this is not a joke

Chapter 520 Complete Hidden Missions

Chapter 520 Complete Hidden Missions
So far, it is basically certain that Wang Yuanwai has something to do with Liu Hongmei's death.

Because the area of ​​Yizhuang is only so big, if no outsider has collected the corpse, then the relationship between the characters should have occurred here in Yizhuang, whether it is a dead person or a living person.

However, it is still a little difficult to complete the hidden mission of Liu Hongmei's line, because Wang Yuanwai's semi-flying body is relatively strong, and if the participants do it themselves, they may be able to beat this guy.

But if he was sent to Liu Hongmei and let Liu Hongmei take revenge alone, then Liu Hongmei might not be able to get revenge.

Because she is definitely not Wang Yuanwai's opponent, not only will her revenge not be avenged, but the hidden line of the participant will also be unable to complete.

Therefore, before sending Wang Yuanwai to Liu Hongmei, one condition must be met first, that is, to beat Wang Yuanwai first, at least until he is unable to fight back when he is attacked, so that Wei An can safely hand him over to Liu Hongmei. Liu Hongmei.

Of course, his speculation may be wrong. After all, there are not many clues to point out what relationship Wang Yuanwai and Liu Hongmei had before they were alive.

But in Wei'an's view, in this kind of vulgar plot, most of Liu Hongmei was born in poverty, but was favored by Wang Yuanwai, and used despicable methods to take Liu Hongmei into his hands. However, Wang Yuanwai himself also suffered an accidental death.

Then one had a deadly change, and the other had a bigger deadly change, throwing the difficult problem of revenge to the participants to complete.

Thinking about the plot routines he could think of, Wei An looked at Wang Yuanwai, who was covered by the cloth of the Death Curse, and was being devastated by the energy stimulated by the Death Curse.

White hairs grew all over Wang Yuanwai's body, and he kept struggling, but still under the cover of the Annihilating Curse, his feet left the ground and slowly rose into the air. floating out...

Two of his sharp fangs fell off, and the teeth were also floating in the air under the effect of the Annihilation Curse, and they were still shattering.

It's not enough now, this guy needs to be seriously injured before he can be dragged to Liu Hongmei.

Wei An secretly guessed.

Regardless of whether he guessed wrong or not, as long as he dragged Wang Yuanwai, who was still half alive, to Liu Hongmei, and let the two of them meet, they would be able to prove whether they guessed wrong or not.

At this moment, Wei An no longer stood on the cotton cloth with the invisibility spell drawn on it, but walked out, put away the cotton cloth, observed Wang Yuanwai's injury, and prepared to take away the life-killing curse cloth in due course.

At this time, Wang Yuanwai obviously saw Wei An, but he was already in danger, and he couldn't do it if he tried his best to break free and attack Wei An. He just kept yelling and wailing.

I waited for about three minutes, which was longer than it took for the Annihilating Curse to kill the chanter just now.

You must know that the actual attack power of the chanting man should not be much different from that of Wang Yuanwai. After all, one of them is a ghost and the other is a zombie. Zombies should be much more resistant to fighting than ghosts.

If it is to deal with ghosts, as long as you find a way, you can basically kill them with one blow, but even if you find a way to deal with zombies, you have to work hard to kill them.

The strength of Wang Yuanwai's struggle obviously began to decrease, and one of his hands and one foot had been torn apart by the Annihilation Curse, separated from his body, suspended in mid-air and still disintegrating.

At this time, Wei An had put away the halberd and axe, and grasped the red weapon and golden dagger in his hand, and a line of text appeared.

[Golden Wing Flying Blade (red), exchange for energy points: 500, do you want to exchange? 】

Looking at the number of energy points that need to be exchanged in the text that emerged, Wei An secretly sweated. He had spent some energy points to exchange some life-saving armor items with Suya, the fishing queen.

Although I didn't use it just now, I don't have many energy points on my body, but I can barely get 500 energy points to exchange for the Golden Wing Flying Blade.

Immediately exchange the Golden Wing Flying Blade and put it in the inventory.

This thing is definitely a treasure among red weapons. It is fast, extremely sharp, and has a very low reaction time to control at will. The reaction time can be almost ignored when the heart moves with the blade. This last point is even better than the halberd and axe.

Besides, every red weapon is extremely special, and if we encounter it, it is impossible for Wei An to let it go.

Soon the howling of the king began to become weaker, and the other arm had been torn off, leaving only one leg still connected to the body, and only one of the fangs in the lips was still there, and it was all gone. Loosened a lot.

Wei An felt that the current Wang Yuanwai would not be able to beat Liu Hongmei no matter what, so he stepped forward and pulled the cloth with the death spell on it.

He tried to put this cloth into his inventory, but found that he couldn't put it in, which meant that this thing could not be used as a weapon or armor approved by the strange story, at least the current strange story does not approve it.

I don't know how the man kept it on his body just now.

After Wang Yuanwai's body fell down due to the loss of the attack energy of the Annihilating Curse, Wei An grabbed him and dragged him to the backyard of Yizhuang.

As he left the hall, he turned his head and glanced at the steady burning oil lamp.

At this moment, this oil lamp is burning for himself. Before finding and destroying the rule center of this strange talk, it must not be extinguished.

Wei An closed the temporary door of the lobby to prevent the evil wind from blowing in.

Then he dragged the half-dead Wang Yuanwai to the back door and went to the mass grave.

There was still light rain falling from the sky, which completely wet the wooden planks covering Liu Hongmei's tomb, making it look abnormally smooth.

Wei An came to the side of the tomb, and first said: "I brought your enemy, see if it is this guy? Uh, if not, I will look for it again."

After talking, he opened the covering board, and then dragged Wang Yuanwai to the tomb.

Liu Hongmei with a purple face lying quietly appeared in the tomb. The next second, the woman stretched out her skinny right hand, grabbed the only remaining foot of Wang Yuanwai who was struggling, and dragged it into her tomb. .

"You're right!" Wei An thought to himself that his guess for this bloody plot should be pretty close.

Wang Yuanwai wanted to kill Liu Hongmei, but Liu Hongmei didn't think so. She wanted Wang Yuanwai to be buried with her, at least to stay with her after death.

After pulling Wang Yuanwai off, Liu Hongmei raised her swollen head, opened her mouth, bit Wang Yuanwai's shoulder, and tore off a piece of flesh from him.

Wang Yuanwai also used the remaining loose fangs to arch Liu Hongmei, but it didn't seem to hurt much, but it was more insulting.

The angry Liu Hongmei directly penetrated Wang Yuanwai's already tattered body with her palm, and it bulged inside him.

Wang Yuanwai started to twitch.

No matter how they were fighting, Wei An had already picked up the shovel and started shoveling the earth to bury people.

But Liu Hongmei was only focused on the king, and did not have any resistance to Wei An's actions, which showed that she also hoped that Wei An would do the same.

Wei An didn't waste time, and after the fight between the two, he completely buried it with loess. Gradually, he also felt that there was no movement from the people inside, and the winner should have been decided.

A line of text appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations, the hidden mission has been completed. 】

Holding the hoe and shovel in his hands, Wei An sighed, patted his butt, turned and walked towards the back door of Yizhuang.

After entering Yizhuang and putting the tools back in their original places, Wei An was slightly taken aback when he was about to return to his residence.

At this moment, he had a feeling that a strange change seemed to have taken place in the Yizhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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