Chapter 524
Seeing the two corpses rushing at the same time, Wei An took out the halberd ax again, but it was too late to hold it with his hand, but instead manipulated it to directly chop at the male corpse that was farther away.

Because the female corpse with disheveled hair was relatively close to him, he could no longer attack with weapons in advance, so he could only grab the steel umbrella and block it in front of him.

With a bang, the steel umbrella trembled violently after being hit by the female corpse, feeling that under the repeated attacks, it was about to fail and collapse.

Wei An didn't hesitate, and with this block, he immediately let go of the hand holding the umbrella, reached into his waist, took out the piece of fabric with the death spell painted on it, and gently pressed the steel umbrella down, After revealing the space, throw the cloth directly on the female corpse.

The effect of the Annihilating Curse came into play immediately, and the female corpse was instantly lifted up by this energy, and her body began to tear apart inch by inch as she struggled.

At the same time, after the halberd ax on the other side hit the male corpse, it was unable to split it in half because the corpse was stronger, but the ax blade was stuck inside the body, right at the chest cavity.

The male corpse's head also avoided the moment it was hit just now, and it was intact at the moment, grasping the handle of the halberd ax with both hands, trying to pull it out of his body.

However, Wei An still controlled the halberd and ax to press down, causing the two to fall into a stalemate.

The next second, the vacated golden winged flying blade pierced into the male corpse's head, exploded his eyeballs, pierced through the back of his head, and quickly flew his heavenly spirit cap out.

The male corpse suddenly became silent, and fell straight backwards, with the ax blade still stuck in his chest.

Wei An didn't hesitate, and still manipulated the halberd ax to split his body in two, doing so to ensure that the opponent would not be resurrected to attack again.

After disposing of the eight corpses in the first four rows in a row, Wei An looked up and saw that the corpse of the old man who was in the last row, that is, the fifth row, was standing in front of the oil lamp at this moment. stared at himself.

Perhaps it was because the corpse aura around the old man became too heavy, and deposited under his feet one after another, rolling slowly towards the surroundings like a mist on the ground.

In addition, another corpse in the fifth row is a white-haired old woman, somewhat like the white-haired old woman next to the strange talk in the dry well before, but her body is obviously thinner and shorter.

The old woman's corpse was broken all over. Under the green light emitted by the oil lamp at this moment, one could see through her internal organs, even behind her. At this moment, she was just sitting on the ground. Not looking up at all.

Different from the old man's corpse, the old woman had no corpse aura around her body, she just sat withered after coming out of the coffin, as if she was really just a dead body.

As Wei An approached, the corpse of the old man standing in front of the oil lamp had a hideous face, and a large amount of corpse aura swept towards Wei An under his feet.

At this time, the cloth of the Annihilation Curse had already killed the female corpse, Wei An conveniently pulled the cloth and threw it at the old man's head.

While the cloth was still in mid-air, a cloud of corpse energy spiraled up, entangled it, wrapped it into a ball in an instant, and then scattered with a crash, the whole cloth turned into countless pieces.

The corpse aura surged and quickly spread to Wei An's feet. He found that he couldn't move forward anymore, as if his feet were stuck in mud.

Not only that, I am afraid that in the next second, his legs will be torn apart like that piece of cloth!
Is this the attack method of an ordinary corpse? !

Wei An was horrified. At this moment, he knew that the corpses that appeared here could no longer be simply defined by the weirdness of this strange talk. In order not to allow himself to destroy the rules, these corpses were no longer ordinary corpses.

To prevent his feet from being torn apart, Wei An directly raised the halberd and ax with both hands, and a ray of light emanated from the center of the halberd. It shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the old man's corpse aura.

Sure enough, the corpse aura under his feet was blocked and could no longer spread to Wei An's calf. At the same time, it seemed to be oppressed and began to recede.

Wei An stepped forward, his halberd and ax flickered, and at the same time he slashed forward, aiming at the head of the old man's corpse.

The old man's corpse froze slightly, and his whole body exploded suddenly, turning into a large amount of shredded flesh, which, together with the rolling corpse's aura, stuck to Wei'an's approaching body.

In desperation, Wei An quickly licked the cat's head in his mind, maximizing the fear before the "fear image" was aroused, and at the same time threw the cursed poker heart K with a snap.

The breath of fear broke into the influx of corpse gas and flesh and blood, causing the strange thing to stagnate suddenly, and then the playing cards were pasted on it.

[The target's fear of being punished for failing to complete instructions has been randomly increased by 3 times. 】

"Punishment for not being able to complete the instruction?" Looking at the text in front of him, Wei'an was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect that the corpse of the old man would be punished if he failed to prevent him from blowing out the oil lamp. Who would punish him?
After being cursed by the playing cards, the whole mass of corpse energy and flesh and blood could no longer continue to attack, but stayed in mid-air, and Wei An's halberd and ax slashed in the next second.

A large amount of light flashed out from the halberd and axe, illuminating the rolling corpse from the inside to the outside, and one could see that the flesh and blood inside turned into a face. This face was not the face of the old man just now. Instead, it has slender cheeks, pointed nose, and protruding forehead, like a woman's face.

As the light of the halberd and ax soared, coupled with the physical attack of the slashing in, this face trembled with fear, and it only lasted for two seconds before it completely collapsed.

The corpse aura suddenly dissipated and disappeared without a trace, and the entire lobby suddenly became extremely clear at this moment, and the strange feeling gradually began to dissipate.

Wei An stepped forward and stood in front of the oil lamp emitting green flames.

He didn't move immediately, but turned his head warily to look at the corpse of the white-haired old woman who had been sitting withered not far away.

At this moment, the old woman finally moved, her white hair fluttered, her lowered head was slowly raised, and she looked in Wei'an's direction.

After seeing the other person's face, Wei An was slightly taken aback, and found that this face had no facial features. Compared with the scene just now, it seemed that the old woman's facial features had just appeared in the air mass formed by corpse and flesh. collapse.

"Are you here on a special trip... to break the rules?"

The old woman didn't seem to do anything, but there was a voice coming from her direction, which sounded neither male nor female, extremely weird.

Wei An didn't answer, but asked instead: "Are you the rule here?"

This is not the first time he has seen the realization of the rules of ghost stories, but after the rules of other ghost stories have manifested, he simply acts according to the rules, without any ability to think and communicate.

For example, the blood pool in the bathroom and the monsters in it in the strange talk of "The Conjuring of Souls".

Maybe they have the ability to communicate, but the so-called communication is to kill anyone who tries to break the rules, not to be able to talk face-to-face with Wei An like today.

It can be seen from this that this special ghost story is special.

After relying on the main ghost story, it has evolved much more advanced than other ordinary ghost stories, and it can even be said that it has part of the consciousness of the main ghost story rules.

The old woman also didn't answer Wei An, but said: "I won't be able to do much if I destroy it, why don't we cooperate well. I will let you take away the town's evil nails safely, and there is even a corpse in the mass grave to help you." It is also very big, and I can tell you its specific location. You can also plant any of your means here, so that you can enter it at any time. In the future, the optimization of the main ghost talk will also allow you to gain more benefits."

Wei An didn't speak, but just shook his head expressionlessly.

"Ha ha."

The old woman sneered and stopped talking.

Her face without facial features suddenly began to rot at this moment, not only that, but her body also rotted, and everything around her, including the coffin, floor, and wooden table in the lobby, all rotted.

Only the oil lamp is still intact.

Seeing this, Wei An didn't hesitate anymore, leaned down, and with a breath, blew out the last green flame of the oil lamp.

(End of this chapter)

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