this is not a joke

Chapter 464 Plan Implementation

Chapter 464 Plan Implementation
Sure enough, Yuan Cong had some ideas. After Wei An roughly described Chen Yao's appearance to him, he immediately picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it into the wooden cage next door.

Soon another person in the wooden cage stuck his head into the gap between the wood and looked towards this side.

Yuan Cong didn't speak, but kept gesturing towards the wooden cage, but this wasn't a dumb language, it seemed to be a way for the natives here to communicate with each other.

Neither of them spoke, and Yuan Cong soon turned around and told Wei An that other people had paid attention to it, and he believed that there would be news soon.

It was already broad daylight and the sight was better. Wei An also noticed that there were all the same cages near this wooden cage. Most of the wooden cages were relatively silent, and their noses were always filled with various unpleasant odors.

At a glance, there may be dozens of these large wooden cages, and there is no end in sight. On the other side is the tall wall that I saw at night, extending forward until it is invisible at the corner.

While he was observing, Jin Mingfei had already seen him, standing in front of the wooden cage diagonally opposite, pretending to be like other slaves, looking at the different scenery here.

The two looked at each other, and Wei An asked him if he saw Chen Yao.

Jin Mingfei shook his head lightly.

Wei An turned his head to look at Feng Yiren, who had been squatting in his wooden cage, and told Jin Mingfei that he had found this expert.

Jin Mingfei's eyes brightened slightly, and he nodded.

Wei An returned to Feng Yiren, looked at the wriggling meat ball, and prayed that this thing would not come out so soon, and it would be better to wait until they found Chen Yao.

The meat balls will hatch within three days at most, and within a day at least. Now it seems that neither Wei An nor Jin Mingfei can go to the well to salvage tonight. If Chen Yao is in another group, it may be his turn tonight Go out and salvage.

I'm afraid that the meat ball will hatch before that time, so the safest way is to find a way to lock Jin Mingfei and himself in the same cage, and the two of them will work together to make preparations. Instant kill to prevent being found out by the guardian.

Squatting beside Feng Yiren, staring at the fleshy ball, Wei An secretly put on "Liu Gui's eyeballs".

The scene in front of him flickered slightly, and under the action of special eyeballs, Wei An quickly saw the wriggling thing inside the meat ball, which seemed to be the shadow of a villain.

This made him slightly excited.

Because I heard Yuan Cong said before that the last lucky person was a baby with fierce milk that burst out of the meat ball, which can be regarded as the little Nezha, who was regarded as a treasure by the guardian, thus letting the lucky person go.

Looking at it now, the villain looks like a baby, a bit like a baby, but after looking carefully for a while, Wei An is a little uncertain.

Because this little person is small in size, but the length of the curled limbs is definitely much larger than that of a baby if it is stretched out.

"Could it be that the babies hatched by the meatball monster are different from ordinary babies? Otherwise, they wouldn't have bitten off three of the lucky one's ten fingers shortly after birth." Wei An secretly speculated.

After a while, his pupils shrank suddenly.

For a moment just now, when Wei An borrowed "Liu Gui's eyeballs" to see this figure turning over inside, there was even a tuft of long hair on his head!
How can a baby have long hair?So it's definitely not a baby.

"Old Feng is not lucky, but unlucky." Wei An already had a result in his heart.

So we must be ready to kill this meat ball freak as soon as possible!
The sky gradually began to turn dark again. As Yuan Cong said, the daylight here is only about two hours, and it quickly turned into night again.

Wei An walked up to Yuan Cong and asked, the people over there did not find Chen Yao, nor did they give him any valuable information. With so many cages and people, it is really difficult to find someone in a short time. arrive.

Looking at the wriggling meat ball again, although "Liu Gui's eyeball" has stopped functioning, Wei An's instinct may be that it is about to come out.

Maybe it can't wait for the next time they are released to salvage, and Jin Mingfei can change to a wooden cage with him.

Wei An whispered to Yuan Cong: "Is there a way to open this wooden cage now?"

Yuan Cong was startled, and asked, "Why did you open the wooden cage? Are you going to start your plan now?"

Wei An shook his head: "I want someone else to join me in another cage."

Yuan Cong showed a thoughtful expression: "It's not impossible, but it's very dangerous. If the guardian finds out..."

Wei An said, "Think of a way."

Yuan Cong gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Cooperate with me later. Which caged person do you want to change?"

Wei An pointed to the wooden cage where Jin Mingfei was.

"In this case, we also need someone from our side to exchange. In any case, there must be 20 people in the wooden cage, and one less or one more will not work." Yuan Cong glanced around at the people in his cage, "This matter give it to me."

He quickly walked to a curled up thin man, squatted down and whispered something to that man, but at this moment Yuan Cong's face had become extremely fierce, staring at the man, his tone could not be refuted.

The man looked like he was born as a real slave. He should be an aborigine captured by the bloody guardian. He stared at Yuan Cong with a horrified expression, and nodded after a while.

Yuan Cong patted the man's shoulder, stood up and returned to Wei An's side: "That's fine, let this man go over later."

"How?" Wei An asked.

Yuan Cong first stood for a moment in the direction of the cage with which he had communicated with during the day, and made gestures.

After the guardians patrolled past, a wooden key was thrown out of the cage over there.

Yuan Cong reached out to take it, and then took out an object wrapped in oilcloth from his arms. This object looked like a mass of black wet coal, and the weight was not very large.

Carefully picked a little off, and then flew out the fingernail-sized wet coal bomb, and landed on the patrol passage that the guardian must pass through.

Yuan Cong explained softly: "This is the food of the guardians. They like to eat it very much. I managed to get this little bit. But after eating this food, they will take a short nap to complete digestion. Using this time we can Use a wooden spoon to open the cage and replace it."

"Then get ready, we'll start right away." Wei An nodded.

Then he looked at Jin Mingfei who was in the opposite cage, and Jin Mingfei was also paying attention to the movement here.

He learned from Wei An that there seemed to be some action, but Wei An signaled him to wait and see what happened.

Jin Mingfei nodded slightly, without expressing too much, but tensed up all over his body, looking this way from time to time.

This guy is still a novice. He was even thinking about how to use his weapon blood spear to pierce a hole in the tall bloody guardian when the conflict broke out.

But at least Jin Mingfei knew that he couldn't act rashly and had to follow Wei'an's arrangements.

 I can't hold on anymore, it was sunny yesterday.The whole family began to have positive symptoms two weeks ago, and there were not many colleagues left in the unit. I stayed until the end, and now my whole body is sore and coughing, but I have no other symptoms, except that my hands and feet are uncomfortable and uncomfortable.Today's update is a saved manuscript, I will see if I can recover some later, try not to ask for leave to judge the update.To have a regular life, a regular diet, and not to work rashly, I have been taking care of my body for so long, and all the functions of my body are considered good, so I can persist until the end.The body is the capital, I wish everyone without Yang Guo and Yang Kang good health!
(End of this chapter)

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