this is not a joke

Chapter 495 3 choices

Chapter 495 Three Choices
"Can't activate spectator mode?"

After seeing the text prompt in his mind, Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought about it. He is the only participant in the current strange talk. If he starts to enter the spectator mode, it means that the strange talk will lack participants in an instant.

Since there are no participants, how can the monster run?So it's a paradox.

According to the development of the ghost story, as the only participant, I cannot disappear directly, so the spectator mode cannot be activated.

Originally, Wei An wanted to turn on the bystanders directly, and go out to see who was walking in the living room. Whether someone outside the house entered the house through some means, or someone in the master bedroom or study room appeared in the living room at this moment.

But that obviously can't be done now.

Wei An thought for a while, took out a cinnabar pen and quickly drew a barrier spell on the bedside table in the room, and then drew an invisibility spell inside the barrier spell.

While drawing the spell, he could hear the footsteps outside his bedroom starting to move again, instead of standing outside all the time.

After finishing drawing the spell, Wei An leaned behind the door and listened for a while again, only to find that the sound of footsteps had disappeared.

He waited for a while, then slowly opened the door.

Originally according to the plan, since the spectator mode could not be activated, after he was going to open the door, he would run into the isolation spell, hide his body, and see who was walking in the room.

But now it seems that person has disappeared.

So after opening the door, Wei An didn't immediately run into the Isolation Curse, but used Liu Gui's eyeballs to carefully observe the environment in the living room, and found that no one was there.

He walked slowly into the living room, then looked in the direction of the study, and found that the door was closed. When he turned his head to look at the master bedroom, he saw the door of the master bedroom slam shut suddenly.

The master bedroom seemed to have been open just now, and it was not closed until the moment Wei An cast his gaze!

Surprised, Wei An didn't approach, but immediately went back to the bedroom and stood inside the spell he had drawn.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement outside, and the door of the master bedroom was not opened after it was closed.

Now Wei An is sure that there is someone inside, it should be the person walking around the living room wearing leather shoes just now, not coming in from the outside.

"Who's in there?" he wondered.

From the sound, it was probably a man wearing leather shoes, not a girl.

But I didn't see anything just now.

Wei An just waited like this until an hour later, and it was estimated that the other party would not show up tonight, so he walked out of the spell.

Close your bedroom door.

The charm kept it there for emergencies, Wei An locked the bedroom door, and then lay on the bed thinking about the situation just now.

Knowing too little now, it is basically meaningless to start plot speculation, so he is going to wait for the next emergency, take some risky actions, and then speculate on the plot to see what will happen.

After thinking about it for a while, he quickly fell asleep, slept until dawn, and woke up naturally like last time.

I got up and went to the bathroom, poured a glass of water, and cooked a bowl of noodles.

Wei An found that he seemed to be hungry very quickly in this strange story, which was the same as the usual pattern when living in the real world. This should be the setting of the rules of this strange story.

If the rules are alive, it can be said that they are silently controlling everything here, including the behavioral norms of each participant.

However, it cannot find its own story editor.

During this process, Wei An kept secretly observing the movements in the master bedroom, but there was a dead silence inside, just like yesterday and daytime, as if no one existed at all.

However, he didn't make any noise at home. After eating, he came to the door of the master bedroom again and leaned on the door to listen.

After no results, he returned to the door of the living room and took another look at the cat's eye on the door. The cat's eye was still dark and he couldn't see anything.

"Isn't it that the corridor outside the door is pitch black? It's not that the cat's eye is blocked." Wei An secretly speculated.

At this moment, he lowered his head and found that a note was stuffed into the crack of the living room door under his feet.

Only a small half of it was stuffed in, Wei An immediately knelt down and pulled out the note, unfolded it, and found that the text on the note was rough and wide, and it was written by his father.

[Why don't you open the door?Did you know that you can be very dangerous at home after nightfall?But now you don't go out, it's more dangerous to open the door now.Remember, you must open the door after you hear the knock on the door at night, otherwise you may not survive tonight!And you must definitely not enter the study room, no matter when.If you can, you should try to open the master bedroom now, not at night. 】

This text should have been written last night. Seeing that Wei An didn't open the door, he stuffed it in through the crack of the door.

Wei An felt more and more confused.

Listening to the tone of the character's father, it is completely opposite to what the character's mother said. The mother did not let him open the master bedroom, but the father told him to open it quickly, and told him not to enter the study room at any time.

But I already went in yesterday, and when I came out of the study, I heard the sound of something falling inside.

If two people speak the exact opposite, it is possible that one of them is right.

But there is also the possibility that both are lying.

"Why would they do this?"

Wei An frowned, returned to the sofa in the living room and sat down, looked in the direction of the master bedroom, and then turned to the study.

After a while, Wei An got up and returned to his bedroom, sat at the desk, picked up a pen and wrote down the information he had analyzed so far.

He felt that he had to take care of it, otherwise his head would be a mess.

[1. The knock on the living room door at night is because someone outside wants to enter the house.This person may be the father, or it may be someone else.But the father is more likely.

2. There is someone in the master bedroom, and the sound of footsteps seems to be a man.But it could also be a woman wearing a man's shoes, could it be the hidden mother?

3. There is something strange in the study room. My father won't let me in, but my mother will let me in at a certain time.Maybe you can go in again to try it out and use the plot to speculate.

4. For some reason, father and mother are opposites, and they may both be using me.

5. I have three options, the first one is to follow my mother's method, but this way, the person who comes out of the master bedroom at night obviously wants to enter my bedroom, which is a risk factor for me, and it is open The study is also dangerous.The second is to follow my father's method, but once the living room door is opened at night and the person entering the room is not him, or if he has other intentions, then my mission will definitely fail.The third is not to follow their notes at all, such as opening the door of the study between [-] and [-] in the afternoon, knocking on the door of the master bedroom but not opening it, opening all the doors at night, hide. 】

(End of this chapter)

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