this is not a joke

Chapter 487 Model Analysis

Chapter 487 Model Analysis
The blow just now should be Chen Yao's strongest blow, so the backlash damage to his current body may also be greater.

After this blow, he caused the strange talk to completely collapse, and at this time all participants were able to leave.

Chen Yao chose to leave at the first step.

At this time, the whole village was shaking, and those guardians no longer cared about the captured slaves, and now even the wells had collapsed, making it impossible to salvage them, so there was no point in paying attention to those slaves anymore.

On the other side of the wooden cage area, many wooden cages have been opened, and the slaves escaped in a swarm, rushing away beyond the high wall.

There are also participants like Yuan Cong among these people, but they are basically newcomers.

The moment they followed the slaves to escape from the high wall, all the participants disappeared and left this strange story.

The high wall was collapsing, Wei An, Jin Mingfei, and Feng Yiren supported each other, and came to the side of the collapsing high wall together with others.

Looking up, although the sky is not yet dark at the moment, and you can see far away clearly, it looks like a fog over there, and I don't know what it is.

"If we want to save other people in the camp, we may have to destroy the main ghost story, but it will be very difficult to do that." Feng Yiren muttered to himself, as if he was also telling Wei'an.

"Now that we know the structure of the entire primary and secondary ghost talk, we should go out first and then make plans," Wei An said.

Then he glanced at Jin Mingfei, and there seemed to be a question in his eyes.

Jin Mingfei knew what Wei An wanted to ask, he nodded slightly, and admitted the fact that he activated the Time Totem just now.

The figures of the three disappeared quickly.

And because this "lucky person" ghost story has been separated from the main ghost story, it will soon completely collapse and no longer exist.

[Congratulations, participant!You have completed the C-rank ghost story - the lucky one. 】

[Personal result evaluation: completed normally. 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points. 】

[Hidden mission not completed. 】

[Exclusive skill "Detail Capture (Intermediate)" has been upgraded to "Detail Capture (Advanced)"]

[Your mental power has been permanently enhanced. 】

Wei An knew that the so-called permanent enhancement of one's mental power generally means an increase of 0.1 coefficient for him, which is completely different from others, and he would not expect too much.

However, the hidden mission has not been completed. It should be related to the main ghost story. Now that the ghost story rules have been destroyed, there is no point in completing the hidden mission.

After the scene in front of them reappeared, the three of them stood beside the windy and sandy road, not far from them. Chen Yao, who came out first, stood on the other side, his face slightly pale.

Wei An said to Feng Yiren: "I have always had a question. Since the rules of ghost stories have collapsed, we can still get the task rewards for completing ghost stories. So the task rewards have nothing to do with the rules of ghost stories. Are these two independent concepts? ?”

Feng Yiren finally escaped from the sky at this time, looking up at the wind and sand all over the sky, and nodded when he heard the words: "After our research, we found that the task reward is a complete set of mechanisms, no matter what the situation is. , will follow this mechanism.”

At this moment, after seeing the three of them, Chen Yao immediately waved his hand.

After this battle, Chen Yao's attitude towards Wei'an and Jin Mingfei has completely changed. In the strange talk just now, Wei'an obviously had the qualification to leave, but in the end he chose to stay and make a comeback. He found the rule center of the strange talk and Unknowingly destroyed.

And Jin Mingfei, like a prophet, knew how to deal with that tall and fat man, preventing the rules of the main ghost story from passing through it.

Of course, if Chen Yao hadn't used his most powerful attack in the end, he wouldn't have been able to easily kill the tall fat man.

At present, the team's personnel cooperation is very good, which makes Chen Yao full of confidence in the team's execution ability in the future.

Not long after, a military SUV drove up. It was not Wei Zhengdong who was driving the vehicle, but another camp staff who was in charge of picking them up.

Everyone got into the car and quickly returned to the base camp.

At this time, investigators from other groups have returned, but some are still on mission.

After Feng Yiren returned to the camp and made a simple rectification, he immediately expressed his research conclusion on the rules of this strange talk, that is, the conclusion of the "spider web structure" at the emergency meeting held by the team leader Tang Li.

Combining the strange stories of the "lucky man" they encountered this time, as well as the strange stories reported by other teams, these primary and secondary strange stories do present a spider web-like structure.

In the center of the net is the main ghost story, the closer the secondary monster stories are, the more difficult it is to solve, because they are more or less suppressed and affected by the rules of the main monster story.

The "lucky man" ghost story is a typical one of these ghost stories, and it is one of the most representative ones. It has high research value for Feng Yiren.

After the meeting, Feng Yiren has called other experts to start simulating the structure of the entire spider web. On each node in the web, they marked them one by one according to known or encountered strange stories, and then Analyze the size of the rules of these strange talks.

In the process of analysis, these experts used a large number of mathematical models.

This touched Wei'an's knowledge blind spot. He participated in it for two days and then gave up decisively. It seems that for the study of the rules, he can only share the results and cannot enjoy the process.

"This time the mission can be completed, you played a big role." Chen Yao said to Wei An and Jin Mingfei: "I admit that I underestimated you before starting the mission."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Especially you, Wei An, I thought it was your father who was your referrer, and the team leader couldn't get rid of this face, so he agreed."

"Actually, it was like this at first." Wei An chuckled, "Since I got here, I feel like I've been living in the shadow of my father."

Jin Mingfei also couldn't help laughing: "Uncle Wei's charm is too strong."

Chen Yao nodded: "If Wei Zhengdong was not present in our series of actions this time, it can be said that it would be impossible to carry out a single step. It is impossible to go to any strange talk."

Wei An thoughtfully said: "I feel that my father's ability can actually be better, but the premise is that he has to enter the dark space between the ghost story and the real world."

Speaking of this, he shook his head: "But it's dangerous to go in now, because Dad is being targeted by a very powerful monster."

"What's there to be afraid of?" Chen Yao has now opened his heart to Wei'an, patted his chest, and said with a smile: "When I join the captains of other teams, no matter how weird it is, I don't believe in killing Wei An. Don't die!"

Wei An thinks about it carefully. At present, this investigation team has brought together the most powerful investigators from all walks of life. For example, Chen Yao's final blow in the "lucky man" strange talk, even a point for the extremely powerful tall fat man. for two.

If there are several captains with the same strength as him, it is not impossible to kill that weird long-haired Xuan Zhen.

At that time, not to mention Yizhen, it will be the strongest monster that Wei An knows so far—the Grim Reaper, or the monster that likes cosplay including the Grim Reaper, these captains together can also compete.

If my story editor can enable a few more functions, and combine with these strongest investigators, not only facing the god of death in cosplay, even facing the boss of the father or the leader of the gate of hell, it should also be able to fight. up.

(End of this chapter)

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