this is not a joke

Chapter 494 Conflicting Information

Chapter 494 Conflicting Information

Looking at the note left by the suspected character's father, Wei An hesitated.

Unexpectedly, the mother and father of this plot character would stand on opposite sides. These two people obviously have something to hide from themselves, and they are both leaving notes for themselves.

And it seems that the mother is obviously in a favorable position, she can leave a note for herself openly, while the father is cautious for fear of being discovered by her.

After reading the note left by Bin Bin's father, Wei An immediately became suspicious of the words left by his mother's note.

Just now, Wei An still chose to believe in the rules laid down in the note, but now it seems that this so-called rule is true or false, maybe his father’s note is right, but it is also possible that his father’s note is just deceptive, making him Don't trust the mother, it is also possible to deliberately interrupt the trust between their mother and child.

"One told me to ignore the knocking on the door at night and instead hide it, and the other told me to open the door?" Wei An murmured to himself.

The couple said exactly the opposite.

But from Wei An's point of view, he would rather believe his mother's words, that is, protect himself and not open the door.

But why did my father say that if he didn't open the door, it would be dangerous to be alone at home?

Wei An couldn't help turning his head to look behind him, and at the study.

The surroundings were quiet, and there was no sign of danger.

Suddenly the alarm clock rang, and Wei An was startled by the jingling sound, and he immediately reached out to turn off the alarm clock.

This kind of alarm clock is an old-fashioned small brass-colored alarm clock. The alarm bell is very loud. When it rings suddenly, it often makes people tremble.

The time limit for staying in the study was approaching, Wei An immediately turned off the computer, and walked to the door of the study with his belongings.

He closed the door slowly, and then locked the door of the study with the key.

However, Wei An did not leave immediately, but watched the time approaching five o'clock minute by minute.

Then he lay down at the door of the study and listened quietly.

Just after five o'clock, a very slight sound suddenly came from the study.


Something seemed to have fallen to the floor on the other side of the bookshelf.

Wei An was startled, and listened carefully for a while, only to find that there was no other sound, only the sound just now.

He aroused strong curiosity, and really wanted to open the door to see what had fallen from the bookshelf?Why do things fall?
But after a moment of hesitation, he held back.

At this moment, the sky outside the window is almost dusk, and the sky here seems to be dark very early.

After Wei An heated up and ate the rest of the day's meals, he took this opportunity to look around the house again, and specifically searched for places that were not easy to be found.

Soon he found another note from his father through the gap of the sofa cushion, because the font on this note was exactly the same as the one seen in the study.

[I don’t know if you can see me, but if you do, you must remember that if you can’t open the living room door, you have to go behind the living room door early at midnight, and someone will tell you what to do outside. 】

"It's getting weirder and weirder." Wei An put the note away.

He searched elsewhere, but in vain.

The sky quickly dimmed completely, and it was pitch black outside the window. About ten minutes later, a street light in the community finally turned on, but it still looked very dim, and could only illuminate a very narrow area under the light.

In this situation, Wei An didn't even dare to turn on the lights. He felt that as long as he turned on the lights, his place seemed to be the most conspicuous place in the community, and more dangers might be called in.

However, neither the mother nor the father's note clearly warned him not to turn on the lights at night, so he should still be able to turn on the lights.

Because it was too dark outside the community, if the lights were not turned on at home, Wei An would not be able to see anything.

And he noticed that there was also no moonlight on this strange night.

He guessed that the second ghost story of this large ghost story may not have moonlight, which is the special feature of these ghost stories.

He just turned on the desk lamp in his bedroom. Wei An didn't turn on the headlights in the room for the time being, and he didn't choose to stay in the living room after nightfall.

The living room is connected to the study and the master bedroom, which always brings him an indescribable sense of uneasiness.

Now there is nothing to analyze, so Wei An continued to do his homework, and the time passed quickly.

dong dong dong...

A slight knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Because the surrounding area was too quiet, although the knock on the door was very soft, it reached Wei An's ears very clearly.

He walked to the door of his bedroom, looked at the door of the living room, and did not go there for the time being.

dong dong dong...

The knock on the door sounded again.

Wei An remembered his mother's note telling him that if he heard the knock on the door at night, not only should he not open the door, but he should immediately hide in his bedroom and never come out.

But the father's note said that all of this was false, and he opened the door when he heard someone knocking, otherwise it would be very dangerous to be alone at home.

The father's implication is that the person knocking on the door outside is here to help him.

After weighing it for a while, Wei An still followed his own thoughts during the day, instead of opening the door, he closed his bedroom door instead.

He didn't know the situation outside now, if he opened the door rashly, in his opinion, it would definitely be more dangerous than hiding at home now.

The knock on the door was always there, and Wei An directly turned off the desk lamps in the bedroom, and just stayed in the dark without making a sound.

After knocking for about half an hour, the sound finally disappeared.

Wei An breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his heart tightened suddenly in the next second, and he quickly lay down behind the bedroom door and listened carefully to the movement in the living room outside.

There was a faint sound of footsteps walking around the living room, but before that Wei An didn't hear the sound of the living room door being opened at all.

That is to say, it was impossible for the door to be opened, but at this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the room.

The footsteps were very slow, as if they had been in the house for a long time, and they were not deliberately hidden, just like walking in the house in normal life.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps disappeared outside Wei An's bedroom.

In Wei An's mind, he pictured a pair of feet wearing men's leather shoes standing outside his bedroom.

He slowed down his breathing, reached out and slowly grabbed the locked door handle, tried to activate the "bystander mode", and then went straight out to see who it was.

But at the moment of starting, a reminder appeared in my mind.

[It is detected that you are currently in a single-player ghost talk. The ghost talk needs to rely on at least one participant to run, so the spectator mode cannot be activated, otherwise a rule paradox will occur. 】

(End of this chapter)

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