this is not a joke

Chapter 554 Exit

Chapter 554 Exit
Since he was killed by revenge, Wang Kui has been in pain all the time. He doesn't know why he has become like this, but he can't change this fact and is permanently imprisoned here.

In fact, his consciousness has become very blurred and blurred for so long, but pain is always accompanied by it.

At this moment, after hearing the words from Wei An suddenly, his eyes opened, giving a feeling of being extremely confused, but soon his eyes began to focus, and Wang Kui realized the meaning of the words just now.

He turned his head and looked around, but saw nothing.

Because the person who made the voice could not be captured, and even the identity of this person could not be formed in his mind, which made Wang Kui think that this must be an idea in his mind.

It was at this moment that I suddenly woke up.

Sure enough, the voice roared in his mind again.

"Now you are like a shadow, and Ao Guiying is behind you, and you will never be able to leave. If you want to leave, you have to take the initiative to break this space, instead of letting Ao Guiying continue to control this place, you have to try to take the initiative!"

After the words were finished, Wei'an didn't know that Wang Kui thought it was his own thoughts, he just felt a little bit pained by those energy points.

What is a word of money?This is.

Wang Kui, who originally had doubts on his face, was soon replaced by excitement on his face, and the two eyeballs covered with liquid threads rolled up and down, as if he felt that the sudden idea in his heart was very correct.

Now he no longer expects to go out, as long as he no longer suffers as much as he is now, and can truly die with peace of mind, he can do anything.

To say that he regretted it, he did regret it, but it was after he was killed by Gui Ying's resentful soul and locked up here. At this time, it doesn't matter what he deserves. A little relief, the sooner the better.

"Make an agreement with other heads, let yourself come out, leave the embedded wall behind you, as long as you leave this wall, you won't suffer from that endless pain again!"

The voice continued to echo in his head.

Through observation just now, Wei An has discovered through the skill "Detail Capture" that Wang Kui is the whole monster, and the other two heads are the manifestation of his anger and pain, which grew out over time, and finally formed the four different monsters in front of him.

So Wang Kui should be able to control them, although he never thought of doing so, he just passively endured endless pain here.

They can't leave this wall, and this wall is also the passage that cuts off the ghost talk and the real world. If the participants want to go out, they can only go through the triangular hole in the past. In fact, there should be a passage behind the entire wall!

At this time Wang Kui had closed his eyes again.

Not long after, the other two open-eyed monster heads also closed their eyes, and the long fleshy tube protruding from the middle of the head no longer flowed down the thick yellow liquid, and the monster's entire body began to tense.

The bodies of the squirming pieces of meat also stopped moving, which caused the dead participant just now to have a head stuck in the gap between the pieces of meat. At first glance, it seemed that the monster had four heads, two of which were One is a human head.

The wall that clamped the monster's body quickly trembled slightly, shaking due to the monster's force.

Not long after, Wang Kui's eyes opened again, and there were no longer liquid threads in the pupils of his eyes, but the thick yellow liquid in the fleshy tube gushed out directly from his eye sockets.

At the same time, the other two monster heads, the eyes on the horns of the rhinoceros also spewed out a large amount of yellow liquid, and then the animal head that resembled a beast, the tip of a hair also gushed out crazily.

This liquid quickly spread all over his body, directly corroding the heads of the participants who hadn't completely swallowed them.

A large amount of liquid flowed along the monster's body to the wall where it was stuck, and drilled into the cracks in the wall.



At the same moment, the rhinoceros head and the jiao head opened their mouths at the same time, roaring violently. Wang Kui couldn't open his mouth, but the whole monster's body was trembling wildly and violently, as if it had exerted all its strength.

The entire wall soon trembled with a higher frequency, accompanied by a rumbling sound.

The triangular hole under the corner of the wall began to collapse, revealing a larger cave.


In the partial room.

Chen Fang, who was standing under the isolation spell, could no longer hold on.

She could feel that with the passage of time, her eyeballs could not help moving to Gui Ying's resentful soul standing not far away, and she could not help but look directly at this woman.

And Gui Ying's resentful soul also seemed to find something unusual around Chen Fang, so she didn't step forward at all, but just stood there, only emitting a mental attack, and would not touch those exorcism spells.

Slowly, the ghost hand in Chen Fang's stomach began to break out again, and the five fingers came out of the wound first, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold it down.

At the same time, Chen Fang's gaze could no longer be controlled, and driven by a strange force, she suddenly shifted to Gui Ying's resentful soul. The thick flesh worm wriggling on her face immediately gave her an indescribable visual impact.

After looking directly at the other party, Chen Fang only felt that her eyes blurred quickly, her consciousness quickly lost, her body lost control, and she lifted her right foot and stepped out of the blocking spell.

Immediately, her body leaned forward, as if she was about to fall, but she maintained this posture strangely, and she would not fall completely to the ground.

Just like that, both feet moved forward inch by inch, walked out of the range of the exorcism spell, and went straight to Gui Ying's ghost. At this time, the blurred space behind Gui Ying appeared, and Chen Fang gradually approached.

But in the next second, there was a sudden tremor and roar in this space.

Gui Ying's innocent soul was startled suddenly, and her head turned 180 degrees directly behind her. Before Chen Fang entered this different space, her head had already penetrated in one step ahead of time. A voice like singing.

"If you destroy the Forbidden Wall, you will definitely die. Wang Kui, you are a heartless man, looking for death, aren't you?"

Wang Kui, the monster in the different space, was not moved at all, and still brought out more tremors, and the wall that stuck him had already started to collapse.

Guiying's head and face exploded instantly, and all those thick meat worms flew up, leaving only a black hole where there was nothing on her face.

Those fleshy worms rushed towards the three-headed monster Wang Kui at this time, and the front end of the fleshy worms squirmed violently, making all kinds of strange noises, which made the listeners' minds collapse at any time.

However, because of the distraction, Gui Ying's resentful soul's control over Chen Fang disappeared at this moment. Chen Fang's legs softened, and she knelt down on the ground with a plop, her hands resting on the ground, and her eyes gradually became clear.

Wei An immediately cut off the "bystander mode" that was about to be exhausted by itself, took out the star chain, opened six nodes in an instant, and grabbed Chen Fang who was recovering with the other hand.

The different space channel behind Guiying has been completely opened, so that Wei An can directly reach Chen Fang without moving at all.

After Chen Fang was caught by him, her body was involuntarily dragged into a different space.

At the same moment, Gui Ying's resentful soul, who was slaughtering Wang Kui's three-headed monster, suddenly turned his black face, and split half of the thick flesh worms to attack Wei'an.

Wei An, who had been prepared for a long time, slammed the star chain, and the starlight burst out with a slap, rolling the fleshy insects backwards, but failed to destroy them directly.

However, when the meat worm was retreating, something fell on the ground, and Chen Fang, who had recovered her sanity, subconsciously reached out and grabbed it in her hand.

It was a hairpin, and strangely distorted forces emanated from it.

"Twisted item?!"

At a glance, Wei An knew that this was because as a "story breaker", he had changed the original plot of the ghost story, causing some normal equipment items in the ghost story to be distorted, and then the power of distortion appeared.

"Put away the items?" He still had the Five Emperors' money in his mouth, and immediately asked Chen Fang in a vague manner, "Is there any energy points to exchange?"

Chen Fang had noticed the difference in the items in her hand, and nodded immediately.

What Wei An meant was that if Chen Fang couldn't exchange the hairpin, then he would take it and exchange it first, and after leaving here, he would find Chen Fang next time and give the hairpin to her again.

Chen Fang's current strength is still not enough, so she can help a little bit.

Now that Chen Fang can exchange, there is no such problem. He immediately opened two nodes of the star chain again, forming the power of eight nodes, and drew the chain at the meat worms again.

This time, with a bang, more stars shone, and the drawn meat worms immediately turned into dust. On the other side, although Wang Kui was unilaterally slaughtered by Gui Ying's resentful soul, he finally shattered the wall on his body completely. .

The forbidden wall collapsed, and a huge passage leading to the outside world appeared in front of us.

(End of this chapter)

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