Chapter 519

If he used conventional methods to duel with this man, Wei An would not be sure to kill him, because this guy had too many methods, and they were often unexpected.

Even if he wanted to keep the other party, he couldn't do it.

The man's ability to replace the characters in the plot alone is beyond the reach of ordinary participants. After discovering that the guy's face began to change, Wei An knew that he was going to replace a certain plot role here again.

Among them, he has the greatest chance of becoming the role of Wang Yuanwai, because Wang Yuanwai has not been threatened in any way for the time being, and his combat power is still at full strength.

If the man becomes a king, coupled with his own abilities, it may give him the upper hand again.

So Wei An had no choice but to use his trump card. At least for now, the protagonist here was still the man, not himself.

If it's my turn, I have to wait until the man burps.

After blowing out in one breath, the oil lamp went out instantly, and the entire lobby was dark.

Wei An heard a crackling sound coming from the direction where the man was lying on his stomach. He didn't know what happened, but he didn't hear the man speak again.

After Wei An blew out the oil lamp, the man's voice came to an abrupt end.

Only in the direction of the Annihilation Curse, the chanting woman who was attacked and suspended in the air was still struggling.

Under the powerful attack effect of the Annihilation Curse, her dress has been shattered into pieces, her long hair is broken inch by inch, her pale face without facial features is cracked, and her singing voice has long been interrupted.

From time to time, I could still hear some singing, but it was like a radio with a bad signal.

After another moment, the chanting sound disappeared completely, and with a crash, the suspended chanter was torn to pieces by the powerful attack power of the Annihilation Curse, and his soul was scattered.

At this moment, a bright light flickered in the lobby. Wei An looked down and found that it came from the oil lamp that had just been put down in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the wick of the oil lamp that had just been extinguished flickered twice again at this moment, and a trace of flame was automatically generated, which gradually grew bigger and bigger until it completely became a stable burning state.

The oil lamp came on again.

This shows that the incident of the previous participant has become a thing of the past, and the participant Wei An has replaced the man just now and has become a new participant.

After the oil lamp was re-ignited, Wei An also saw clearly the fate of the man lying on the ground at this moment.

The guy's face was pale, his body was stiff, and he remained motionless in pain, obviously dead.

As a participant, without taking the initiative to find the rules and destroy the center of the rules, this guy will inevitably be obliterated after breaking the rules here.

Even though his strength is very good and his ability is very strong, he still cannot escape the same fate as other normal participants when he is in a strange talk and violates the rules.

"You don't need to tell me who you are." Wei An looked at the corpse and said in his heart, "You came from the gate of hell, and the purpose of coming here should be for the sixteen coffin nails."

Wei An stared at the guy's body silently. After a while, the body began to disintegrate bit by bit, turning into fly ash, and slowly disappearing before his eyes.

The man's belongings that were attached to his body, including clothes and cloth with charms on them, all disappeared, except for the golden dagger that was suppressed by the halberd and axe, which had become an ownerless thing, and his body was not fully assembled because it was not fully assembled. Coffin nails that are too neat to fit in the inventory.

Fourteen coffin nails lay scattered around the man's vanished body, along with several pages of paper.

Wei An turned his head and glanced at Wang Yuanwai who was standing there. He slowly moved the cotton cloth under his feet, came to the fourteen coffin nails, picked up all the coffin nails first, together with his own two, sixteen coffin nails make up.

The moment they were assembled, a word appeared in front of my eyes.

[Congratulations, you have found the hidden object and obtained the Suppression Nail! 】

"Suppression nails?!" Wei An thought for a second, and easily put the sixteen coffin nails into his inventory.

This thing must be powerful, otherwise the guy who seems to be from the gate of hell would not pay so much attention to it.

However, there is still one thing that Wei An still has concerns about. Why did this guy not take away the sixteen coffin nails when he could easily obtain them, but delayed for a while so that he could take advantage of them.

Concerned, Wei An squatted down and picked up the scattered papers on the ground, and found that they were papers from a workbook, which was torn off by this guy and brought with him. There were three pages with words written on them. The working situation of this person staying here these days.

This guy took the torn workbook with him to make it easier for him to use the ability to replace the character to go out, so that he could record it at any time.

That is to say, the few pieces of paper that Wei An recorded these days can't be counted in the left-behind man's workbook at all, but the man's records. It's just that he tore it off and carried it with him, so Wei An didn't know about it.

These papers are not belongings of the man like the town nails, so even if he put them next to his body when he was wiped out by the rules, they were not wiped out together, but stayed.

Wei An picked it up and put it on his body temporarily, then picked up the cloth with the death curse that killed the chanter.

Because the cloth was far away from the man, it was not erased along with him.

The "boo" that Wei An heard just now should be the reason why the barrier formed by the man's Isolation Curse cloth broke.

Because even in the isolated space, the man is affected by the ghost talk rules first, even if he thinks of some unconventional method and has already left the ghost talk world, as long as the rules are still there, they can operate normally on him.

So the moment the oil lamp went out, the man was still obliterated, and then the isolation spell he created broke because no one presided over it.

Holding the cloth painted with the death spell in his hand and weighing it for a moment, Wei An felt that he would find a few large pieces of cloth to draw spells on in the future, so that he could put it directly on his body, and it would be more convenient for invisibility or isolation.

Instead of stepping on a small piece of cotton cloth with both feet like today, it is very inconvenient to move.

However, the man was able to carry these spelled fabrics with him, which meant that he had other means. Wei An couldn't draw spells well in other worlds and bring the fabrics into the world of strange stories.

Unless it is to use special means of entry, such as the identity of an intruder, or the kind that does not even have an identity and is not recognized by the ghost talk rules.

These are all the secrets of the dead man, and they are no longer known.

Glancing at Wang Yuanwai, who had been astonishing in strength from the beginning to the end but had a worrying spiritual intelligence, Wei An slowly moved over, and then directly put the cloth painted with the death curse on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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