this is not a joke

Chapter 466 Why Do You Seem Like You Have Experienced It Before!

Chapter 466 Why Do You Seem Like You Have Experienced It Before!
"Can you shut up the crazy old man!" Yuan Cong shouted in a low voice in a hurry.

Although they closed the wooden door at the nick of time and the wooden lock was relocked, the blood guardian was awake and turning his attention this way.

Feng Yiren was also impatient because he saw that the meat ball was wriggling so badly that it was about to burst, and he didn't know that Wei'an was carrying out the plan of replacing people at this moment.

Although he knew that he was likely to be an unlucky person, at the moment when the meat ball opened, Feng Yiren naturally wanted to grab the life-saving straw beside him, which was a human instinct.

Wei An didn't have time to talk to Jin Mingfei, even if the bloody guardian was looking at him, he couldn't control it anymore, turned around and rushed towards Feng Yiren.

There was a sudden commotion among the people in the wooden cage. After learning that the meat ball was about to burst, everyone rushed to the place farthest from Feng Yiren, for fear of being affected by the monster born here.

Jin Mingfei didn't speak either, and quickly followed Wei An to Feng Yiren.

Wei An saw at a glance that the wriggling meat ball in front of Feng Yiren had stopped wriggling, but at this moment it was a whole circle bigger than when it was wriggling, from the size of a football to the size of a basketball, as if it was about to explode in the next second. The bulge burst open.

"It is indeed about to hatch!"

Wei An's heart tightened, and he knelt on the ground with his legs bent. The speed of his forward movement made him slide directly to Feng Yiren's side in this position, and he stretched out his hand to press on the big round meaty ball.

At the same time, the guardian outside the cage who had just digested the wet coal had already stood up, and turned his dark eyes to Feng Yiren's side, because the guardian also knew very well that Feng Yiren got the meat balls in the last round of salvage, and now he is waiting for the meat balls. The ball hatches.

So this guardian is not only patrolling, but also watching how long it takes for Feng Yiren to hatch the meat balls, and whether the hatched ones are lucky or bad luck.

He quickly walked towards the outside of the cage, but because he had just woken up, the guardian did not see that the person in the cage had been replaced.

When everyone saw the guardian approaching, they squatted on the ground in fright, not daring to make any movements.

Especially Yuan Cong, his face turned pale with fright, and he secretly glanced in the direction where Wei An and Feng Yiren were.

Wei An's back was facing the guardian at this time, and the scene where he stretched out his hand to hold the meat ball was just blocked by his own body.

This moment is not the best time for the meat ball to hatch, because the guardian is outside. Once the meat ball breaks open, the monster inside will appear, and Feng Yiren will be killed in the next second.

Because of the presence of the guardians, neither Wei An nor Jin Mingfei dared to stop them. Even if they really tried to stop the monster from killing Feng Yiren, the three of them would be beheaded one by one by the guardians outside.

If the meat ball is not stopped after hatching, Feng Yiren will die.If he tries to stop it, Feng Yiren may die, and the matter will be revealed.But if the hatched monster is successfully killed, it will be seen by the guardian at this moment, and all three will die.

So at this moment, the meat ball hatched and completely exploded at the time thunder point!

Wei An also panicked at the beginning, but he didn't expect Feng Yiren to explode when there was a change of people here!

At this moment, he held down the bulging fleshy ball, blocked the guardian's sight with his body, and at the same time smacked the cat's head representing the totem of fear several times in his mind.

He didn't dare to take out the K of Hearts, although this could increase the fear value again, but the current strange situation is special. He was worried that after the K of Hearts was displayed here, if it was seen by the guardian, it would have bad effects.

Because the masturbation was a little fast, the head of this quiet cat was blown out, and it grinned in Wei An's mind.

But a strong fear value poured out immediately, passed from Wei An's palm to the meat ball, and soon the fear value penetrated into the meat ball.

The meat ball that was already extremely swollen and felt like it would burst and hatch in the next second, after suddenly feeling such a strong fear, the whole meat ball trembled slightly, like a ball that had been stabbed with a needle. shriveled down.

Just this time, the size of a basketball just now was reduced to the size of a football again.

Not only that, even the normal squirming under normal circumstances was gone, obviously because the meat ball was completely overwhelmed by this fear.

The fear value sent by Wei An in a hurry was too strong. He felt that he almost aroused the "fear image" just now. Fortunately, he received it in time, otherwise he would definitely pass through in front of the guardian.

Feng Yiren was completely dumbfounded. He who was still extremely anxious just now stared at the meat ball that had returned to its original size with a look of surprise, and then looked up at Wei An.

He wanted to speak, but Wei An immediately shook his head, signaling him to remain calm.

Feng Yiren quickly adjusted his mind, turned his head and saw that the bloody guardian outside the wooden cage was completely close to the wooden door, standing there, under the dark hood, a pair of icy eyes projected over.

Wei An withdrew his hand at this time, and immediately turned his body to the side, just like other slaves, deliberately staying away from the meat ball.

Jin Mingfei also followed Wei An's side, keeping away from the meatball.

The guardian's eyes shifted to the meat ball, and saw that the meat ball was still in its original appearance, and it didn't even squirm much. It seemed that it was still a long time before it really hatched.

He slowly withdrew his gaze, scanned the other squatting slaves in the wooden cage, and then touched his stomach. At this moment, the guardian seemed extremely satisfied that he could accidentally eat that piece of wet coal.

Then the guardian turned around and walked along the patrol path. Not long after, another guardian arrived here on a normal patrol. Looking at the guardian in front who had just left just now, he paused for a while, as if he was sensing something.

Yuan Cong knew that these guys had a strong sensitivity to their food. If they hadn't wrapped it in oilcloth in advance to isolate the unique smell of this food, this thing in his arms would have been exposed long ago.

After the guardian left, he quickly moved to Wei An and Feng Yiren's side.

"How about it?"

Yuan Cong was surprised to see that the meat ball was still the same size and did not swell to the point where it was about to hatch.

Before Feng Yiren could speak, Wei An said, "Old Feng was wrong just now, it's okay."

Not long after, the meatball started to squirm again as usual.

After Yuan Cong left, Wei An pulled Jin Mingfei over, roughly explained what he had heard so far and his next plan, and also introduced Feng Yiren.

Jin Mingfei said that he happened to be in line just like Wei An after he appeared in this strange talk, but he should be behind Wei An's team, and he didn't see where Chen Yao was.

This guy hasn't appeared until now, and it may not be certain that he may have encountered any difficulties.

Wei An said: "The meat ball started to squirm again. It was only suppressed by me just now, but it is speculated that it will hatch soon. We'd better get ready as soon as possible. Once the meat ball hatches later, we can get the meat ball out as soon as possible." Kill the hatched monsters, and don't let the guardians find out!"

"What's in here?" Jin Mingfei asked in surprise.

"Probably a humanoid monster. It will attack Lao Feng immediately after it appears. I will stand next to Lao Feng in advance, and you will stand behind the meat ball. Use your blood spear to attack it as soon as it appears, don't hesitate , do not wait for my order, as there may be a time difference."

Wei An warned in a low voice: "Then it will give up attacking for the first time, avoid your blood spear instead, and prepare to scream. At this time, I have also attacked it at the same time as you, and took the opportunity to interrupt its screaming. But this guy moves very fast, after it can't scream, it will deliberately attack you, in fact, it wants to kill Lao Feng again."

Speaking of this, Wei An said word by word: "Remember, at this time, you don't care about its attack, use the injury-for-injury style of play, directly nail it to the ground with a blood spear, nail it hard! "

Jin Mingfei was full of surprise: "Boss, why do you seem to have experienced it?"

 In any case, it must be updated on the first day of the new year, and it cannot be broken!I wish you all good health and success in 2023, the old dog loves you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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