this is not a joke

Chapter 490 Task Arrangement

Chapter 490 Task Arrangement
Wei An didn't know the situation on Pei Na's side. Not long after the phone call with Pei Na ended, the expert group's research on this large-scale primary and secondary ghost talk had results, and they had plans for the next step.

Originally, the people in the eighth team thought that they would save other expert teams or the three main officials this time, but after discussing with the team leader Tang Li, the expert team changed their previous plan.

Together with other investigation teams who have returned from the ghost story, the task of Wei An's eighth group this time is to completely destroy the spider web structure of the ghost story pattern.

Because after research, Feng Yiren and the others deduced that the reason why the current large-scale ghost talk has such a structure is because this structure will make the main ghost talk more stable.

Even if several powerful investigators are deeply involved in the main ghost story at this moment, with their skills, it should be enough to break the main ghost story.

But now they have had little effect, which shows that what they are facing is not a simple main ghost story, this main ghost story connects other secondary ghost stories, making these investigators actually face all the ghost stories in the entire spider web structure.

No matter what, the other ghost stories are more or less providing energy to the main ghost story, but the degree of supply varies.

Therefore, in order for the top investigators currently in the main ghost story to be able to break through smoothly, it is the best choice to cut off other important secondary ghost stories.

After the expert group's research on the entire spider web, they have already divided several important ghost talk nodes.

Some of these secondary ghost story nodes are very close to the center of the main ghost story, and some are far from the main ghost story, but they also have a great impact on the main ghost story.

"This is the result we extrapolated from the model data."

In the conference room, Feng Yiren pointed to the picture on the projection screen. This picture shows the various causal and symbiotic relationships between the main ghost story and the secondary ghost story, and each line is marked. It really looks like a crooked spider web structure .

On the key lines, the pictures are all marked with red lines.

There are three lines in total.

"These three lines are the secondary ghost story tracks that have the greatest influence on the main ghost story after we have confirmed several times." Feng Yiren drew along those red lines a few times with the infrared pen in his hand, "And as long as they are distributed on these three lines The second strange story is the first strange story that we must destroy in this mission. If these secondary strange stories are broken, the main strange story will lose important energy supply, and the rules will become less stable than now, and will be easily broken. "

"That is to say, as long as we break the secondary ghost stories along the three lines now, we can create more opportunities for investigators on the main ghost story side, so that they can quickly break the main ghost story." Tang Li stood aside Added: "So now we have to change the plan. The previous plan of each investigation team working alone has been completely revised, and adjusted to allow all of your investigation teams to work together to break these strange stories along the red line."

Feng Yiren nodded, and handed a piece of information to Tang Li.

Tang Li opened the information, looked at it, and said: "At present, there are four investigation teams that have not entered the ghost story, namely the third group, the fourth group, the sixth group, and the eighth group. The other investigation teams are still in the ghost story, especially one group, they Qiu Yun, the leader of the group, has been trapped in the main monster talk for a long time, but at present, his life should be safe, but there is no way to crack it for the time being."

After a pause, Tang Li looked up at the spider web structure on the projection screen, and said to Feng Yiren: "Professor Feng, what are these strange stories on the red line, please explain carefully."

Feng Yiren said: "The three lines have a part close to the core area, and a part away from the center, but we found that the closer to the core, the more dangerous the strange talk is. On the contrary, there are several strange talks on these three lines that are all dangerous. The higher and more difficult ones are the 1-4, 1-6, 2-3, 2-7, and 3-9 that we marked out, especially the 3-9 strange talk, which was provided to us by Weizhengdong experts Judging from the information, it should be a single-person ghost story. But this ghost story is connected end to end with the main ghost story. Once it is resolved, the connection of these three lines will not be strong, but will immediately become loose."

According to Feng Yiren, Wei Zhengdong has now become an expert.

Wei An turned his head and glanced at his father. He was also sitting in the meeting room at the moment, upright, his usual hippie smile restrained, and there were two staff members who were dedicated to serving him sitting behind him.

As for Feng Yiren's 1-4 strange talk, 1 refers to the first red line, and 4 refers to the fourth node.

In the end, the special 3-9 strange story in his mouth is the ninth and last strange story of the third line.

Not long after Feng Yiren finished speaking, Wei Zhengdong knew it was time to speak by himself, he cleared his throat, and said: "I have felt the strange talk of 3-9 in detail, it is indeed a strange talk by one person, and it can only be completed by one person alone. but……"

At this time, his eyes looked at 2-7 on the second line and 1-6 on the first line.

"In my perception, the two strange stories 2-7 and 1-6 are somewhat similar to the strange stories 3-9, but I can't tell exactly where the similarities are. But I'm sure that there is definitely a difference between them. What kind of connection, at least those two ghost stories are also single ghost stories."

"What if we get rid of all these strange stories?" Tang Li turned her head to look at Wei Zhengdong, and asked in a soft voice.


Feng Yiren said: "And once these three lines collapse, the core main ghost talk will also crumble."


Feng Yiren and Wei Zhengdong nodded at the same time.

"Can I enter these three strange stories at any time?" Tang Li turned her attention to Wei Zhengdong again.

Wei Zhengdong was greatly encouraged, and nodded heavily: "Although it's a bit difficult, I don't think it's a big problem. The strange stories on these three lines are very active now, and I can always catch them in my induction."

Tang Li said: "This mission may be more dangerous, because these three ghost stories are highly related to the main monster story, and the levels of these ghost story missions may not be as simple as they appear on the surface."

After saying that, she looked at the leaders of the remaining groups and asked their opinions with her eyes to see if she assigned the task by herself or whether they recommended it individually.


The leader of the fourth group, a gray-haired man in his 2s, nodded: "Our group can introduce a person, Long Yakun, he is the strongest in our group, and our previous task is just on the second red line. We can take 7-[-] missions."

The leader of the sixth group was a woman in her 30s. She shrugged: "There is one person in our group who has not returned, and he is also the most powerful..."

The implication is that there is currently no suitable candidate for their group.

The short middle-aged man in the third group said: "It's okay, I will be in our group. I will be in charge of 1-6."

Chen Yao from Group Eight knocked on the table and said, "I'll come to Group Eight..."

"Why don't I come." Wei An interrupted suddenly, "I'm very interested in the 3-9 ghost story, and according to past experience, the single-person ghost story basically doesn't use much force, so I'll do it."

Chen Yao looked at him sideways, and was about to refuse when Tang Li spoke suddenly.

"Chen Yao, don't act now. During the period when these three strange stories are broken, I plan to let you serve as the temporary commander, responsible for dispatching the remaining investigators to simultaneously cut off all the nodes on these three lines. In terms of personnel, you arrange, we will to take care of all your rationing problems."

(End of this chapter)

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