this is not a joke

Chapter 553 Three Skull Monsters

Chapter 553 Three Skull Monster
At this time, the participant who was sucked in was obviously dead, a small part of his body was stuck in the wriggling body of the monster, and the other half was trembling and shaking slightly outside.

This trembling is a conditioned reflex of the body, and it does not mean that he is still alive.

Obviously, the way this monster kills its prey is not by gnawing it directly with its big mouth full of sharp teeth. Perhaps this is just one of its ways of killing, but it is not the only way.

At present, it is also a way to directly block the participant's body with the body, and then slowly melt it in the body.

At the same time, Wei'an further noticed that not far from where the participant was stuck by the monster's body, near the foot of the wall where the monster embedded into the wall, there was a dark triangular hole there.

"Exit!" Wei An thought to himself.

Maybe the dead participant was not sucked in by Gui Ying's resentful soul. After all, he no longer has eyes and cannot look directly at the other party.

Maybe the participant found a way by himself and sneaked into the different space behind Guiying. He also knew that there was an exit hidden here, and he almost groped for the location of the exit.

But it fell short in the process, and was directly devoured by the monster in the wall with those wriggling strange flesh.

In the short time that Wei An saw, there was still a small half of the participant's exposed body left.

The squeezing sound that made goose bumps all over the body continued to be heard.

Wei An didn't move for the time being, he was still in the spectator mode, the monster just concentrated on swallowing the participant, and couldn't find that there was another person on his territory.

"This is Chen Fang's chance to escape!" Wei An immediately turned around, ready to pull Chen Fang in, let her go through the triangular hole first.

But after turning around, he froze suddenly, and found that there was darkness behind him, he couldn't see anything, and he didn't know how to leave.

He tried to take two steps forward, but there was no response. He was just walking in this different space now, and he no longer knew how to find a way to return to Gui Ying's resentful soul.

Without any hesitation, Wei An immediately started "Story Speculation" for the second time.

Three paragraphs of text quickly emerged in my mind.

[Plot 1: You never thought that after finally entering this different space, it would not be so easy to get out.Because you were worried about whether Chen Fang would encounter unmanageable dangers outside, you had no choice but to turn around and quickly explore in the seemingly endless darkness in front of you.You are walking very fast while trying to locate Guiying's wraith, but after opening the location, you find that there are no red dots flashing in front of you. You can't find a specific target, so you can only keep walking.You stop after a moment, because walking aimlessly like this makes you feel like a headless chicken.At this time, a lot of time has passed, Chen Fang may be in danger, and she can't deal with the consequences of looking directly at Gui Ying's resentful soul.You suddenly heard a noise behind you, turned around suddenly, only to find that the terrifying monster was right behind you.The probability of this scenario happening is 90%]

[Plot 2: Soon you realize that in fact you seem to have been walking for so long, but you have never stepped out of the range of this terrifying monster and the wall behind it.The moment you turned around, you found that the distance between you and the monster was still very close, as if you hadn't walked past it at all.You know that you can't get out of this different space at all, and at this time the energy of the spectator mode is exhausted, and after the body shakes, you appear directly in front of the monster.The monster became irritable, and the distorted, painful human face suddenly opened his eyes. His pupils were filled with liquid threads, but his lips seemed to be sealed and could not be opened. It was just that when the eyes blinked, the eyes came out from the eye sockets. Howled in pain.Your mind roared, and the control of your body was seized in an instant. The rhinoceros head opened its mouth, and a scarlet tongue curled up, wrapping your body and dragging it over.The probability of this scenario happening is 80%]

[Plot 3: The tongue is very powerful, and its surface is covered with hook-shaped barbs. Soon you approach this terrifying monster and find that the control of your body is still lost, so you directly activate the "fear imagery".At the moment when the image exploded, you also shot the cursed poker, causing a lot of fear to permeate the monster, covering it instantly, the tongue wrapped around you loosened, and the face continued to scream in horror from its eyes , Shouting the words "Don't kill me" and "I know I was wrong".And the other Yutou was frightened and wanted to fight back against you, and you chopped off the Yutou and the rhinoceros head one by one with the quickly formed halberd axe.But at the same time, you discovered that the triangular hole had been quickly closed, and there was no trace of it anymore.The probability of this scenario happening is 70%]

"Can't leave directly!?"

After Wei An quickly understood the content of the plot speculation, he knew that if he turned around and searched in the dark, he would not be able to leave this different space no matter what.

Because no matter how he walked, he was still standing still, and the terrifying monster and the wall behind it were always behind him.

And if he directly attacked the opponent, he could easily cut off the monster's head, but this would cause another result, that is, the exit of the triangular hole would be closed.

Once this exit is closed, even if Wei An can pull Chen Fang from outside here, it will be useless.

So don't fight this monster for now, or it will close the door.

But now it seems that the opening of the triangle exit seems to be a means for this guy to attract the participants, and then use this opportunity to eat the participants.

Judging from the speculated content of the plot, Wei An is now focusing on the head of the man with a painful expression.

If he hadn't guessed, this man should be the heartbroken man named Wang Kui mentioned in the plot of Guai Tan, and also Ao Guiying's favorite character in the early stage, but the most hated character in the later stage.

"It turns out that after Gui Ying's resentful soul killed this guy, the ghost locked him here, making him neither human nor ghost, and has been enduring endless pain." Wei'an murmured in his heart.

To break the situation in front of him, the head of the man with a painful expression should be the key. After knowing the inferred plot, Wei An no longer needs to wander around in this space, or directly conflict with this monster.

Currently still in spectator mode, he quickly approached the head, crouched next to it, rummaged through the inventory to find a mask and put it on.

This is a special item that was caught by the fishing queen Su Ya some time ago. It has no attack effect, but after wearing this mask, it can transmit sound to the target's mind without opening his mouth.

Wei'an called it a sound transmission mask, but this thing also has a huge limitation, that is, every word of the sound transmission is exchanged for 1 energy point.

If you encounter chatterbox, the cost of energy points is like countless alpacas galloping past, and the energy points are lost in an instant.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of energy points here in Wei'an. Regardless of the consumption of energy points, if this sound transmission mask can be used in special scenes, it will be a very good special item.

Because the sound is not sent in the form of air vibration, Wei An can still talk to the other party through the sound transmission mask even in the bystander mode at this moment. He fully considered this function at the beginning, so he decided to exchange it.

"Wang Kui, you must escape from that woman's control."

A voice suddenly roared in the head's mind, making the man with his eyes tightly closed and with a pained expression startled suddenly, and opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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