this is not a joke

Chapter 472 Ancestral Hall

Chapter 472 Ancestral Hall
On the other side, after Jin Mingfei went out to join Feng Yiren and Yuan Cong, he had already left for the area where the wooden cage was.

And they can only go there, along this towering wall, in addition to returning to the small square where the well is located, they will go to the wooden cage area, or enter the village living area through the corner of the wall.

But the living quarters were off limits to the slaves.

Wei An followed the tall guardian figure of Chen Yao all the way to the villager's living area.

The layout here is similar to that of ordinary villages. It is located on a flat land under a mountain range. The only difference is that there is a building with a larger area near the foot of the mountain range. Usually, it is difficult for a village to build such a building. see.

Wei An had an intuition that that building might be the ancestral hall in the village that Chen Yao mentioned.

Chen Yao walked directly to the direction of a row of huts on the left, and quickly entered one of them.

This house is actually designed according to the size of the guardian, so it is called a small house, but the doors are three meters high, and the height of the roof is more than double that of ordinary houses.

Wei An walked around the village for a while, and saw that there was nothing worth noting about the houses here, except for the ancestral hall.

Then he returned to Chen Yao's house, gently opened the door and walked in.

In "Bystander Mode", as long as Wei An's behavior does not interrupt what other characters are doing, and does not deliberately touch these characters, such behaviors as opening and closing doors, dropping something, will not harm the bystanders The pattern has no effect, nor does it arouse suspicion from others.

After entering the room, Wei An found that there was only one room here. He did not expect the guardian's living conditions to be so simple.

There was nothing in the room except a simple big bed. At this time, Chen Yao was already resting on the bed, but he still kept the clothes he was wearing just now, without taking off any clothes.

When Wei An walked to the bed, he first saw a weapon beside Chen Yao, which was similar to a spear but with a blunt tip. It should be used for striking rather than piercing.

These are the weapons that the guardians usually hide in their loose robes.

Then he glanced at the darkness under the hood again, and took a closer look, but still couldn't see the face under the hood.

"Does this guy have any face now?" Wei An wondered.

After becoming the Bloody Guardian, Chen Yao didn't know how long it took him to get used to it.

But what is certain now is that this guy's mission is different from theirs, otherwise it would not match his current identity.

So Chen Yao asked himself and others to find a way to enter the village's living area, probably because he wanted to complete his own mission.

What is his mission?
Tricked all of them into that ancestral hall?Or put them all in one pot?

Taking a step back, if Chen Yao can't complete the mission if they don't die in this strange story, there is no need for Chen Yao to trick them into it, just kill them in the cage and the job will be over.

So there is still a reason for coming in, and maybe the answer lies in the ancestral hall.

Now Wei'an is still not sure if Chen Yao has this heart. If he himself became the guardian when he entered the strange story, even if the mission is completely opposite, he will never think about killing other people, okay? It is convenient to run out by yourself.

If possible, he would think about how to use his identity as a guardian to destroy the rule center of this ghost story, and everyone escape together.

So Chen Yao may have this plan at the moment.

Not long after, Wei'an took a step back, and his eyes shifted to the bed where Chen Yao was lying.

Because he found that although Chen Yao was lying down, his body was undulating a lot, as if there was something under the bed.

It was soon discovered that the seemingly simple bed seemed to be soaked with black liquid, and a pipe-like thing was connected to Chen Yao's back, and was sucked out of his body when he was lying down and resting. what.

The thing that was taken away seemed to be the blood, which flowed continuously, as if a lot of blood was brewing in the body of Chen Yao, the guardian.

But these bloody smells are very faint, and can only be smelled after getting close.

Perhaps the villagers here are all like this, they worship something in this way after they fall asleep.

Wei An turned his head to look in the direction of the ancestral hall.

Soon he went out and left, and came to the building with the widest area.

There wasn't any typeface to be seen in the village, nor were they on any of the buildings, so he could only guess.

This building has no doors and is completely open, but it is so dark that nothing can be seen inside.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the current spectator mode, Wei An walked in directly.

After entering, his eyes quickly adapted to the darkness inside. He looked left and right, and found that the area here was indeed very wide, and he could vaguely see a large number of tablets that seemed to be full of offerings on the opposite side. He couldn't see what was on the tablets. There are no words, just some patterns drawn.

There are three layers of these tablets. After entering, Wei An found that there seemed to be two people standing on both sides of the enshrined tablets.

These two people are not as tall as the guardian, but normal height, with disheveled hair and simple clothes. They feel like slaves but they don't look like them.

Because both of them have long hair, and the front part of the long hair hangs in front of their bodies, Wei An can't tell the gender of the two at all. It's just that although the two are standing in place, their bodies are shaking slightly, as if It is as if some kind of ritual is going on, and it must be shaken continuously for a moment.

The entire hall of the ancestral hall was silent, and the scene in front of him gave Wei An goosebumps.

Fortunately, as long as you don't touch or interrupt them, no one can see yourself.

There is a door behind the two people who are constantly shaking, and Wei An is sure that he can pass sideways without touching the two people.

He immediately walked to the passage door on the right, turned sideways, and slowly passed the shaking man, his body was about a fist away from the man's shoulder.

But when Wei An passed halfway, he suddenly found that the shaking body of this person suddenly stopped.

With a slight shock, Wei An immediately stood still, staring straight at the long hair covering his cheeks, who was male or female.

The long hair was slightly pulled, because the man slowly raised his chin, and then turned his head to look in Wei'an's direction.

Wei An was shocked, but he knew that the other party would not be able to find him no matter what, but there might be some kind of strange feeling.

If the "bystander mode" doesn't even have this effect, then when the story editor is started in this strange talk, it will directly turn into a gray button like before, and it is impossible for me to activate this function.

Sure enough, after the head turned sideways to his direction for a while, the body began to shake slightly again, and the head turned back at the same time.

Wei An waited for a while, then went on to the passage door.

The space inside is even darker, and it is almost impossible to see anything.

Wei An was not in a hurry, and slowly came to a row of wooden shelves. He reached out and touched the wooden shelves and the things on them, and found that they were meat balls that had been broken long ago, and were neatly placed on these wooden shelves. on the shelf.

At the same moment, a rustling sound suddenly sounded, not far from Wei'an, and then an unusually cold thing suddenly touched him, but quickly moved away.

Wei An was startled, he felt that the cold object seemed to be a hand.

(End of this chapter)

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