this is not a joke

Chapter 540 Chasing and Ambush

Chapter 540 Chasing and Ambush
Compared with Wei An, Pei Na's current items and equipment are not much worse.

She has wordless books, dragon tooth swords, sabers, and crossbow arrows. Just for special functions, the wordless books can store weird things better than Wei An's special items.

Of course, if we include the Soul Lamp that Wei An just obtained, as well as weapons such as the Suppression Nail and the Star Chain, especially the piece of mobile human skin on his body, Wei An's place is richer.

Under the influence of Wei An, Pei Na is already practicing drawing spells now, and Wei An will teach her by hand when he is free. It just so happened that he got two cinnabar pens back then, and he gave one to Pei Na.

Originally, when I first drew the life-killing spell, I needed to build a cross with a cinnabar pen on top of the spell, so that it could play its role of killing life.

However, after discussing and learning with spell expert Xiong Shihai, they improved and adjusted the spell, and also figured out the strokes of other spells.

Now there is no need to build a cross to activate the Extinction Curse, just like the Extinction Curse drawn by the strange man suspected of being the gate of hell.

A similar annihilation curse was drawn by Iori, an investigator from the Setting Sun Kingdom in the city of Guwa.

After talking to his mother, Wen Qiong, Wei An confirmed his defensive equipment with Su Ya, and then drew the traveling spell leading to the school's ancient well and strange talk, and walked directly there.

On the day he entered, Pei Na went to the central city of the human world through the newly opened passage of the cursed corpse.

Now there are two passages leading to the human world in the "Reaper's Option", one is to go to and from Biluo City, which was naturally formed after the abandonment of the strange talk, and the other is the newly added one to the central city.

The Cursed Corpse also marked the gap between the ghost story world and the human world that was opened in the mansion ghost story. He can open the place where Wei Zhengdong was sucked in at any time. The channel reopens.

central city.

In a development zone that has just had new residents move in.

As night fell, because few residents moved in, even after dinner at this moment, there were almost no people who came out for a walk in the garden of the community.

At this moment, after two men in black jackets entered the community, they walked straight to the sixth building with the solar lights on the road in the community that only turned on at night.

When I came to the unit access control on the first floor, because many devices in the residential building had not been fully activated, the access control was useless and opened as soon as I pulled it.

At the same time as the two men in jackets opened the door, a short, thin man wearing a baseball cap walked out of the building, did not look up at the two, but left in a hurry.

The two jacket men walked in one after another. When they came to the elevator door and were about to press the button, one of them suddenly looked suspicious and turned to look at his companion.

His companion was slightly taken aback, but obviously the two had cooperated for a long time and had a good understanding. Without opening their mouths, the two immediately turned around and rushed to the door they had just entered, and did not choose to go upstairs again.

After running out of the building, he turned his head and looked at the short and thin man wearing a baseball cap. It stands to reason that the man had just come out not long ago, and even if he walked quickly, he was at most three or forty meters away from here. At the corner at 40 meters, the figure of the short man had already turned around.

The two men in jackets were startled, and immediately ran away regardless of hiding.

The man in the baseball cap here rushed to the gate of the community not far away after quickly turning the corner.

At this moment, the door is also open, and the access control power system has not been activated at all.

He quickly opened the door, and when he was about to run out, he saw the door of a black business car parked outside the door suddenly opened, and a big man in a black jacket stepped out of the car, looking in this direction coldly, locking him .

The man in the baseball cap stretched out his hand to pull the door, in a dilemma. Footsteps sounded behind him, and the two jacket men had already chased him.

At this time, the security guard at the gate of the community also saw that something was wrong, and immediately said to the man in the baseball cap, "Are you okay?"

Immediately, the man in the baseball cap took out a delicate and small silver pistol from there, and loaded it with a snap. The security guard was so scared that he ran into the sentry box and closed the door.

The big man who just got out of the car immediately took out a pistol with a silencer on it. He took a step ahead of the man in the baseball cap and shot at the opponent's right foot. Obviously he was not going to directly kill the opponent.

The man in the baseball cap had already closed the gate of the community, and the bullet hit the front of the iron gate, causing sparks to burst out.

The man in the baseball cap shot back in the next second, but because he was too flustered, he missed the big man, but the bullet hit the door of the commercial vehicle.

At this moment, two men in jackets were approaching from behind. They didn't draw their guns. One of them flipped his hand over and clamped a sharp and small dagger between his index and middle fingers, and threw it with a bang. The attack was fast and ruthless.

The man in the baseball cap squatted, and the dagger flew over his head, and the baseball cap flew out. With a splash, the man's hair fell apart. Although she had short hair at the ears, it also showed that she was not a man at all, but a woman. Dress up.

But in the next second, the woman's thigh felt a sharp pain, and the man in the jacket who threw the dagger threw two in tandem. The first one knocked off her hat, and the second dagger directly pierced The woman's thigh was almost cut to the main artery.

"It's really you, Shen Lu! You're not dead!"

Seeing this, the big man in front of the commercial vehicle fired two more shots at the gate.

Unable to escape, Shen Lu used the gate to cover herself, and pointed her gun at the two men in jackets behind, but at this time the two men were already very close, and they moved away from each other, making it impossible for her to determine the target for a while. .

After several shots were fired, none of them hit.

The man holding the dagger quickly approached and stabbed Shen Lu in the chest.

But in the next second, the man was not in the same place in an instant, and was thrown horizontally from Shen Lu's eyes, and hit the iron gate of the community heavily, denting the iron gate's fence three times, and directly stuck half of his body within it.

The other man looked up in horror, only to feel a blur in front of his eyes. His head was suddenly hit by a violent elbow, and he lost consciousness for a moment, curled up on the ground.


When Shen Lu heard a somewhat familiar voice, she saw a slender woman with vigorous movements crawling behind the gate of the community, firing several shots at the commercial vehicle.

"Aunt Pei?!" Shen Lu recognized her.

Pei Na's marksmanship was obviously much better than hers. All three shots hit the big man, one shot in the thigh and two shots in the lower abdomen.

The big man hastily fought back, but completely missed the target.

He showed panic and pain on his face. He obviously felt that the other party was not kind and he couldn't handle it. While shooting, he fell backwards and sat directly in the commercial vehicle with the door open.

The commercial vehicle started, and it just took the big man along and galloped all the way into the darkness where the street lights hadn't been turned on.

Pei Na raised her body slightly. Just now, she could actually shoot the big man sitting in the door of the car a few more times, but when she was about to make a move, she was locked on by a strange gaze in the dark of the open door of the commercial vehicle.

This gaze made Pei Na's whole body involuntarily shudder, goosebumps popped out, and she didn't pull the trigger.

She had a feeling that the eyes in the car didn't look like people, but a strange creature from the darkness, even the world of ghost stories over there, and the darkness inside the commercial vehicle seemed to be unusual, like a deep darkness The hole exudes a sense of coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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