Chapter 497

Before knocking on the lock of the master bedroom door with a bloody hammer, three plot speculations actually appeared in Wei An's mind.

It's just that this plot speculation completely surprised him. Even the blue child who suddenly appeared in the study room was not enough to surprise him in Wei An's eyes, but everything in the master bedroom was completely beyond his expectations. he expected.

[Story 1: You didn't find the key to open the door lock of the master bedroom, so you directly broke the door lock with a bloody hammer, and then pushed the door open.The master bedroom has a larger area, with a double bed, three wardrobes and a delicate dressing table.You see that there seems to be a person lying on the bed, wrapped tightly by the quilt, you can't see the face clearly, and you don't know whether it is a man or a woman.You walked over and called out cautiously, but the lying person didn't respond.You tried to slowly lift off a corner of the quilt covering the other person, and saw the face of the person lying down.This is a dead person, who has been dead for a long time, and the muscles of his face have been shriveled and sunken, his eye sockets are sunken, his hair is thin, and his mouth is wide open.He is a mummy.The probability of this scenario happening is 90%]

[Plot 2: You can't smell any strange smell in this master bedroom, because this mummy has existed for a long time, even if there is a strange smell, it will dissipate long ago.You suppressed the surprise in your heart, and instead walked to the three closed wardrobes, and opened them one by one to check.The wardrobe is full of clothes, two wardrobes for women's clothes, and one wardrobe for men's clothes.When you opened one of the closets full of women's clothes, you found a bloody skirt inside. The blood had already dried into bloodstains. In addition, there was a very conspicuous bloody handprint on the clothes.And when looking through the men's wardrobe, you also found a men's jacket with blood on it, and a bloody handprint was also left on the jacket.Feeling very strange, you took out both clothes and spread them out on the ground.Inadvertently, you find that your palm print is exactly the same size as the bloody fingerprint on your clothes.The probability of this scenario happening is 80%]

[Plot 3: You feel very puzzled, guessing that maybe the palm of the person with the bloody handprint is exactly the same size as yours.So you stretched out your hand and compared it carefully with the bloody handprint again, a sense of horror surged into your heart, you felt that the bloody handprint was not printed by others, but really yourself.But apart from these two strange clothes, there were no other corpses in the closet, except for the mummy lying on the bed covered by the quilt.The more you think about it, the more something is wrong, and your heartbeat starts to speed up. You lie under the bed and look, but you can't see anything in the dark inside.You went back to the bed again, looked seriously at the skinny face of the mummy, and suddenly a familiar feeling came to your heart.You hesitated for a moment, then slowly lifted the quilt that covered the mummy's body from the neck down, and your heart was shocked suddenly, because you found that the mummy was wearing your current clothes, exactly the same.The probability of this scenario happening is 70%]

What makes Wei'an's heart beat faster is the last scene of plot 3.

If it was just a coincidence that the bloody handprints on the two clothes I found in the closet were the same size as my own, then the clothes on this mummy were exactly the same as my own, so there were not so many coincidences.

What's more, according to the speculation in the plot, the mummy's cheeks were only skinny, with sunken eye sockets, and he looked familiar. Could it be that he was himself after death?
At this moment, Wei An is wearing home clothes, which are unique clothes for this character in the plot. Because he didn't think about leaving, he didn't even think about changing into other clothes.

"So the person lying on the bed is me! I'm dead, and I've been lying on the bed in the master bedroom? But why am I still standing here? Active in this room? I...Who the hell?"

Doubts abounded in Wei An's heart, and this feeling was even more confusing than seeing those contradictory notes at first.

However, the plot is speculated to be over here, and the doubts in his heart have not been solved, but he has become more and more unable to see through the current situation.

So he decided to go directly into the master bedroom to take a look, because it was impossible to find the answer based on the content speculated from the plot alone.

Moreover, it seems that the master bedroom will not change until the evening. Now it is daytime, and it is a safe time for oneself. Even if the master bedroom is opened, there is no danger in it for the time being, unlike the cyan child who jumped out of the cardboard box in the study to ask for help. Attack yourself.

When Wei An went down with a hammer, the door lock of the master bedroom immediately tilted, and after another hammer, the door lock was completely damaged.

At this time, as in the plot speculation, after opening the door, he walked in quickly and glanced around.

The furnishings in the bedroom are also the same as expected. The curtains are drawn, but because it is daytime, there is still light coming in, and you can see it even if you don't turn on the lights.

However, Wei An immediately turned on the lights, making the room well lit without leaving any blind spots in his line of sight.

He glanced at the figure under the slightly raised quilt on the bed, and instead of walking over immediately, he lay down on the ground and glanced under the bed.

Because the lights in the room were turned on, there was nothing under the bed except two suitcases lined up side by side.

Then Wei An walked to the bed and lifted the quilt covering the human figure. The shriveled corpse that was speculated in the plot appeared in front of him. Now that he was prepared, when he looked carefully, he found that the corpse was indeed somewhat similar to himself , It's just that the whole person is completely deformed due to loss of moisture.

Then I lifted the quilt a little more, revealing the home clothes this person was wearing, no matter the color or pattern, they were exactly the same as the home clothes I was wearing, and then I looked at this person's height.

Wei An was almost certain that this was his own corpse, a mummy that had been dead for an unknown amount of time.

The scene at this moment made him feel horrified. This was the first time he saw his own corpse, and the indescribable resistance and strange feeling in his heart had never been felt before.

"Is he the one who left the master bedroom last night and walked up and down the room?"

Wei An glanced at the corpse's feet, and found that the corpse was indeed wearing a pair of men's leather shoes, which seemed to belong to his father.

"What's going on? What happened in this family? Why am I still standing here even though I've become a mummy? Who is the blue-skinned child in the study? Where did my parents go? Two bloody clothes..."

Thinking of this, Wei An turned around and came to the closet. After opening the closet, he found the two clothes with bloody fingerprints and compared them carefully.

He soon confirmed that the bloody handprint was his own, even the protruding parts of the finger joints were the same, so it couldn't belong to someone else.

At this moment, there was a sudden thump under the bed. It was the sound of the suitcase under the bed being pushed away but then hitting the bed board and bouncing back.

(End of this chapter)

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