this is not a joke

Chapter 465 Substitution

Chapter 465 Substitution
Now just wait for the patrolling guardian to come over.

Prior to this, Wei An spent 50 points to activate the "positioning role".

Originally, he didn't want to consume this bit of energy. Although he solved the two weird stories that came out last time, he exchanged some energy points with Su Ya for some things. It would be nice if he could save a little bit. It would be best if he could find Chen Yao by external force, but Now it seems hopeless.

But even if Chen Yao's location is located, it may not be possible to contact him if the distance is too far away, not to mention transferring him to this cage, it will be as difficult as heaven.

It can be seen that Yuan Cong cherishes the small piece of wet coal wrapped in the tarpaulin as much as his life.

If it wasn't for the purpose of escaping with Wei An and the others, he definitely wouldn't have the heart to take out this thing.

If Chen Yao is too far away, even if the wet coal in Yuan Cong's arms is exhausted, it may not help.

Now the reason why Wei'an wants to locate, is actually to determine whether Chen Yao has come in this strange talk.

If you can't enter this strange talk, you don't have to keep thinking about meeting him.

But if he came in, would this guy be in danger if he didn't show up? If he didn't die, how far would he be from him, and by the way, determine which cage he was locked in.

If it was really close to him, then find a way to make Yuan Cong consume more wet coal and transfer Chen Yao to this cage.

The force of at least three people together can greatly increase the chance of instantly killing that meat ball freak.

With the activation of "Positioning Character", a red dot flashed quickly, showing that Chen Yao was not dead, but the direction where the red dot flashed was in an invisible direction at the corner of the wall, and it was not within the range of these wooden cages at all. place.

"Chen Yao entered the strange talk, but he is not in the wooden cage?" Wei An was surprised.

He didn't expect that Chen Yao's current location turned out to be somewhere on the corner of the wall that he had never been to. Although it was certain that it was inside the wall of this weird village, it was very likely that Chen Yao was not in the cage. inside.

"Where is this guy? Was he over there when he showed up, or was he with us last night, and then because of what happened, he was taken over to the wall?"

Wei An secretly speculated.

It seems that it is basically impossible to ask Chen Yao to help at the moment. He can only wait for himself and Jin Mingfei to deal with the meat ball monster first, and then find a chance to see what happened to Chen Yao.

Now Wei An focused all his attention on the movements of the guardians outside. Not long after, a bloody guardian with a height of about [-] meters patrolled here.

This guy was tall and burly, with a strange robe on his body. In the robe, he could see something in his hand, which seemed to be a big knife with a long handle.

These robes have a hood, and the hood is covered to completely cover the guardian's face.

Although Wei An tried his best to see what that face looked like, but because the surroundings were too dark, if he didn't get close, he could only see the darkness under the hood.

He and Yuan Cong squatted beside the closed wooden door of the cage. Yuan Cong held the key tightly in his hand, looking visibly nervous.

And the native man who had been coerced and lured by him just now squatted behind Yuan Cong, waiting for an order from the other party, and then went to another cage to replace Jin Mingfei.

The bloody guardian originally walked by at a normal speed, but when he approached the fingernail-sized wet coal on the ground, he suddenly felt a sense.

He stopped quickly and looked down at the ground.

If it was a normal person, even if they had excellent eyesight, they would not be able to see clearly under this kind of light, but this guardian seemed to be able to see.

He looked a little excited, because the big and weird robe was trembling slightly, he immediately squatted down and grabbed the ground, picked up the small piece of wet coal with two fingers, and looked greedily, as if Find out if it's your favorite food.

The next second, the Guardian stuffed the wet coal into the darkness of the hood and swallowed it.


Yuan Cong said in a low voice.

Wei An also immediately gestured in the direction of the cage where Jin Mingfei was diagonally opposite. Jin Mingfei caught his movement and stood at the door of the cage without leaving.

At this moment, the guardian turned his back to Wei An and the others. After eating the wet coal, he stopped patrolling as Yuan Cong said, but immediately sat down on the spot and leaned against a on raised stones.

Yuan Cong said softly: "It will take him a while to digest the food. As long as the other guardians don't find out during this time, we can switch the people in the cage."

Wei An nodded, observed carefully, and did not speak.

He didn't know as much about these rules as Yuan Cong, so he could only implement them according to what he said.

After the guardian leaned down, he quickly became silent, as if he was really asleep, trying to digest the wet coal he had just eaten.

But Yuan Cong still didn't move, just looked at the tall guy quietly.

After waiting for a while, Wei An couldn't help but said, "If you don't act again, the next guardian will come on patrol."

Yuan Cong shook his head, not knowing what he was waiting for, and after another minute, he quietly inserted the wooden key in his hand into the wooden lock on the door, and turned it slightly half a circle.

With a click, the wooden lock was opened, but everyone remained motionless at this moment.

They made very little movement. Most of the other slaves, including those in the nearby cages, were asleep and did not see this scene. Among the small number of people who were not asleep, only a small half saw what happened here.

However, all slaves are vulnerable groups in front of the guardians, and this kind of situation is not unheard of. The people who saw it just watched silently, their faces were very numb, no one made a sound, but they were clever People sweated because of the movement here.

After unlocking the wooden lock, Yuan Cong immediately pushed the key into the hand of the young native behind him.

The native had been waiting for a long time, and after receiving the key, he immediately stood up, bent over, pushed open the wooden door on tiptoe and left the cage.

His lips parted slightly, his eyes widened, he stared at the guardian sleeping beside him without blinking, and at the same time quickly moved to the wooden cage where Jin Mingfei was.

While observing the movement of the guardian, he slowly inserted the key into the wooden lock of the half cage and twisted it slowly.

The process went smoothly, and the door lock was quickly unlocked. Jin Mingfei knew at this moment that Wei An wanted to let him pass.

The moment the wooden door opened, he immediately bent down and imitated the same movements of the young native who came over, and approached the wooden cage where Wei An was.

And the native stuffed the wooden key back into Jin Mingfei's hand when the two passed by.

Jin Mingfei immediately pinched it.

However, his wooden cage had already been closed immediately after the native entered, and no key was needed to close the wooden lock.

Jin Mingfei glanced at the guardian who was still sleeping, and saw Wei'an waving to him quickly.

He rushed over immediately.

At this moment, in Wei An's wooden cage, Feng Yiren who had been staring at the meat ball said, "It's about to hatch, it's about to hatch!"

He was very nervous, and was always worried that the meat ball would hatch. Now seeing the speed of the squirming inside the meat ball getting faster and faster, he wanted to tell Wei An who was at the wooden door, so his voice became louder unconsciously.

As soon as these words came out, both Wei An and Yuan Cong were startled. They turned their heads to look at the guardian who was sleeping by the side of the road at the same time, and saw his loose robe trembling slightly.

Wei An didn't have time to answer Feng Yiren, with an anxious expression on his face, he quickly waved to Jin Mingfei who was halfway there again, signaling him to speed up.

Jin Mingfei also noticed that the guardian was moving, so scared that he buried his head and swooped towards the wooden door on Wei'an's side.

The guardian's robe was lifted here, as if the wet coal had been digested, and he slowly raised his head.

Over there, Jin Mingfei rushed to the open door, got in, and the wooden door quickly closed.

At the critical moment, Yuan Cong snapped the opened wooden lock.

The Guardian's hood twirled, looking this way.

"Wei'an, the meatball... is about to open!" Feng Yiren said with a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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