Chapter 538
"Do you know what form the strange stories you speak of exist?" The scavenger girl did not directly answer Wei'an's question, but asked rhetorically.

This problem has been researched by the Central City Management Bureau team represented by Feng Yiren. Although some key arguments are still missing, this conclusion will not be too wrong.

Wei An replied: "We believe that ghost talks are alive, not a bunch of dead rules, nor are they dead things."

The scavenger girl's eyes lit up slightly, she glanced at Wei'an, nodded and said, "You guys are also aware that ghost stories have their own thoughts, although sometimes this kind of thought may be very single, but even if it is a single creature, you can know its meaning. What was your first thought?"

Wei'an pondered for a moment, then said, "Alive."

"Yes, alive." The scavenger girl said: "Me too. Now I just want to live better. The operation and development of this city is completely in line with my ideas. This is my happiest feeling."

After a pause, she continued: "The same is true for other strange talk rules. They exist for only one purpose, to live better. But as aliens in your eyes, we emit an aura of alien rules all the time. If this aura reaches you Even if the ghost talk itself cannot actually pass through, the aura emitted will temporarily absorb the people there. At this time, these people are given the role of 'participants', of course there are other terms, such as 'intruders' '. Participants will enter the weird talk that we have arranged long ago, and experience these tasks in it, exuding their perception of weirdness and the fear that arises in their hearts."

When the scavenger girl said this, Wei An suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and blurted out: "So you feed on these strange perceptions and fears?"

The scavenger girl nodded: "The death of the participants is the result of side effects. The closer to the death, the weirdness and fear, the greater the nourishment and growth of the ghost story. But I realize now that this is not absolute, at least I After all the participants in this strange talk get out alive, they will have a second chance to come in, and they can provide me with a steady stream of nourishment, and compared to killing the participants once, the difference in obtaining nourishment is not that big."

"The rewards you get after completing the mission..." Wei An frowned.

Before he finished speaking, the scavenger girl already knew what he was going to ask, and replied: "The specific rewards, such as weapons and equipment, such as energy points, are not given by me. That is a bigger rule."

"A bigger rule?" Wei An was surprised.

The scavenger girl nodded: "We can live well because we follow this larger rule. We can customize tasks for participants to complete, and provide us with weird and fearful feelings during this period, nourishing our lives. Better. And the bigger rule is to randomly assign rewards according to the task level, whether it is equipment or energy points. As far as I know now, it wants to strike a balance between us and other spaces."

Speaking of this, Wei An has finally solved the problem that has been difficult for a long time.

Although he still doesn't know what the upper-level rules of the ghost talk are, as for the living rules of the ghost talk, he has figured out that they just want to survive and survive better.

This reminds me of the ability of my father Wei Zhengdong. After Wei Zhengdong entered the dark gap between the world of strange stories and the human world, it is like building a bridge, so that the breath of alien rules that is no longer in the world of strange stories floods into the human world, pulling people away. Let those participants enter the ghost talk, but the entire ghost talk rules can enter the human world, forming a low-level ghost talk in the human world.

So Dad's ability is really weird, even weirder than the strange story itself. It can even be said that Wei Zhengdong's ability is almost able to compete with the rule above the strange story, which makes most strange stories unbearable. up him.

However, Wei An feels that the large-scale ghost story currently being cracked by the strongest investigation team may have much more contact with the upper-level rules than other ordinary ghost stories. information.

But now the scavenger girl here, the urban ghost story that she has mastered as a rule is actually fundamentally different from the way that the strange story rules directly materialize the weirdness. .

And other strange stories are still weird within the control of the rules. At most, this rule is powerful, and it can manifest one's own figure, just like the faceless old woman in the "Long Lantern (Locking the Door and Yizhuang)" strange story.

She is a manifestation of the ghost talk rules themselves, not the real essence, so she is much worse than the scavenger girl in strength.

However, if the ability of ghost rules is stronger, the ability to manifest one's own body will also be stronger. It is hard to guarantee that there will not be higher-level ghosts. higher.

"I just want to survive and develop better, and I have killed as few participants as possible." At this time, the scavenger girl said softly.

She just looks a bit rough, and she has never been slovenly. She is a real scavenger, but in Wei An's view, this powerful monster is much better than other monsters.

All of this is due to the terrifying evolutionary speed of the Scavenger Girl herself, which has surpassed the rules of strange talk itself.

Now Wei'an has a bigger goal, which is to try to find out whether it is related to the higher-level rules in the process of solving the large-scale strange talk, and what the upper-level rules are.

"Although we are in two camps, there is no conflict between our existence at this moment." Wei'an explained to the scavenger girl: "You don't need to think too much, sometimes our understanding of the world alone is actually very simple, and we need the cooperation of both parties to change. Know the unknown in its entirety.”

The scavenger girl smiled and nodded: "As long as I am here, and not when the old ghost appears, this city will be open to you at any time. Now you can also walk around and feel how the rules work here, and you can even Observe the scene tasks that the paper man, ashes, and lying corpses are running."

When he said this, Wei An suddenly had an idea. He stood up and pointed in the direction of Lin Rui outside the building.

"It takes a lot of trouble to come to you. I can't come here often. But I may need you to help me with a favor. The young man sitting in the car just now is a junior of mine. He may need to come to your city temporarily. I don’t know if it’s okay to stay here for a while?”

The scavenger girl was a little taken aback.

Wei An said again: "I'm not going to hide it from you, someone may try to harm him, but if he lives here, with his ability to hide his aura and your city-level strange story, it will be difficult for that person to find do it."

Although Wei An didn't say it clearly, the scavenger girl smiled, she knew that Wei An wanted her to protect the young man outside.

"No problem." The scavenger girl was very straightforward, "I can arrange a residence for him, and he has the status of a resident of this city. If it is not convenient for you to come often, we can still meet in the dream. There's a lot to look out for and a lot to explore."

Wei An also nodded readily: "As long as I fall asleep and open the dream, you are welcome to come anytime."

However, he himself didn't realize that this dream, which urgently needed to build a spiritual barrier, would make the scavenger woman pay so much attention to it, while he had neglected to explore it.

(End of this chapter)

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