this is not a joke

Chapter 523 Fight

Chapter 523 Fight
At this moment, the rule center of this special weird talk has actually been destroyed by Wei An, but the result of the destruction has not yet appeared.

And the center of the rules is those incense sticks that have been ignored by the participants and are still continuing. Because of the timing, the incense sticks will not be interrupted, but they are better taken care of than maintaining oil lamps.

At this moment, Wei An cut off the incense stick, the timing was interrupted, and the center of the rule was destroyed, but he still needed to blow out the oil lamp to make the result appear.

Because as I guessed earlier, the rules for oil lamps include incense sticks, and the rules for burning incense sticks also include oil lamps.

It is not enough to just extinguish one side, just like the oil lamp, even if it is blown out, the incense stick will ignite it.

In the same way, even if he cut off the incense stick just now, the oil lamp will light the remaining incense lightly after that. The two rules are mutually inclusive and complementary.

Now that Wei An has cut off the incense sticks, the corpse in the coffin will definitely not let him continue to blow out the oil lamp, otherwise the whole strange talk rule will not exist.

The golden-winged flying blade suspended beside Wei An made a sound of piercing the air, and first rushed towards the oil lamp at the innermost part of the lobby, making sure to make a quick decision in the shortest possible time to extinguish the flame of the oil lamp.

The moment the flying blade passed through, the male corpse closest to Wei An seemed to be aware of it, and turned around, blocking the only way that the flying blade must pass.

With a puff, the flying blade directly penetrated his body, flew out from his back, and continued towards the target.

The female corpse behind the male corpse raised her arm, as if trying to block the flying blade, but the speed was a bit slower, the flying blade had already passed her, and continued to move forward.

Among the six corpses that came out from behind, one of the male corpses in the fourth row was also the same as the first male corpse, blocking the only way that the Golden Winged Flying Blade must pass with his body, and his tattered clothes seemed to be It is generally inflated, and a strong corpse gas surrounds the body surface to inflate it.

The flying blade still pierced through the bulging clothes, and entered the body of the male corpse. A second later, it wriggled out from his back, bringing out a large amount of black liquid and residue, and still went straight to the target.

Just after flying out, the flying blade stopped in mid-air for an instant, and what prevented it from stopping was the corpse of an old man standing in the last row.

I saw that the old man was skinny and skinny, and his whole body was like a skeleton, but his head was full of hair. He stretched out his right hand, which was showing the bones, and grabbed the flying blade that was about to approach the oil lamp.

In Wei'an's control consciousness, he could clearly feel that the opponent was powerful, and the Golden Wing Flying Blade could not move forward, and it was even difficult to retreat.

After weighing the balance, Wei An controlled the flying blade to swing back and forth, like a fish, relying on the sharpness of both sides of the blade to cut on the bone fingers of the old man's corpse.

The old man's corpse obviously couldn't withstand such a quick cut, his fingers were slightly loose, but he was already standing in front of the flying blade.

Wei An seized the opportunity to control the flying blade and flew back, piercing through the corpses in the third row, second row, and first row, sweeping all the way back.

After the bodies of these corpses were penetrated, although they were affected, they still attacked Wei'an.

At the same moment, Wei An's halberd and ax erupted, and it struck the closest male corpse with the ax first. Power beyond ordinary red weapons swept out. Pull it down and it splits directly in half.

During the process of dismembering the body, the surface of the ax blade was still shining with red light, which was the eruption of suppressed weird energy.

A large amount of black liquid and rotting internal organs flowed down the ax blade, and the male corpse fell to the ground without moving.

At this time, Wei An had already slashed at another male corpse, and the male corpse had already rushed at him, and it was grabbed by the long black nails, but Wei An stopped him first.

After an ax, the guy's upper and lower body separated, lost the direction of attack, and his upper body fell down, but he was still baring his teeth and claws. It seemed that this blow only injured him, not completely dead.

Wei'an turned the halberd ax directly to 180 degrees, and slammed the cross section at the guy's head. After a bang, there was a piece of rotten meat between the halberd ax and the ground.

When he attacked these corpses with his halberd axe, the withdrawn Golden Winged Flying Blade had already rushed towards the female corpse in the second row under his control, piercing through the female corpse's head and chest several times in a row.

The female corpse couldn't catch the flying blade that was erratic at all, so she could only howl incessantly, and soon fell to the ground without any movement.

After killing the female corpse, the flying blade flew towards the male corpse in the same row, and continued to pierce holes in her body...

And Wei An rushed towards the two male corpses in the third row.

Before getting close, one of the male corpses opened its mouth, and a dark green stench rushed towards its face.

Wei An immediately closed his mouth, nose and nose, but still felt dizzy, his chest heaved, and he almost vomited uncontrollably.

Another male corpse stretched out its withered arm, and took the opportunity to stab him in the abdomen. With this guy's speed and strength, he was able to penetrate Wei An's abdomen directly.

But in the next second, the somewhat damaged steel-bone umbrella appeared in front of Wei An's body, unfolded to block the sneak attacking hand, and at the same time, the umbrella quickly rotated, and the withered hand was scratched by the steel-bone spurs, causing the flesh to splatter. The bones were cut into countless pieces, flying all over the sky.

The length of the halberd and ax was temporarily unable to reach the male corpse in the third row who was exhaling a dark green aura. Wei An immediately put away the halberd and axe, took out the R1 military pistol, and fired all the remaining bullets just now.

bang bang bang...

All the bullets hit the man's body that exhaled the stench, and the head of the man's body turned into a hornet's nest, and a large amount of green breath could be seen wafting out of these beehives, but it was all passive, not voluntarily spit out by him.

The bullets injected into its body also shimmered slightly, which was a reflection of being weirdly suppressed.


With a thought in Wei'an's mind, he saw the bullets that shot into the man's smelly head exploded one after another, directly blasting the man into a headless corpse and crashing to the ground.

These R1 military bullets are no longer the original bullets. Under the processing of the special metal caught by Su Ya, the research team of the Administration has improved the bullets, which can produce a secondary burst according to the situation after hitting the target.

However, due to its particularity, this kind of bullet can no longer be matched with pistols. Although it can be generally applied to the world of ghost stories, it still needs to be exchanged with energy points separately according to the rules, otherwise it will not be able to bring other ghost stories.

This is Wei An's hidden trump card, and it is also the reason why his energy points are greatly consumed.

When shooting the man at the gate of hell just now, if the man survived after being shot with some special means, Wei An would activate the bullet burst and kill him a second time.

At this time, another male corpse in the third row that was strangled by the steel-frame umbrella has been completely changed, and there is only a bloody skeleton left. Finally, the tip of the steel-frame umbrella was inserted into the upper body, and even the bones were completely crushed. .

The male corpse attacked by the golden wing flying blade in the second row also had holes all over his body, his neck was broken, his head drooped on his shoulders, and he sat on the ground. His body was still twitching, but he could no longer attack.

At this moment, the female corpse with disheveled hair in the fourth row suddenly jumped, and rushed towards Wei An at the same time as the male corpse in the same row.

(End of this chapter)

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