this is not a joke

Chapter 461 He is!

Chapter 461 He is!
Wei An was just observing and didn't approach the old man.

Not long after, there were still other slaves returning from the outside one after another, entering the wooden cage with the door open under the order of the guardian.

After there were twenty people in the wooden cage where Wei An was, the door of the wooden cage was closed.

Except for the old man just now, the other slaves were almost subconsciously crowded together, keeping a little distance from the old man, only Wei An was squatting in the middle of the wooden cage.

The old man's face was ashen, and he didn't look at other people, but occasionally his eyes would flicker on Wei An.

A middle-aged man approached Wei An slowly, squatted beside him, and said in a low voice, "You just narrowly escaped your life."

Surprised, Wei Anton looked sideways at the middle-aged man.

Seeing that the man's face was unfamiliar, but his facial features were almost the same as those of the people of Shenzhou, he asked in a low voice, "Why do you say that?"

The man said: "After the meat ball is salvaged from the well, the person concerned can refuse to take it away. The consequence is that he will be killed by the guardian on the spot. However, the meat ball will still be taken away, that is, the next person of the party. Just now At the well, the old man obviously didn't want to take the meat ball. If he is killed by the guardian, you will be the next replacement. You must take the meat ball instead of salvaging. If you don't take it, the guardian The one who kills you, and then let the next person take it."

Wei An suddenly realized that he had indeed seen the old man hesitate for a long time before picking up the meat ball. If he gave up, after the guardian killed him, he would definitely let him take it.

Later, it should be that the old man himself was afraid of death, so he picked up the meat ball and left.

"What is this meatball?" Wei An asked.

Now he guessed that the person who took the initiative to talk to him should be a participant.

The middle-aged man said: "No one knows what it is. If you hatch a baby, you are the lucky one and you can leave. If you hatch a demon, you are the unlucky one. Not only will you die, but you will die a miserable, miserable death. !"

"Devil?!" Wei An was surprised.

No wonder, after seeing the meat ball, even though they knew that they would be killed if they refused to take it, they still chose not to take it, but chose to be killed on the spot by the guardian.

It must be because it is more enjoyable to die once and for all, and after taking away the meat ball, if a demon is hatched, it will be more uncomfortable than being directly beheaded.

In other words, the probability of a meat ball hatching a baby must be extremely low, while the probability of hatching a demon is very high, otherwise no fool would choose to be killed by the guardian on the spot.

Thinking of this level, Wei An raised his head and looked at the old man again.

The old man seemed to have noticed the gaze and looked back at him.

"Is this old man also a participant?" Wei An wondered.

He withdrew his gaze and asked directly to the middle-aged man beside him in a low voice, "Are you a participant?"

The middle-aged man didn't seem to feel the suddenness, but replied: "Many of the slaves here are participants."

"How long have you been in here?"

"Four months, five months, I don't know, maybe it's been half a year."

Wei An was taken aback. If this person has been in the strange talk for so long, it means that he is not the person who entered the camp that time, but the earliest participant in the strange talk.

At this moment, a young man walked into the open wooden cage diagonally opposite. Wei An looked up and found that the figure of this person was familiar. After careful identification, he was sure that it was Jin Mingfei.

Because it was very dark all around, Jin Mingfei didn't see Wei An. He just sat in the corner after entering the wooden cage and couldn't see him anymore. He was obviously also observing the surrounding environment.

There was nothing in his hand, and it seemed that nothing was salvaged in the well, just like Wei An and most people.

Wei An didn't call him for the time being, and he was not familiar with the situation here. If the two talked through the wooden cage and attracted the attention of the bloody guardian, it would be even more detrimental to the next action.

"Surely more than one of you came in?" The middle-aged man asked again at this moment.

He obviously knew that Wei An was not a native here, so he kept observing him and came over to say hello.

But this time Wei An didn't answer.

The middle-aged man continued: "A dozen or so participants came in together before, and they all recognized each other from the tone of voice, and they were very familiar. It seemed to be some kind of camp. But then almost all of these people died. Bad luck , a few became doomed, and a few were killed by the weirdness in the well during the salvage process..."

Hearing this, Wei An became alert.

It seems that a lot of people came here in the Everlasting Love City camp before, and the middle-aged man found out some things, but according to the middle-aged man, these people are basically dying, and they are classified as bad luck.

He was killed by the weirdness at the bottom of the well during the salvage, which reminded Wei An of the thin and long hand that suddenly protruded from the bucket just now.

So salvaging the meat ball is only one of the probabilities, and there are more probabilities to salvage the monster directly from the well and be killed on the spot.

"Then do you know who among these people is still alive?" Wei An asked tentatively.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Of course I know, that crazy old man who never communicates with us is one."

As he spoke, he looked at the old man with the meat ball in front of him.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that this old man was actually a participant from the Eternal Love City Camp.

Before entering the strange story, both he and Jin Mingfei carefully memorized the faces of the two experts who were going to be rescued, but I don't know how long the time in the strange story has passed. Identify who is who.

"Crazy old man, is he crazy?" Wei An asked.

"No, I heard that his surname is Feng, but he never communicated with us. He only talked with those who came in with them." The middle-aged man explained, "After that group of people died, he seldom talked anymore. , so we all call him the crazy old man."

"Surnamed Feng?!" Wei An was startled.

One of the two experts they are going to rescue this time is in his 60s, named Feng Yiren.

He looked at the old man carefully again.

At this moment, the crazy old man no longer looked back at Wei An, because the football-sized meat ball placed in front of him was wriggling at an increasing frequency, as if something inside was about to burst out of its shell.

This made the crazy old man nervous.

"When will the meat ball burst and hatch?" Wei An asked the middle-aged man beside him.

"If it is slow, it will be two or three days, if it is fast, it will be less than a day."

The middle-aged man saw that Wei An's tone towards him had improved a lot, and he was less defensive, so he immediately introduced himself, "My name is Yuan Cong, if you can get out of here as soon as possible, little brother, don't forget to tell him. I feel that my luck is about to run out, and next time I might become a doomed person, or be killed directly by the weirdness in the well."

Wei An took a deep look at him, and felt that this guy named Yuan Cong had extremely sharp eyesight, and he must have caught something different about him, that's why he chatted with him so quickly and climbed up to him. relation.

He has encountered this kind of people in strange stories before, such as the old Peter in the city of Naguwa, but usually this kind of people are very deep in the city and need to be dealt with carefully, so they cannot be completely trusted.

But having said that, if the old man who took the meat ball was really Feng Yiren, it would be okay if the meat ball hatched into a baby, but if a demon was hatched, Wei An must find ways to save him, and he cannot just watch Feng Yiren transform into a doomed man .

Thinking of this, Wei An glanced at the fleshy ball wriggling inside the skin in front of the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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