this is not a joke

Chapter 486 Successfully Killed!

Chapter 486 Successfully Killed!

After seeing this, Feng Yiren immediately said loudly: "Every transformation of this fat man may be the result of communicating with the main monster about the rules. We can't let him change! Stop him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the three lips of the tall fat man split even further, completely separating his entire face. The head was almost indistinguishable from the symptoms shown by the infected person in Resident Evil.

Chen Yao controlled the ground and climbed crazily, but was blocked by the fat man's tough skin, and he still couldn't get close to his head.

However, Jin Mingfei's blood spear only devoured the blood through the fat man's palm, and it also couldn't prevent the opponent from mutating.

As for Wei An, the fat man grabbed the halberd and ax with one hand. Although the blood-red light enveloped the opponent, it seemed that the fat man could hold it for a while.

bang bang bang...

Several shots were heard, and Feng Yiren fired.

The old expert's marksmanship was extremely accurate, and each shot hit the tall fat man's head, but those bullets failed to penetrate the fat man's skin, but were all embedded in his muscles, forming small dimples on the surface of the skin. Hole.

At this time, the fat man's head was almost completely divided into three parts, forming a huge gap, and the whole part split open like a flower blooming.

Wow, two slender arms protruded from his cracked gap. These arms only have a layer of skin and bones, and the skin is blue. The length of the fingers and nails is more than twice that of an ordinary person.

At the same time, a sharp female voice roared angrily from the cracked opening of the tall fat man.

"Who's... breaking the rules?"

The people present knew with their toes that this woman was definitely not from this ghost story, but had sensed something was wrong from the main ghost story, and came directly through the connection point of the tall fat man.

"Jin Mingfei, totem!"

Wei An knew that he had miscalculated just now, and he didn't kill the tall fat man first, and was contacted by the other party with the master monster, but now that guy has changed, the rules of the master monster have manifested, and he can no longer stop it.

Therefore, the only way to prevent this from happening is to rely on Jin Mingfei.

Wei An knew very well that Jin Mingfei's totem was related to time. The last time they escaped from the Purple Sea in the city of Guwa, they relied on Jin Mingfei's totem.

Although Jin Mingfei didn't say it clearly at the time, Wei An knew exactly what his totem was.

After hearing Wei'an's words, Jin Mingfei immediately reacted, and instantly activated the time totem.

In the blink of an eye, everything that happened just now was reversed...

A large amount of clear water gushed out of the broken stone platform, and Wei An was washed out together with the clear water again. When he looked up, he saw a tall, fat man with an angry face roaring in the room.

He suddenly realized that he had returned to the back room of the ancestral hall through the water hole just now.

When Wei An was about to call for Jin Mingfei and Chen Yao loudly, he suddenly saw figures shaking at the door of the back room. Jin Mingfei was the first to appear, and rushed towards the tall fat man in the room.

Immediately behind him was Chen Yao who had lost his robe, and then Feng Yiren.

"Boss, don't let this fat man open his mouth!" Jin Mingfei seemed to be familiar with the road, seeing in advance what might happen later.

When he attacked Fatty, he immediately called out to remind Wei An.

Wei An was slightly taken aback. Although he was not the initiator of the Time Totem, he knew that Jin Mingfei had the Time Totem. At this moment, seeing Jin Mingfei's proficient movements, as if he had already experienced it, he immediately reacted.

As for the part of memory just now, only the owner of the time totem, Jin Mingfei, can keep it, and no one else can remember it.

Wei An immediately controlled the halberd ax emitting blood-red light to split into two, the killing ax slashed at the tall fat man's neck, and the bloody hammer hit his forehead.

The fat man stretched out his hands, his left hand grabbed the bloody hammer, and his right hand grabbed the killing axe.

Almost at the same moment, Jin Mingfei's blood spear pierced his mouth.

Chen Yao, who was behind him, heard the conversation between the two clearly. Although he didn't know that time had gone backwards, and he had experienced this scene just now, he still immediately pierced the fat man with a ground stab, and followed the direction of the other's body to the head. Pierce through.

Then Feng Yiren also opened the safety of the pistol one step ahead, and counted shots at the fat man's head.

Everyone fits together just right.

The tall fat man's hands were blocked by Wei'an's hammer and axe. After the ground stabbing attack penetrated his feet and stomach, he was blocked again at the back, but it also made the fat man lose his flexibility.

Feng Yiren's bullet was embedded in the fat man's face, leaving him no time to take care of it, and roared angrily.

The moment he opened his mouth, Jin Mingfei's blood spear pierced in impartially, and immediately the spear began to surge and spin.

This time, the tall fat man's mouth had no time to split into three.

Wei An quickly approached him, and with the help of the fear emanating from his body, he slapped the cursed poker heart K on Fatty's body.

[Randomly increased the target's fear of not being able to connect to the main ghost story by 4 times. 】

Seeing the tall fat man tremble violently, his body's defenses began to drop instantly.

Chen Yao's ground thorn got into his back and pierced from the body to his head. Jin Mingfei's blood spear finally started to spin at high speed, and a large amount of blood mist sprayed out from the fat man's mouth.

But soon everyone noticed that the fat man's throat kept throbbing and became obviously thicker.

Jin Mingfei knew that the rules of the main strange talk were still following the connection point of the fat man.

"You can't let the master ghost story connect with him!" Jin Mingfei immediately pointed at the fat man's throbbing throat.

"Spread out, squat down!"

Chen Yao who was standing at the door suddenly made a sound.

The others were slightly taken aback, Wei An and Jin Mingfei immediately jumped aside and lay down in the clear water that kept gushing out of the room.

I saw Chen Yao pushing forward with both hands suddenly, and there seemed to be an extremely powerful dark energy in his hands. After this energy appeared, it swept everything with a gesture, wherever it went All the objects in a cross-section and within the coverage area were divided into two, and the wall of the ancestral hall, which was constantly collapsing, was also completely cut.

The gushing water flowed out along the cut wall, and it was still daytime outside the house, and the light quickly shone in.

Seeing that tall fat man's body was directly cut in half by this dark black energy, his surging throat also stopped instantly.

The huge tall and fat figure broke into two pieces and fell down with a bang. Together with the scattered clear water, the corpse was washed away.

At this time, the shaking and collapse did not stop. Not only the ancestral hall, but also the entire living area of ​​the villagers were shaking, and no one was intact.

Now the rules of the ghost talk have been completely destroyed, and the rules of the main ghost talk can no longer be invaded by the tall fat man, that is, the node in the spider web has been destroyed!

After launching this extremely tyrannical dark energy, Chen Yao's whole body was sluggish, and the black figure belonging to the guardian flickered non-stop, as if he could no longer hold on.

"I'll take a step first, otherwise this body may collapse early! Let's see you outside."

After Chen Yao dropped these words, the black figure turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared in place.

It can be seen that he has consumed a lot of energy. This guy is indeed a member of the strongest investigation team, and he does have powerful attack methods.

Wei An had never seen that powerful blow just now, and he also believed that he would not be able to unleash this kind of attack unless... all the nodes of the star chain were opened up.

(End of this chapter)

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