this is not a joke

Chapter 488 Doubts about Lin Rui

Chapter 488 Doubts about Lin Rui
In fact, Wei An also became wary and suspicious of Chen Yao after he entered the strange story and learned that Chen Yao was the guardian.

After all, the two sides have cooperated since the first meeting, and it is impossible to say that there is no precaution. If Chen Yao changes from Wei'an's point of view, he will also doubt whether the other party will betray others in order to be able to leave the strange talk.

However, this time the task was successfully completed, everyone's confidence has been enhanced, and their trust in each other has also been greatly improved.

While the three were talking, Wei Zhengdong also ran over, first asked if his son was in danger, and then told them that in the past few days he had sent three batches of investigation teams into the strange talk.

And also greeted a group.

"Welcome?" Wei'an was a little surprised, "He knew that Dad could send investigators into strange stories through his sense of location, but he didn't expect to be able to pick up those who went in the other way."

Wei Zhengdong shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know what the reason is. I was still discussing with the expert team just now. Because this large-scale ghost story is very different, there may be a super-large ghost story rule behind it. I can Those people picked it up again, perhaps because they have mastered this super-large rule."

Speaking of this, Wei Zhengdong thought about it carefully, and then shook his head: "I still don't understand how to sense it, but as long as I sense one of the strange stories here, the other strange stories seem to be connected."

Wei An nodded: "That's right, because this super monster is a spider web structure, and there are countless connections between them. If you can sense one, you will definitely be able to sense the other one that is related to it, so you can directly connect to it. .”

"Uncle Wei, do you have any conditions for picking someone up from the strange talk?" Jin Mingfei asked.

Wei Zhengdong said: "Yes, the first one must be that my reaction to that strange talk will suddenly become stronger, and it should be the reason why its rules fluctuate suddenly and violently. The second is that someone wants to come out of it, I can Inductively get his thoughts. The third is that he has completed at least part of the tasks, or completed more than one of the multiple ghost talk tasks."

"That is to say, even if that person hasn't even completed all the ghost talk tasks, you can get him out?" Jin Mingfei was speechless.

Wei An was also stunned for a moment, unexpectedly, his father's ability seemed to have increased again, and he could directly catch people under the jaws of strange talks!

Wei Zhengdong rubbed the back of his head: "Oh, it's not a hundred-and-a-half chance, there is only a half chance of success, and it has to meet these three conditions. And the person I fished out is outside the rules , so he won't get any rewards for ghost story missions."

"It's pretty good to be able to save your life!" Chen Yao gave Wei Zhengdong a thumbs up, "Brother Wei, I don't know how many people you can save with this ability. This is what we need right now. After all, not everyone They are all suitable for entering strange talks, such as Professor Feng Yiren, they are more suitable for research behind the scenes, rather than acting in front of the stage."

After being praised by him, Wei Zhengdong blushed a little, slapped his chest, stood up and said: "Then I will go out with my team now, and if this happens again, I will immediately fish him out. "

Today's Wei Zhengdong is doing well in the strongest investigation team. Team leader Tang Li has equipped him with a three-person team and an off-road vehicle, which is responsible for sending and receiving personnel.

After leaving for a while, Wei Zhengdong returned worriedly, and said to Wei An: "An'an, you must pay attention to your safety during the next mission. I heard that you all broke up the strange talk this time. Remember not to put yourself Give it to Beng. If you can’t handle any strange talk, if you want to come out, just keep thinking about Dad, and Dad will show up to pick you up.”

"It's okay, Brother Wei, I will watch over Wei An." Chen Yao said: "Your son is bold and careful, and his strength is very strong. If he hadn't played a great role this time, we might all be killed by the rules of the master ghost talk." in."

Wei Zhengdong nodded, and then left in peace.

At present, the eighth investigation team they belong to is in the rest stage, waiting for Tang Li's next work arrangement.

And Tang Li was waiting for Feng Yiren, a group of experts, to give the best action plan after studying the rules of this large-scale strange talk.

So what the next move is, which ghost story to go to, the primary ghost story or the secondary ghost story, all of this is still unknown.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei An got in touch with Wen Qiong and Pei Na who were in the "Reaper's Option" strange talk and Lin Rui's mansion strange talk.

Wen Qiong is in charge of waiting by the side of the fishing queen, Su Ya. Now more and more weapons and defensive props have entered the management bureau from her hands, and have been distributed to members of the investigation team.

And Su Ya has received the best treatment that the administration can provide here.

There were even a few times when Su Ya and Wen Qiong hid from the working group of the management authority, directly entered the strange story of the building where Lin Rui was located, and fished on the roof of the building.

Of course, Lin Rui is also guarding, so it is basically impossible to encounter danger.

After talking with Wen Qiong, Wei An whispered a few more words to Pei Na.

Others thought that the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they should be talking about something between young lovers.

Behind everyone's back, Pei Na came out of the "Reaper's Choice" ghost talk and came to the office in the blocked area of ​​Biluo City's weird talk, and then talked softly with Wei An on the phone.

"How did you find out what I told you before I left? Is there any progress?" Wei An asked after making sure that no one was eavesdropping on Pei Na's side.

Pei Naxiu frowned slightly, and replied: "I'm puzzled. You said that Lin Rui might be hiding something from us, but after observing it for the past few days, he is very normal. He is either going outside to find other strange stories every day, or he is not in the building. Get out, anyway, when I was there, his life has been very regular."

After a pause, Pei Na continued: "Didn't you ask him to help you find the ghost story of the city where the black and white girl is? When not, they will come to ask me specifically.”

"Did he leave Guai Tan and go to our world?" Wei An asked.

Because now the cursed corpse has opened up a passage to the human world under the strange story of the building. It is very simple for Lin Rui to go to the human world.

Pei Na shook her head and said: "No, I have been observing carefully and found that he had no passage to enter the human world after he went out with you. Or... I will ask the curse corpse? But the curse corpse has been It has been very smooth to communicate with you since then, and I have never communicated with him."

"I'll tell you how to communicate. You can try to ask the cursed corpse." Wei'an nodded, "But when you ask, you must not let Lin Rui find out, because his sensitivity is super strong, unprecedented."

"Why are you doubting him? He has saved us several times." Pei Na asked.

"I didn't suspect him." Wei An said: "I just feel that he is hiding something from us. I don't know what he found, and he didn't tell me. If he wants to do it alone, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous. I can't Let him take risks alone, especially if it involves our human world."

"Well, then I'll find a chance to ask the cursed corpse when he goes out to find the world of black and white girls." Pei Na said.

(End of this chapter)

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