this is not a joke

Chapter 504 So this is the complete rule!

Chapter 504 So this is the complete rule!
After hearing the living room door being opened, Wei An was lying behind the study door. While listening carefully, he put his right hand on the anti-lock of the study door to ensure that it could be twisted open at any time.

And the moment the living room door was opened, the person who knocked on the door seemed to be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect it to be so smooth this time. He only knocked twice, and the living room door, which had never moved at all before, was opened!
After opening the door, Binbin, who was lying behind the door, quickly jumped down, almost two meters away from the opened door, a little wary, but mostly cast a curious look.

It was pitch black outside the door of the living room, the corridor could not be seen, and there was no staircase to be seen, only a thick blackness.

In the next second, a hand appeared, then a human face poked in, and finally the body and feet.

This is a man in his 30s, with a gray complexion and obvious lack of blood.

When he saw Binbin after entering the room, the man suddenly opened his mouth and smiled, squatted down facing Binbin and opened his hands.

He didn't realize that when he knocked on the door these days, the person behind the door didn't seem to be Binbin, but someone else.

The man might have had some doubts at first, but after seeing Binbin, all these doubts have disappeared.

At this time, the unopened door of the master bedroom shook violently, and Binbin's mother inside was instantly ignited with all her anger, clutching the damaged part of the door with both hands and shaking it wildly, screaming.

After Binbin confirmed that the person in front of him was his father, he walked over and was gently embraced by the squatting man. The man leaned his head on his shoulder and whispered softly into his ear.

"I'm back, Dad... I'm back!"


Binbin's mother in the master bedroom made an indistinct sound from her throat, and the bedroom door finally shook violently at this moment, and the few wires wrapped around it finally loosened at this moment and fell down.

In fact, when Wei An wrapped the wire for the second time, he didn't intend to keep Binbin's mother trapped for a long time.

It's just that he still didn't expect that Binbin's mother's mentality was very poor after she turned into a ghost. Originally, she could open the door by grabbing the wire and twisting it around a few times, but it took so long with brute force.

After the bedroom door was opened, Binbin's mother rushed out.

"Don't come here!"

After seeing the woman running out of the room, the man quickly stood up holding Binbin, took two steps back, and at the same time had an extra nail in his hand.

He held the iron nail as long as a palm in his hand, and pointed the tip at Binbin's chest. The sharp part was squeezed by a force, and even broke the skin at Binbin's heart.

"Don't come here! Smelly woman!" The man quickly yelled, "If you get closer, he will fly away, and you will never see him again!"

The woman stopped immediately, and stared at the man in front of her with vicious eyes. Her face was distorted, and she looked at the iron nail at Binbin's heart.

In fact, as a participant in the plot at this moment, Wei An should not be able to see it, because it is difficult for an ordinary participant to really crack it to this point. choose.

The result of making a wrong choice is to open the door at a certain link in advance, whether it is the study door, bedroom door or living room door, so ordinary participants have already died.

The plot at this moment is the result of Wei An's deliberate effort to completely destroy the rules of the ghost talk. In fact, according to the normal trend of the plot of the ghost talk, no participant can see this scene.

"Binbin's father...isn't dead?!" Wei An heard the movement outside the study door, and at the same time, the scene outside the door emerged in his mind.

He came to this conclusion, otherwise, with the strength of Binbin's father, if everyone is a ghost, he would have no reason to be afraid of the mother and son.

Now it seems that the man is obviously afraid of Binbin's mother approaching, and even threatens Binbin himself.

"Where is my son An An?" The man asked suddenly, "Where did you hide An An? Why didn't you let us father and son meet?"

Wei An was taken aback.

He knew that the An An in the man's mouth was referring to the high school student, that is, his identity at the moment, but he didn't expect that this character was also called An An, and he had the same name as his name.

On second thought, maybe this "An'an" can be changed to another name according to the different participants who enter the ghost talk. For example, if Pei Na comes in, the identity of the son may be changed to a daughter, and the name is "Nana".

And Jin Mingfei may be called "Feifei" when he came in.

"Give An'an to me!" The man continued: "He didn't mean to kill your mother and child, and I didn't mean to give birth to a child outside without telling you. He was conceived when I was with my first love in college! That woman early He died of illness, and An An was very pitiful growing up alone, I can't just leave it alone!"


After Binbin's mother turned into a ghost, she could no longer fully express her thoughts and emotions. She just opened her mouth and roared angrily after hearing what the man said.

If Binbin hadn't been threatened, she would have torn the man in front of her to pieces.

"Give me back my... my child!" The man's voice choked, "Although An'an has a weird temper and a withdrawn and stubborn personality, she broke into the house and killed Binbin and you who came back. But now you have killed He took revenge, as long as... return the body to me, and let me take An'an away!"

After hearing this, all the clues are connected together.

Wei An suddenly realized.

He quickly opened the study door, walked out, and said, "So what I see now is a hidden plot? Is this a hidden mission?"

One of the two ghosts in the room turned their heads to look at Wei An.

According to the normal development of the plot, the participants seem to have to spend ten days at home, but in fact only five days are spent for the entire ghost talk task.

During this time, the participants had to finish all their homework and not be tricked into opening the door and being killed by the weirdness in the study and master bedroom.

And the hidden mission line is like today's Wei'an, by changing everyone's fixed activity place, leading to see the story line behind the whole strange talk.

Next, after I walk out of the study room, I just need to follow what Binbin's father, who is also An An's father, walked into the master bedroom by himself while the man threatened the mother and son, and merged An An's soul with An An's mummy on the bed. , and then come out and leave with the man, it should be the end of the hidden mission.

In this strange story, the couple gave birth to Binbin, but the man had another child born earlier outside without telling the woman.

The child named An An was in high school. He was lonely and cruel since he was a child. He wanted to live a life like Binbin. So when the couple went on a business trip, they entered the house and killed Binbin. its killing.

Then the mother and son turned into ghosts, killed An An, separated his body from his soul, and prevented him from leaving, but beat his body every day to vent their anger.

The person who knocked on the door every night was An An's father. He wanted to take An An back, but he didn't want to have conflicts with his family, so he kept doing it quietly until the hidden plot broke out and completely lost control.

Taking advantage of his sudden appearance before everyone came to their senses, Wei An walked into the master bedroom and said, "So this is the complete rule hidden after your deep distortion. Well, it's very difficult to appear!"

While speaking, he had already taken out the bloody hammer and slammed it down on the head of his mummy on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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