this is not a joke

Chapter 473 Nutrition

Chapter 473 Nutrition
After the thing touched him, it seemed to have perception, and immediately receded away.

But Wei An was surprised here.

Because you must know that he is in the bystander mode at the moment, and it is impossible for other things to consciously contact him. Even the participants who know him, the memory of Wei An is suppressed at this moment.

So there is something in the darkness that can actively contact him, this is simply impossible!

"Impossible!" Wei An thought to himself.

Although someone did come into contact with him just now, and he could still feel the cold surface of the thing, like a hand, or something with skin, but Wei An knew that it was impossible for that thing to break the state of being a bystander. , because even his father Wei Zhengdong couldn't break it.

He believes that the plot editor is very powerful, even if the thing in this room is the most powerful monster, stronger than Yunzhen, stronger than Death, the situation just now is impossible.

"Illusion, maybe it's an illusion!" Wei An quickly deduced an answer.

It is impossible for the other party to break out of his bystander mode, so there is only one possibility, that is, he will have hallucinations when he enters this room, and this hallucination happens all the time, there is no specific target, as long as he enters, he will have hallucinations. May be covered by hallucinations.


At this moment, a burst of laughter rang in Wei An's ears, as if this thing in the darkness could not only see him, but also wantonly play with him in the palm of his hand.

When the laughter sounded, Wei An almost subconsciously avoided, but he quickly came back to his senses and stood still.

The voice echoed back and forth in my ears, as if an erratic person was walking beside Wei An.

Wei An insisted on ignoring it. After a while, he tried to open his eyes wide, and continued to grope forward.

During this process, the hallucination is still there, but it can only interfere with his vision, but cannot shake his mind.

Soon Wei An touched a huge platform.

He didn't dare to continue to grope, because he had touched some leftovers of clothes just now, indicating that there might be a person sitting on the table, and this person should be meditating.

Now his eyes have completely adapted to the darkness in the room, so that he can still see some vague things after getting very close.

The base of the platform was made of stone, very firm and wide. After a while of probing, Wei An simply climbed up and observed the person sitting on it up close.

Seeing this, his heart beat faster.

I saw an extremely tall figure sitting on the platform. This man was full of fat, but he was different from the super fat pig because he was too tall.

Just sitting on the table and Wei An standing beside him, this person is half a head taller than him.

Wei An guessed that this guy would have to be more than three meters tall when he stood up.

In addition to that body of fat, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that a person has a mountain of meat.

The most bizarre thing was that this person seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed, but his body was also heaving violently, which reminded Wei An of the scene he saw Chen Yao lying on the bed just now.


The hallucinatory voice still lingered in my ears.

Wei An ignored it, but jumped off the stone platform and took a closer look at the bottom of the stone platform.

Soon he found the same tube as under Chen Yao's bed. It was made of unknown material, and it felt like a large intestine.

But Wei An knew that no creature had such a long and many large intestines.

Not only the broken meat balls placed in this room provide nutrients for the tall and big fat man on the stone platform, but also the guardians who are sleeping at the moment are also providing this guy with a lot of blood.

"What the hell is this thing? Rules Center?!" Wei An secretly speculated.

If this tall and fat man is the center of the rules of this strange talk, he definitely cannot be dealt with by himself alone, at least Jin Mingfei must be added.

Of course, if Chen Yao can act as a guardian, the chances of winning will be higher.

If the purpose of Chen Yao letting his group into the villager's living area was to jointly deal with this tall and fat man, then everything would be normal, but if he tricked his group into entering to give this guy more nourishment, it would not be impossible.

Maybe this is Chen Yao's task, and he wants to leave after finishing, so he can only do so.

This is not Wei An's random guessing, or judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, because he has encountered too many situations in the strange stories, and any situation may happen.

He wished he was thinking too much.

Wei An quickly exited the room.

There was too much weirdness in this room. If a normal investigator entered, he would probably have fallen into hallucinations, or he might not be directly attacked by this seemingly normal tall and fat man.

He bypassed the enshrined tablets, and also cautiously passed the trembling person, and came to the room on the other side.

It was also dark here.

However, after Wei An entered, he found that something was wrong. Although he couldn't see anything for the time being, he always felt that there were people in this room, many people, staying in this room quietly one by one, but there was no sound, even Not even the sound of breathing.

After being stunned for a moment, Wei An tentatively took a few steps into the room. He stopped when he felt an obstacle in front of him, and didn't reach out to touch it, because he was worried that touching other people would break the bystander mode.

He just leaned closer and observed carefully as if he was in another room.

Soon he found that there was indeed a person standing in front of him, but this person had died a long time ago, as if he had been made into a specimen, motionless.

Wei An slowly turned to the other side of this person, and saw that this guy was not a human at all, but a weirdness, or to be precise, a human body that had been eroded by a weirdness.

Half of him looks like a human, and the other half is a skeleton. This skeleton is not his own, but an outsider's skeleton forced his own bones into his body, turning into what he is today.

After seeing this scene, Wei An immediately understood.

The people in this room should all be doomed, that is, people who were killed by the monster hatched by the meat ball after the meat ball was salvaged.

After these monsters kill the doomed ones, they will occupy their bodies, which is why they look like this.

However, after the occupation, it was killed by the guardian, and then brought to the ancestral hall here.

Although Wei An couldn't see all the places in the room clearly, he already knew that the place must be densely packed with doomed people who had been corrupted by the weird, and all of them were dead.

He squatted down, and sure enough, he saw a large intestine-like tube protruding from the man's body, joining with other similar tubes, and then all of them gathered in the hole in the wall leading to the next room.

So these weird and human combinations eventually became the nourishment for the tall fat man next door.

(End of this chapter)

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