this is not a joke

Chapter 503 Gathering

Chapter 503 Gathering
When he heard the thing crawl out, Wei An tensed up, and all his attention was on the door.

Not long after, the rustling sound of crawling approached quickly.

Wei An's heartbeat was almost at a standstill. With a slight force on the soles of his feet, he leaned forward, and he could explode completely in the next second.

Turning his eyes, he saw a blue shadow quickly crawl out from the door of the study, and rushed towards the opened suitcase not far away.

Because Binbin's corpse had already been exposed in the suitcase, and the appearance of this corpse was exactly the same as that of the blue figure that rushed out except for the skin color.

Because he was completely attracted by the corpse in the suitcase, the cyan child didn't even notice that Wei An was standing sideways outside the study door, but rushed to the suitcase, checked it carefully, and then got into the suitcase Inside, the soul and the corpse quickly merged together.

Wei An didn't pay attention to this scene, because he had already guessed this scene, so after the cyan figure rushed out, he immediately rushed into the study room, at the same time, he slammed the study door, locked it, and turned on the light, all in one go.

Lock the door, the name of this strange story is "lock the door", and now I perfectly implement the rules of this strange story no matter what I do, isolate myself from other things, and lock the door tightly at any time.

Fortunately, everything went as planned, using Binbin's body to attract his obsessed soul, and now this study is all reserved for him, Wei An can copy his homework in it.

Of course, this is only a part of the security plan, to lure Binbin's body out, the next step can be carried out.

Everything just waits until night falls.

Turn on the light in the study room. It's still early, but Wei An can't waste it. He immediately sat in front of the computer. After turning on the computer, he spread out all the unfinished homework that he brought in, and started searching the Internet.

In the living room outside the study, the sound of luggage moving could be heard from time to time.

This shows that Wei An's previous guess was completely correct. Binbin's body was hidden in the master bedroom, but his own ghost appeared in the study.

This should be Binbin's obsession after death. Perhaps his mother strictly controlled him not to enter the study and not touch the computer during his lifetime, which caused his ghost to separate from the body after his death, and kept appearing here.

Judging from this situation, Wei'an's current role identity may also be the same. He wakes up in Binbin's bedroom every day and lives Binbin's life non-stop.

At this time, Wei'an was doing two things at once, copying questions from the Internet while thinking about why his ghost did this.

Could it be that the high school student's obsession is to live like Binbin?

After thinking of this, he froze for a moment and continued copying the questions.

Time passed quickly. Since entering the study in the morning, Wei An has been searching for questions without stopping, even though his hands are sore, he has not stopped. As he becomes more and more familiar with it, the efficiency of copying homework becomes more and more efficient. high.

I worked until seven o'clock in the evening. As night fell, there were no windows in the study, but the exact time was displayed on the computer.

When he wanted to urinate, Wei An directly took a vase.

There is no way, this strange talk rule is to make myself believe that I am a living person, so I set myself three meals a day, and have normal bowel movements, and I feel more normal than normal people.

Fortunately, he had already had a bowel movement before being locked in the study, otherwise he would have to be kept in this airtight study vase.

In the living room outside the door, there was something crawling all the time, it should be Binbin whose ghost and corpse had been fused together.

And there is no movement from the master bedroom at the moment, it seems that Binbin in the living room found his mother, and the two met through the broken door lock, so the mother is no longer violent in the master bedroom, but quiet Feeling Binbin's existence.

Although Binbin has completed the integration, he is still a child. After seeing his mother across the door, he has been moving around in the living room, sometimes crawling, sometimes walking upright.

Anyway, voices kept coming into the study, making Wei An aware of his existence.

It seems that Binbin has no intention of entering the study for the time being. Unlike Wei An now, his obsession has been resolved after encountering his own corpse and merging.

But part of the main reason is that he saw his mother.

As long as there is movement in the living room, Wei An is still tirelessly copying his homework. He hasn't worked so hard for a long time. When he didn't encounter strange stories before, his family conditions were very average, so after graduating from school and entering the society, he quickly became a For social animals.

During that time, I was running around all day, so there was no time and leisure to sit down and study quietly, even copying homework like now is impossible.

Until eleven o'clock in the evening, all the homework was finally done by him. Wei An raised his sore and painful right hand and shook it gently.

After standing up, he walked to the door of the study room, leaned on the door and listened carefully. There was still the sound of Binbin walking in the living room, and even the little guy had already run into his small bedroom, rummaging around inside. Even the small bed made sounds from time to time, it should be him jumping up and down on the bed.

"Are you still knocking on the door?" Wei An thought to himself.

Now that the homework is done, the task in the strange story reminder is also considered complete. As long as ten days pass, he will be able to pass this strange story.

But now he needed to wait for the knock on the door to happen.

If you want to break the rules of this weird talk, you only need to knock on the door, and I believe that the whole thing will be revealed soon, and I will no longer be so passive.

Binbin's ghost is separated from the body, but Binbin's mother is locked in a room with the murderer, a high school student, and Binbin's father is apparently outside the room, unable to enter.

Now that I have disrupted the activity space of these people, and the rules of ghost talk will no longer continue as before, the result will definitely be different.

At the same time, Binbin's mother behind the door of the master bedroom was holding the tattered door lock entangled in wire with both hands, shaking it twice from time to time, and then leaned in front of the keyhole to see where her son was.

Because the living room is dark now, but the light in the master bedroom where she is located is on, so she cannot see her son, and can only hear the voices from the living room.

This made Binbin's mother feel very irritated, and a wave of anger spread in the master bedroom. The frequency of her shaking the door lock continued, and her strength became stronger and stronger.

Those wires were not as tightly wound as before, and had already begun to shake greatly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

dong dong dong.

Just after midnight, there was a knock on the door from the living room.

"Here we come!" Wei An's heart skipped a beat, and he could hear it clearly while lying behind the study door.

Soon Binbin, who was playing in the small bedroom, heard it too. Using both hands and feet, he ran out of the bedroom quickly, like a spider, and slammed on the living room door, tilted his head, and put his ear to the door. behind the door.

dong dong dong.

There were three more knocks on the door.

At the same moment, Binbin's mother, who had been twisting the door lock in the master bedroom to get out, suddenly opened her mouth and let out a shrill roar for the first time, as if to remind her son not to open the door.

blah blah blah!

The back lock of the living room door was opened by the curious Binbin in a second. At this moment, his expression was very similar to the appearance of opening the door for the strange brother who couldn't help it when he was alive.

(End of this chapter)

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