this is not a joke

Chapter 539 Package Plan

Chapter 539 Package Plan
After talking with the scavenger girl, it was already afternoon when I came out to see the city.

Lin Rui was still sitting in the car. It seemed that this kid was quite sensible. After he found out that the people Wei An came to see were not easy to mess with, he didn't move around.

In fact, when he entered Black and White City for the first time, the scavenger girl had already found him, but she didn't show up, she just watched Lin Rui quietly, and saw that he got a second-hand car and parked it in the newly developed suburban area. Then leave again.

So the scavenger girl kept paying attention to the movement there until Wei An and Lin Rui appeared again.

When he came to the car, Wei'an told Lin Rui to temporarily move him to live in this black and white city. Lin Rui hesitated. After asking, Wei'an learned that this little guy was thinking that he might not be able to go to a human again in the future. World, met the girl named Shen Lu.

This surprised him a bit. It seemed that although Lin Rui was puzzled by his vague memory before, after getting in touch with Shen Lu, he already had that feeling about her.

"Shen Lu, your Auntie Pei may need to know more, and it depends on her own wishes. If possible, we will ask her after a while." Wei An said.

Lin Rui cast a grateful look.

In fact, he didn't need to go back to the mansion to collect things. Those things were basically realized by him, so he stayed in this black and white city directly, and obtained the right of residence given to him by the scavenger girl.

The girl who scavenged waste did not stay with them all the time, but left soon, not knowing where to pick up waste.

Wei An and Lin Rui wandered around the city, and Lin Rui was amazed that such a large city was running in an orderly manner all the time, which was completely different from the small and small space of the building he was in before.

And the people in the city don't know that this is a weird talk at all, they just think that this is a very normal life, even if they encounter some abnormalities occasionally, they behave like a normal person.

The difference is that although they feel frightened, they will not have the unique sense of fear and curiosity about the strangeness of real human beings.

While walking around the city with Lin Rui, Wei An also carefully observed the city mentioned by the scavenger girl. He went to the "Yin Yang Shop" ghost story of the paper figurine, and also stopped at the "Ghost at the Crossroads" ghost story of Ashes At the crossroads, but did not go to check the "funeral parlor" ghost story where the corpse was lying.

Because I was worried that I would be chased out by that guy to ask for a red envelope.

This black and white city soon ushered in the night, but according to the scavenger girl, the old ghost, that is, the black girl, has been out for a very short time now, and basically it is the white girl, that is, the scavenger girl who is controlling here.

At this moment, at night, the scavenger girl is still there.

However, just to be on the safe side, Wei An told Lin Rui to go out as little as possible at night, and if he was sensed by the black woman, he had to find a way to get out as soon as possible, and if he delayed until daytime, nothing would happen.

But the black girl is just evil, and she is not cruel to everyone, otherwise the city would not be able to run so well, so Lin Rui just needs to be careful not to touch each other as much as possible.

Early the next morning, after Wei An came out of Black and White City, he returned the same way according to the method given by Lin Rui.

The process of returning is simpler than when we came here. After skipping two strange stories, the time was cut in half and we returned to the strange story of the mansion smoothly.

Immediately Wei An told Pei Na that this strange building will be completely abandoned, because maybe this is the spare place left by the paternal father, allowing Lin Rui to grow here, and he may come to harvest Lin Rui at any time after the conditions are fulfilled .

The most important thing is to get the cursed corpse out of this place safely.

After some communication with the Curse Corpse, the Curse Corpse completely destroyed the other channels, leaving only the "Reaper's Choice" channel, and then Wei'an, Pei Na, Wen Qiong and Su Ya silently cleared the red channel at the fastest speed. The coffin was shipped over there.

This incident was not let to the people of the management bureau. Under Su Ya's arrangement, the coffin of the cursed corpse was placed in a very secret place, and the passage leading to the strange story of the building was also completely destroyed after coming over. , and reopen the passage leading to the human world.

So far, the strange story of the building has been completely abandoned.

At this time, Pei Na was still using her own methods to investigate Shen Lu's background information, so they did not take the initiative to contact each other for the time being.

On the contrary, Wei Zhengdong from Ever Love City called Wei An and told him not to worry. The strongest investigation team still encountered two or three troublesome things when dealing with the follow-up strange talks on the nodes on the red line. Under the leadership of team leader Li, Chen Yao and others are trying their best to break through, and it may take a few days.

In other words, there is no need for Wei An to rush back here, and he can have time to take care of his own affairs.

Since the end of the last strange talk, Wei'an has been greatly improved here, as well as a lot of energy points, especially the birth of new professional skills after professional promotion, which also allows him to develop better.

For example, related tracking, his close guard suit has been stopped at the bloody hammer and killing axe, and no other parts have been found, and the cursed playing card has only one red heart king.

Ever since meeting those powerful members of other organizations one after another, Wei An felt that it was necessary for him to improve his strength quickly. Otherwise, it would be fine just to face the weirdness in the strange stories. Get the other side.

So he was going to take advantage of this time to look for the close guard suit first, not to mention finding all the equipment, at least the equipment was complete, and the chance of saving his life was higher in a critical moment.

These days, he has been thinking about it. Both the bloody hammer and the killing ax were found in the strange talk in the 309 dormitory, and as plot equipment, these two were the killing weapons in the plot at that time.

Among them, the killing ax fell in the strange story of the old woman in the well, and later I got it after I used the traveling spell by chance.

Thinking about it this way, since it is a close guard suit, and there are 309 dormitory strange stories, school dry well strange stories and another ancient house strange story, these three strange stories are almost all connected together, making Wei An pass through three strange stories in a row at the beginning .

Therefore, it is not necessarily true that there are other guard suits hidden in the two strange stories closest to bedroom 309.

Even if it wasn't in the strange story of the dry well in the school, the odds of having other parts of the close guard suit in the strange story of the ancient house are also very high, but Wei An was a little bit resistant to the weird woman in the ancient house who kept calling herself "Vilang".

The old house brought him a great sense of danger at that time, so Wei An did not dare to approach rashly, but chose to leave immediately.

But it's different now, his strength has grown, and since he wants to get all the suits together, he needs to go in and have a look.

It is not impossible to enter the strange story of the ancient house. At the beginning, Wei An accidentally drew a traveling spell leading to the strange story of the dry well in the school. The strange story was in the middle area between the strange story in bedroom 309 and the strange story of the ancient house. You can choose to enter bedroom 309 or the old house.

Wei An still remembered the strokes of this traveling spell. After all, he had drawn the traveling spell so many times. As long as he changed it a little, he could still successfully enter the school's strange talk.

After expressing his thoughts to Pei Na, Wei An prepared to draw a spell in the "Reaper's Choice" to walk through.

And Pei Na's mission is still to investigate Shen Lu, so this time Wei'an will go alone.

(End of this chapter)

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