this is not a joke

Chapter 489 Abnormal Whereabouts

Chapter 489 Abnormal Whereabouts
After finishing the call with Wei An, Pei Na returned to the "Reaper's Option" strange talk, and then entered Lin Rui's mansion strange talk through this strange talk.

Usually at this time, Lin Rui basically went out to investigate other strange stories, or he was completing Wei An's commission to him, looking for urban strange stories about black and white women.

Pei Na stood at the stairs on the first floor and observed for a while, but she didn't see anyone, nor heard any abnormal noise from upstairs.

She quickly returned to the wide corridor where the cursed corpse was, and turned her head to look behind and other places to make sure that no one was in the passages opened by the cursed corpse.

Then Pei Na stood in front of the red coffin of the cursed corpse, and glanced at the tall male corpse who seemed to be sleeping soundly.

She first took a closer look at the environment inside the coffin.

At this moment, the Cursed Corpse seemed to be lying quietly, but in fact, Pei Na knew very well that when she approached, the other party already knew about it, and she must be paying attention to her at this moment.

The coffin looked a little damp, with a few not-so-bright mushrooms growing, and there was a piece of mold under the body on the right side of the cursed corpse, which had existed before and had always existed.

Apart from these, nothing else seems to be unusual.

After pondering over the method of entrusting Wei'an to herself, Pei Na said softly to the cursed corpse, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I want to ask you something on behalf of Wei'an."

After saying that, she waited for a while, but there was no movement in the coffin, and she didn't see any changes on the body of the cursed corpse.

According to Wei'an, this is a kind of meaning that the other party acquiesced after his own side raised the question.

Pei Na continued: "Did you see...Lin Rui alone...going through your passage to the human world?"

When she said the word "Lin Rui", Pei Na deliberately moved closer and lowered her head, but kept her voice very low to prevent it from being heard.

After she finished speaking, she immediately looked around the inner wall of the coffin, and then scanned the cursed corpse for any abnormalities.

After watching for a while, I found that everything was as usual, and no mushrooms appeared.

According to what Wei An told her before, if the answer to the question I asked is positive, the other party will respond by growing mushrooms. If the answer is negative or not, the cursed corpse will usually not respond. Mushrooms will not grow.

After waiting for a while, Pei Na was afraid that her voice was too low just now, so the cursed corpse might not have heard it.

She lay on top of the coffin again, buried her head a little, and whispered, "Lin Rui, did he go alone during this time..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from the door of the corridor behind him: "Auntie Pei Na, what are you doing? Isn't Uncle Wei here? Are you alone?"

Pei Na's heart skipped a beat, she knew Lin Rui was coming just by hearing the sound, she straightened up immediately, and turned her head to look at Lin Rui who was standing at the door of the corridor with a surprised expression on her face.

It seemed that Lin Rui had just returned from the void space outside the building, and he might come down to take a look as usual, and he happened to see Pei Na lying in front of the red coffin.

"Oh, your Uncle Wei'an hasn't come over for a few days, so I'll come and see if there's anything wrong with Cursed Corpse. Talk to him by the way." Pei Na hurriedly said.

She concealed it well, without any panic expression on her face, and she smiled naturally, nodding to Lin Rui as she spoke.

Lin Rui looked at her suspiciously, but he didn't hide his surprise, and said, "Aunt Pei, you can tell me anything, I will definitely help if I can, don't take risks alone."

Pei Na smiled and said, "Don't think too much, if I want to go to that dark space or other strange worlds, I must first tell Wei An and ask for his permission before doing so."

There was a pun in her words, to the effect that she wanted to take this opportunity to give Lin Rui some advice. If he wanted to do something in other worlds, he'd better tell Wei An, don't hide it, and let Wei An decide for him.

Lin Rui didn't know if he understood, or he didn't realize anything at all.

In short, from Pei Na's point of view, he didn't pretend to be anything, and he didn't try to cover it up. The young man's eyes were pure, which was Pei Na's impression of him all along.

The same is true now.

"Okay, Aunt Pei, continue talking with the curse corpse, and I'll come over to take a look. Go upstairs first, and if you need my help, please come and tell me." Lin Rui nodded, facing Pei Na smiled, turned around and went upstairs.

The sound of footsteps gradually disappeared, Pei Na breathed a sigh of relief, and the nerves that had been tense just now slowly relaxed.

Fortunately, I spoke very softly just now, and I said it lying on the coffin. According to this level of voice, it is impossible for Lin Rui to hear it standing at the entrance of the corridor, not to mention that the other party asked him as soon as he came, so he should not doubt that he is passing the curse. The corpse understands his situation.

Looking down at the Cursed Corpse, Pei Na's pupils suddenly shrank, and saw a brightly colored mushroom the size of half a fist growing out of the inner wall of the coffin on the Cursed Corpse's right shoulder, gradually growing visible to the naked eye.

Pei Na was short of breath, and she still remembered that the question she asked the cursed corpse before was "Did Lin Rui go to the human world alone during this time?"

And now the curse corpse's performance is a positive answer, that is, Lin Rui has been there.

As for why he didn't answer right away just now, it should be that the curse corpse also noticed that Lin Rui was approaching, not far behind Pei Na, so he didn't say anything for the time being.

At this moment, he didn't start answering the question just now until after Lin Rui left.

In fact, Pei Na lived in the building for the past few days and had been secretly observing Lin Rui's whereabouts. However, Lin Rui was very careful in his actions and kept her from it. Presumably, the kid left while she was resting.

But no matter how Lin Rui concealed it, he had to go through the Cursed Corpse to go to the human world, so he couldn't hide it from the Cursed Corpse.

After some questioning, he looked at the mushrooms of different sizes and sizes growing in the red coffin of the Cursed Corpse and on the inner wall, and even a group of mold grew out.

Pei Na was a little horrified. She didn't expect Lin Rui to hide it from her. She left almost every day these few nights. During the day, she searched for urban ghost stories about black and white girls in the ghost story space, and at night, when everyone was asleep, she went to the human world through here. .

And based on the time in the human world, he probably has to go there for about three or four hours every time.

After asking with Curse Corpse, Curse Corpse even asked if he should close the passage to the human world first.

Pei Na didn't make a decision right away, but was going to tell Wei An first, and let him decide for himself.

When she left the building and returned to Biluo City to contact Wei An, Pei Na learned that Wei An had entered the large ghost story there again, and this time she went there alone.

(End of this chapter)

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