground.

A wall appeared in front of him, and when he looked up, even in the dark, he found that the wall was so high that the top could not be seen at all.

At the same time, Wei An also noticed that there is no moon in the night of this strange talk!
This is the first time he has noticed that there is a strange talk that there is no moon and no moonlight at night.

This alone proves that this strange story is different from other strange stories.

Wei An didn't know where he was going, but there was no guardian behind him, and there was a wall in front of him, so he couldn't get through. He could only walk along the wall.

Soon he felt as if he had taken a big turn, and a large number of wooden cages appeared in front of him. These wooden cages were tall and big. The wooden sticks that made up the cages were half as thick as his body, and they looked indestructible when combined.

Many slaves were kept in cages, either sitting or standing, and beside these cages stood several guardians.

After seeing Wei An, one of the guardians pointed out his hand. Wei An looked in the direction of his finger and saw an open cage not far away.

He immediately got in obediently and sat there without any abnormality.

There were already other people in the cage, and one of them was the old man in front of him just now. In front of this old man was the weird meat ball taken out of the bucket.

The old man glanced at Wei An and seemed to recognize him, then turned his gaze to the meaty ball.

He was trembling uncomfortably.

And the other people sitting in the cage subconsciously kept a certain distance from the old man, not daring to approach him.

(End of this chapter)

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