this is not a joke

Chapter 471 Change Plan

Chapter 471 Change Plan
When Wei An read the three inferred plots, he felt very surprised. There were two points that he couldn't figure out.

The first one is that when Yuan Cong salvaged something in the bucket, he didn't know whether it was a meat ball or something weird, and then a guardian would take the initiative to approach the well and look down.

It should be this look that caused the thing in Yuan Cong's bucket to leave again.

And this incident also happened to me. When it was my turn to salvage, I could also feel something entering the bucket, and even the strength when I stirred the handle was different.

But the guardian took the initiative to check again, and the contents of his bucket returned to the well immediately.

Why did the guardian do this, is it just out of curiosity?

He turned his attention to Yuan Cong who was fishing for buckets at the moment. Although this guy really wanted to leave with himself and the others, it might not be certain that he was hiding some secrets.

Otherwise, how could it be explained that all the first batch of participants who came in with him died, and why he was the only one who survived tenaciously? There might be some reason for this.

The second point Wei An questioned was Chen Yao.

As Jin Mingfei said, Chen Yao's character identity is completely different from theirs at present, although Chen Yao himself didn't say it clearly, even in the plot speculation just now.

This gave Wei An even more reason to suspect that his mission might be completely different from those of his own participants, maybe even the opposite.

If, as a guardian, Chen Yao's strange story mission was the opposite, it would not only not help their plan, but it might also hinder them secretly.

This time is the time to test Chen Yao's state of mind. If from a personal point of view, if he acts purely for his own benefit, he will definitely carry out his mission, and it may even prevent Wei An and others from going out again.

Wei An didn't dare to gamble, he really wanted to think of these investigators as great and noble, but everyone has selfishness, if Chen Yao is really like this, he has to guard against it.

Therefore, he will not allow the plot that occurred in the third plot speculation, that is, Wei An will not go to the corner of the wall to meet Chen Yao.

Of course, if he didn't go, Jin Mingfei, Feng Yiren and Yuan Cong could go.

In fact, Wei An didn't tell Yuan Cong in advance that they would meet Chen Yao at the corner of the wall after the salvage, but Yuan Cong was very shrewd and guessed that they might make some moves, so he waited ahead in advance and didn't immediately back to the cage.

Anyway, there are no guardians on the way back to the cage after the salvage is over. It has been clearly stated in the plot speculation that Yuan Cong will wait for them in front, and Wei An no longer struggles with this.

According to this speculation, he soon had a new plan.

The next development was as expected. Yuan Cong found that he seemed to have salvaged something in the bucket, his face changed slightly, and then the guardian in the dark suddenly appeared and glanced at the well.

Yuan Cong continued to salvage them.

At this moment, Wei An paid close attention to the changes in Yuan Cong's expression, and saw that this guy was obviously no longer as panicked as he was when he found something in the barrel after seeing the guardian appear.

After salvaging, Yuan Cong patted his ass and left soon.

When it was Jin Mingfei's turn to salvage and leave, Wei An stepped forward, and at this moment he realized that the guardian hadn't hidden in the darkness just now, but was standing not far from the well.

Wei An quickly picked up the bucket in the well. Just as he had speculated, he found that something had crawled into the bucket and was dangling. It was obvious that there was an extra object.

At this time, Feng Yiren, who was next in his turn, also heard it, and the guardian moved again, approaching the well and looking down.

Wei An immediately felt the handle shake slightly, and the contents of the bucket jumped out of the bucket and returned to the well water.

"The guardian seems to be deliberately driving away the things that get into my bucket? Whether it's weird or meatballs." Wei An secretly speculated.

It seems that the guardian approached the well just now to drive away the contents of Yuan Cong's bucket.

While guessing, he salvaged the bucket. There was only a puddle of clear water in the bucket. Wei An threw the bucket down again and left quickly.

However, he stopped after leaving the small square. Not long after, Jin Mingfei in front saw that Wei'an hadn't followed, and quickly turned back.

Wei An beckoned to him, and when Jin Mingfei approached, he said in a low voice, "You will be in charge of meeting Chen Yao in a while, and I'm going to explore other places."

"Is it dangerous for you to go alone? Do you want me to accompany you?" Jin Mingfei worried.

Wei An shook his head.

Jin Mingfei seemed to remember something, and said softly: "I found that Yuan Cong might be not far in front of me. He didn't go very far after he left just now."

"It's okay, let him and Feng Yiren wait around the corner later, you go in and meet Chen Yao." Wei An said.

Not long after the words were finished, a figure approached from Jin Mingfei's direction, and it should be Yuan Cong.

"Remember." Wei An didn't want him to find out.

After leaving a sentence, he immediately turned on the "bystander mode".

Jin Mingfei was slightly taken aback, feeling as if he was talking to someone just now, but he suddenly couldn't remember who it was at this moment. He only remembered to find Chen Yao, the guardian.

The memory of Wei An in his mind was temporarily suppressed at this time, which was the function of the plot editor.

Yuan Cong who approached only remembered Jin Mingfei and Feng Yiren, and so did Feng Yiren.

The three of them joined together quickly, and without thinking too much, they came to the corner of the wall.

Jin Mingfei said to Yuan Cong and Feng Yiren: "Wait here for me."

After the words fell, he turned around and walked in around the corner.

It stands to reason that there used to be a guardian here all the year round, but he is not there at this moment.

Not long after Jin Mingfei arrived, a tall figure stepped out from the darkness, it was Chen Yao.

After Chen Yao saw that it was Jin Mingfei who had arrived, although he felt a little strange in his heart, he also felt that it was taken for granted. The face hidden in the darkness under the hood showed a slight surprise, and then he approached Jin Mingfei.

Jin Mingfei said: "Captain Chen, why did you become the Guardian of Blood?"

Chen Yao waved his hand: "I don't know the reason, it looks like this after entering this strange talk. Remember, if you want to leave the strange talk, you must first get a meat ball. As for what is inside the meat ball, you don't care. If you are lucky the most Okay, but if you hatch bad luck, you just need to be prepared and kill it with thunder at the moment the bad luck appears, and the guardians will also pay attention to it, and they will invite you to the villager's living area."

"Is it possible to find a way to leave from the villager's living area?" Jin Mingfei asked.

Chen Yaodao: "I'm not sure yet, but there is an ancestral hall there that I can't get into. It may be the key to the whole strange story. We must go in and find out. We can investigate together after you enter the living area."

"Okay." Jin Mingfei nodded, "Is there any way to get a meatball as soon as possible?"

Chen Yaodao: "Buy the guardian by the well."

While speaking, he handed Jin Mingfei something wrapped in a small cloth.

Jin Mingfei didn't open the cloth to check it, but put it away immediately.

Immediately, the two separated and left, Jin Mingfei returned to the corner of the wall, while Chen Yao walked towards the villager's living area.

Wei An stood aside and saw clearly the process of the two meeting.

He guessed that the cloth package Chen Yao handed to Jin Mingfei should contain the "wet coal" that the guardian likes to eat.

After the two went their separate ways, he immediately followed Chen Yao to the living area.

(End of this chapter)

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