Chapter 556
Although the exit of this strange talk has been opened, there is no need for Wei An to leave through this exit like Chen Fang did.

He can completely leave from the school's dry well strange talk according to the way he came, that is, the "teacher's last wish" strange talk.

Now that the ancient house strange talk has ceased to operate, Wei An believes that the originally closed gate in the front yard should be able to be opened directly.

He came out of the side courtyard, walked through the corridor to the lobby, searched here, but did not find the Trickster Boy, and then went to the boy's bedroom, but also did not find it.

This ancient house is too big, and there are many places to hide it. If you look for it like this, you don't know when you will find it.

Wei'an pondered for a while, and took out the five emperors' money that he had been holding in his mouth. After a while, his lips immediately began to squirm involuntarily, and made some strange sounds.

The sound was made after being cursed by the Trickster, and the cursed person didn't know it.

If at a certain stage, the curse escalates and infects the entire face, the Trick Boy will come and take the person's entire face away.

During this period, he will also appear and observe whether it has reached the stage of taking the face.

After a while, two braids of shofars appeared, they came out from some room, and approached here from the corridor behind the lobby, seeming to be observing.

After the deceitful boy had completely entered the lobby, Wei An immediately put the five emperors' money back into his mouth, suppressing the deceitful curse.

At the same time, he felt a little itchy skin on his face. This should be a sign that the power of the curse began to separate the skin and muscles of his face after the curse of lies was not suppressed.

At the moment when he suppressed the power of the curse again, Wei An smiled at the deceitful boy who appeared in front of him with the five emperors' money in his mouth.

The crooked boy had already sensed that something was wrong in the old house, so he hid it. Now that he was summoned by his own curse power, seeing Wei An's expression was even more wrong, he was immediately startled and turned around to run away.

There was a bang, the ground shook, and the halberd and ax fell on the ground, kicking up a piece of dirt, and Wei'an's inarticulate voice came from behind.

"Dare to take another step and try!"

The boy trembled all over, feeling the huge crisis coming from behind him. The next second, he burst into tears with a grin, and quickly turned to face Wei An, not daring to move any more.

At the same time, while crying, he kept wiping away his tears, and soon his carefully painted makeup was completely ruined by crying. He saw the boy tearing off his entire face and stuffing it into his bosom, and then took out another His face was slapped against his head.

This face is different from the previous one, but the same thing is that the face is still covered with exquisite makeup.

Even so, his crying didn't stop, and the makeup on the second face soon faded.

Without hesitation, the boy cut off this face again and stuffed it into his arms while crying, and then took out a third face and patted it on the head. Although the facial features were different, the makeup was still the same.

During this process, Wei An discovered that when this guy changed his face, his real facial features were still exactly the same as his own. Sure enough, the boy's true face was his own heart.

That is to say, when other people see it, this face will also change into the mind (appearance) of other people, which is very strange.

However, this does not seem to be intentional by the Tale Boy, but a passive effect of his ability.

"Do you think I won't kill you if you cry?" Wei An asked.

While sobbing, the boy raised his head to observe Wei An, and found that the other party's expression was still indifferent. He was so frightened that he quickly stopped crying, but his body was still shaking.

"Undo the curse of lies on me." Wei An said with five emperors' money in his mouth.

Now that he still wants to explore here, it must be extremely inconvenient to keep the five emperors' money in his mouth.

The boy nodded quickly, stretched out two hands, tugged at his two shofar braids respectively, then put down his hands, smiled flatteringly at Wei An and nodded quickly.

"It's solved, it's solved, my lord, please spare me! The villain's crime is not worthy of death, the villain..."

Wei An spat out the five emperors' money, stirred his tongue twice in his mouth, and found that he was no longer talking nonsense uncontrollably, so he interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and asked, "What is the relationship between you and Ao Guiying's resentful soul?"

"It doesn't matter." The Tale Boy replied, and then he noticed Wei An's suspicious expression, and quickly explained: "I am the ghost of this house, she is a resentful soul, we have nothing to do with each other."

"Then why did you start calling her your master?" Wei An frowned.

"My not her." Knowing that Wei An had misunderstood, the Tale Boy hurriedly said, "My master is this house, and I am referring to this house. But..."

"But what?"

"Just now it seemed to be sick, very sick." The boy said, "But it won't die, I know it won't die."

Wei An now understands that the owner of this guy's mouth is actually this ancient house, but in other words, it should be referring to the rules of this ancient house's weird talk.

After breaking the rules by himself just now, it was sick, very sick, but the boy said that it would never die.

"Why are you so sure it won't die?"

The boy immediately shook his head like a rattle: "I don't know, I don't know why, but it will definitely not die."

"Is it dead, so you must die?" Wei An asked.

The boy shook his head again: "No, I have come out of the forbidden wall, I will not be implicated in any way, I can exist independently."

"But I don't worry about your existence." Wei'an raised the halberd and axe.

With a plop, the deceitful boy knelt down in front of him, kowtowed his head non-stop, the two shofar braids flickered, his face was full of horror, and he kept saying: "The villain is a good ghost, but it's just very strange. Just naughty! Please let the villain go, you can train the villain, and the villain is willing to accept any training from the adult..."

This guy's voice was sharp and harsh, making Wei An's ears uncomfortable.

While begging for mercy, the guy began to cry again, and then smeared the face again, knelt there and took out a new face to replace himself with great skill.

Curious how many faces are hidden on this guy.

Wei An pondered for a while, put away the halberd and axe, and then touched the head of the black cat in his mind, spreading his fear, aiming at the kneeling boy.

The boy soon felt an inexplicable fear from Wei An, and this fear quickly permeated his whole body, making him tremble even more.

Although he didn't know why he was so frightened, but for Wei'an, this guy didn't dare to have other thoughts, just kept begging for mercy.

Soon Wei An's words made him tremble.

"I have imprinted the will to fear in your body. If you dare to resist, you will be scared away by this uncontrollable fear!"

These words frightened the boy quite a bit, and his emotions at the moment were indeed filled with a lot of fear. He didn't know why he was so frightened, but this feeling was absolutely real and existed.

The boy nodded hurriedly: "I won't resist, I won't resist, the villain is willing to accept the adult's teaching! Sir, there is a bronze mirror in this house, which can be used to connect to other places."

"Connect to other places?" Wei An was taken aback, and then remembered that the current strange story was connected with the strange story of "Teacher's Last Wish", and even connected with the strange story of bedroom 309.

(End of this chapter)

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