this is not a joke

Chapter 467 The meat ball hatched!

Chapter 467 The meat ball hatched!
Of course Wei An has experienced it, but it is not a personal experience, but a plot speculation.

There is no other way now, and since Chen Yaolai can't find help, he can only spend energy points to start plot speculation again, to see how the freak will attack Feng Yiren after being hatched, and how he and Jin Mingfei should guard against it.

This time the plot speculation is fairly complete, basically describing the process of the monster hatching, and it is very dangerous, which is similar to Wei An's imagination.

Among the three guessed plots, Feng Yiren was killed in the second one, and the monster actually used the method of devouring.

This is also what Wei An didn't tell Jin Mingfei, because the situation was too weird, if Jin Mingfei distracted his attention and kept paying attention to how this freak devoured Feng Yiren, it would only add to the chaos.

So he just told Jin Mingfei how to attack and defend.

Afterwards, everyone in the cage stopped talking and fell asleep quickly. Only Wei'an, Jin Mingfei, Feng Yiren, who had never closed his eyes, and the other side who squatted and seemed to be sleeping, were actually always observing the movement here. Yuan Cong.

The fleshy ball that was still slightly silent just now began to squirm quickly again.

The night was long, and two hours after the meat ball was temporarily suppressed by the fear totem, it began to expand again, just like it was about to burst before.

The three people around Rouqiu were highly concentrated, and Wei An and Jin Mingfei had already quietly taken out their weapons.

On the other side, Yuan Cong noticed something strange, turned his head to look outside the cage, and saw a guardian just patrolling over, he not only sweated for Wei An and others.

If Wei An and the others want to act again, don't let the guardians outside find out, otherwise everything will be ruined.

However, Wei An is not worried about the patrolling guardians at all, because according to the plot, when the meat ball in front of him was hatched, there were no guardians nearby. As long as the current rhythm and delay were not disturbed, he didn't have to think about it. .

Soon the meat ball swelled completely, and the contents inside were faintly visible. It felt like the skin of the meat ball had turned into a thin piece of paper, which would break if poked.

"Remember the steps I told you just now?" Wei An asked again.

Jin Mingfei nodded quickly, worried that he would make a mistake in his action steps, and he had gone through it countless times in his heart for such a short time.

Wei'an pressed Feng Yiren's shoulder and said, "You just need to maintain your current position and don't move. Let us kill that thing later!"

"Yeah." Feng Yiren's heart was pounding.

The top of the meat ball suddenly opened a hole, as if wrapping the baby's uterus, the crack in the skin was quickly stretched and widened, and a little blood flowed out.

Then a human figure curled up into a ball appeared, stood up from the broken skin, stretched out its limbs, thin and long, but its body was emaciated, like a thin monkey.

However, it does not have the facial features of a monkey, but the appearance of an old human woman. The skin on the face is stacked together, and the layers are full of wrinkles. The long wet hair is scattered on the back, and part of the hair is still stuck to the shoulders.

This old woman, who is naked and looks like a thin monkey, has completely different limbs from humans. She has no palms and soles. The two feet that touch the ground are like two webs, and the ends of the hands are pointed bone spurs.

After standing up, before everyone saw her appearance clearly, the old woman had already inserted the sharp bone spur in her palm towards Feng Yiren who was right in front of her.

At the same time, she could still see the position of her chest and stomach. There was a gap in the middle, and the skin on the left and right sides was turned up. The whole person was like a human skin sack. She opened her stomach to Feng Yiren and wanted to wrap it directly in her body!

According to Wei An's previous arrangement, at the moment the old woman made a move, Jin Mingfei behind her stabbed the blood spear at her head at the same time, and Wei An on the other side also aimed the killing ax at the old woman's chest at the same time cut off.

The blood spear behind him approached first, and the old woman sensed that something was wrong, and immediately gave up attacking Feng Yiren. She lowered her head and avoided the blood spear's assassination. At the same time, she opened her mouth, ready to scream to attract the attention of the guardian.

At this time, Wei An's ax had already slashed at her chest, the old woman immediately stopped breathing, her body became limp and folded to the side like a piece of paper, she couldn't make a scream, but she also avoided Wei An. Ann's broad ax attack.

This series of changes is almost the same as Wei An's arrangement just now.

And after the old woman folded her body to the side, like a snake, one of her hands immediately wrapped around Jin Mingfei's ankle behind her, and quickly went up along the ankle, that thin and long hand soon reached the abdomen .

Jin Mingfei remembered the way Wei An told him to exchange injuries for injuries, so he didn't think about how to get rid of it at all, but directly took the blood spear and stabbed the old woman's open chest from top to bottom.

The blood spear pierced the old woman's chest, and made a bang when it touched the ground, and the sparks were also blocked by the old woman's body.

At the same moment, Jin Mingfei's lower abdomen was pierced by the old woman's sharp bony palm, and a section of intestines hung out.

With a knife in his hand, Wei An cut off the crooked old woman's palm outside Jin Mingfei's abdomen with an axe, and pulled out the bone spur.

At the same time, the killing ax turned over in mid-air, and chopped off the head of the old woman who was nailed to the ground.

Halfway through, the broad ax directly changed from a vertical cut to a flat strike. When it fell, the flat surface of the broad ax hit the old woman's head firmly, completely flattening it and turning it into pieces of meat.

This is also Wei An's conclusion through plot speculation. Cutting off the old woman's head with an ax will not kill her at all, but will make her scream to attract the guardian.

On the contrary, this kind of attack that directly smashes the head will kill it, at least at this time, it will no longer be able to scream.

At this time, the blood spear in Jin Mingfei's hand had already begun to devour blood fiercely, and the tip of the spear surged. The old woman's energy, which was not much after she was just born, became the nourishment of the blood spear at this moment.

Jin Mingfei gritted his teeth, his forehead was covered with cold sweat from the pain, he insisted on holding the blood spear with both hands without saying a word, and just supported it like this.

"All right!"

After a while, Wei An confirmed that the old woman was dead, nodded to Jin Mingfei with lingering fear, and then supported him.

The actions of the two of them intercepting and killing the old woman seemed to have gone through countless rehearsals. At this moment, the slaves in other cages were not disturbed, and even some sleepy slaves in this cage were not disturbed.

Only a few slaves were terrified by this scene after waking up, and subconsciously stayed away from Wei An and the others. At this time, these people already knew that Wei An and the others were unusual and completely different from them.

Yuan Cong saw the whole scene clearly from the side. Seeing that Wei An and Jin Mingfei had spent some money to kill the hatched strange talk at this moment, he also felt palpitations and fear.

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva, approached, and said softly: "The liquid in the meat ball can..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened, watching Wei An's movements.

At this moment, Wei An had already got some of the blood mixture flowing out of the meat ball, stuffed Jin Mingfei's intestines back into his stomach, and then spread it on his wound, and even squeezed some of the mixture into Jin Mingfei's stomach.

"How do you know that these liquids can heal the wound quickly?" Yuan Cong asked in surprise.

He remembered that Wei An was a participant who had just arrived.

Wei An smiled and thought, "Didn't you tell me that?"

(End of this chapter)

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