this is not a joke

Chapter 498 Jumping out of the problem and discovering the facts

Chapter 498 Jumping out of the problem and discovering the facts

After hearing movement under the bed, Wei An was slightly taken aback.

Immediately lay down on the floor, looked under the bed, and found that one of the two suitcases I saw just now had a slightly raised lid surface, as if something was pushing against it.

At the same moment, Wei An's ability to capture details made Wei An notice that there seemed to be something pressing on the front of the suitcase, which was very thin, but it was different from the surrounding environment.

He didn't approach the already pushed up suitcase immediately, but took the pressed thing over.

This is another note. It has been here for an unknown amount of time. It is already full of dust, but the handwriting is beautiful. It was written by my mother.

[You have already entered, if you see this note, it means you have already entered!You shouldn't have come in, if you entered the bedroom you must have broken the lock.Get out now and find a way to lock this broken bedroom door, the toolbox is in the kitchen.Also, don't touch those two suitcases! 】

Holding the note tightly in his hand, Wei An turned his gaze to the two suitcases under the bed. One of the suitcases was slightly bulging, and the other looked more normal.

And the bulging suitcase just touched the upper bed board, and shrank back a little bit, not knowing what was inside the suitcase.

Now the zippers on the surface of both suitcases are closed, and with the reminder of this note, Wei An is not going to open the suitcases to check.

Now it seems that what the mother said seems to be more reliable than the father.

He raised his body and was about to put the two bloody clothes that he took out just now back into the closet, but when he looked up, he found that the two clothes were no longer laid flat on the ground just now, and the upper part of the clothes was leaning on the ground. On the closet, it seems that two people have changed from a lying position to a sitting position.

Surprised, Wei An turned his head to look elsewhere, but found nothing.

Now it seems that even entering this master bedroom during the day still seems weird.

He put away the two bloody clothes and stuffed them back into their respective wardrobes.

Then he looked back at the body that should be his own, and saw that the mummy was still the same as before, much more normal than the two bloody clothes.

He fully activated his detail capture skills, and his eyes quickly moved around the master bedroom. If his mother left a note here, maybe his father would also leave a note in a corner with the same care.

Wei An's guess was quickly confirmed. After a quick search, he found an abnormality at the bottom right of the mirror on the dressing table.

On the lower right corner of the oval mirror of the dressing table, under careful observation, a small part of the corner of the paper was exposed. I stretched out my hand and pulled the corner of the paper, and found that it was firmly stuck by the mirror.

He grabbed the corner of the paper and finally tore the note out with some ingenuity.

But because the note was stuck too tightly, part of it was broken under the mirror, but the side that was broken inside had no words, so it didn't affect reading.

At this moment, the suitcase under the bed seemed to move again, making a slight noise.

Wei An hurriedly read the note he had just received.

【Binbin, if you can find this note, it means that not only have you entered the master bedroom, but you have also begun to suspect your mother.Your suspicion is correct, she is no longer your mother, she wants to harm you, but don't worry, she can't enter the room for the time being, as long as you don't open the living room door at will.Unless it is the knock on the door in the middle of the night, don't believe it.Now quickly open the suitcase under the bed and ignore the corpse on the bed. 】

Wei An quickly read the note, and after putting it away, he didn't stay any longer. Instead of touching the suitcase under the bed, he turned around and left the master bedroom.

Entering the kitchen, I found a small tool box, opened the tool box, and quickly took out iron wire, needle-nose pliers, etc. from it.

Then he returned to the door of the master bedroom, stood outside and closed the door, and then passed the iron wire through the broken door lock hole, bypassing the protruding metal part of the door frame, so that the two were tightly fastened by the continuously passing iron wire. hitch.

To be on the safe side, he used needle-nose pliers to wind the wire a few more times until it could no longer pass through the metal position, then clamped the two ends of the wire with needle-nose pliers and twisted it into a twisted shape to ensure that it could not be opened.

In the end, he pushed the sofa over and pushed it against the door of the master bedroom.

After doing this, Wei An took a light breath.

Now he tends to believe that the mother's note is more, and the note left by the father seems somewhat unreliable.

The suitcase under the bed was obviously weird. Something wanted to get out of it, but the father asked himself to open it.

The mother's note told him to leave immediately and not touch the suitcase.

If it were Wei An himself, he would not take the initiative to touch the suitcase. If some bad things come out and the mission fails, it will not be worth the loss.

Now it is no longer a question of whether he can kill the weirdness here, but a question of how to pass through the plot smoothly through the rules left by the note.

It is definitely not a wise solution to such a strange talk with strong rules and relying on one's own strength to go all the way.

Because it is not possible to pass the level by killing all the monsters. If you do not follow the plot rules, after killing all the monsters, it will lead to failure faster.

But now it is obvious that the news revealed by the mother's note has certain rules, while the father's note is luring Wei An to break these rules.

Even based on Wei An's own judgment, he would think that his mother's note was more directional, while his father's note seemed to be guiding him to encounter danger sooner.

Make sure to lock the master bedroom, because part of the lock hole is broken, so Wei An can directly observe the situation inside the house from here.

He leaned over the door and took a look, and saw that there was no movement inside, and there was no sound from the suitcase under the bed.

Now according to my mother's instructions, I still need to complete all the homework, otherwise the main task will fail.

Wei An didn't delay any longer. At three o'clock in the afternoon, he opened the door of the study room again. He stood at the door and took a look. The weird big cardboard box had disappeared, which meant that the blue child had also disappeared.

After entering the study room and turning on the computer, he continued to search for questions and copy homework online.

Now Wei An realizes that he has overlooked a very important issue. After entering this strange talk, because it is a role-playing class, he took it for granted that he assumed this role.

He thought that he might have to look at it from the perspective of an outsider. Now that he is incarnated as this middle school student named "Bin Bin", is there any problem?Is there anything suspicious in this!

Sometimes it may be necessary to jump out of the question itself, perhaps to discover the facts more clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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