this is not a joke

Chapter 557 Bronze Mirror

Chapter 557 Bronze Mirror

"You mean connected, is this ancient house strange story connected to other strange stories?" Wei An asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, that's how it is." Guiyu Boy nodded immediately, "As long as there is a bronze mirror, it can be connected to other ghost stories. The bronze mirror is the treasure here. As long as the adults don't kill me, I can dedicate this treasure to the adults. "

Wei An's thoughts changed slightly, worried that the trick boy would be playing tricks at the moment. After all, he had just met the other party not long ago, so he didn't know what kind of character this guy was, whether it was the kind of weirdness on the surface.

And looking at it like this, the cleverness of the boy with strange words is obviously much higher than that of ordinary weirdness, and the ability he displays is also extremely weird.

Not long after, Wei'an increased his fear, and the target was still directed at the boy kneeling on the ground. He even felt that he was about to activate the "image of fear".

The boy suddenly felt a huge sense of fear coming towards him, his whole body trembled suddenly, his teeth collided up and down, making a rhythmic sound, even the two braids stood higher than before.

This is real creepy.

In his opinion, it should be because Wei An discovered his thoughts, so he launched an attack through the imprint of fear imprinted in his body just now.

This is to scare myself to death!
After thinking of this level, the tricky boy suddenly became excited, and hurriedly said: "My lord, there is still one thing I haven't finished talking about. I was overwhelmed by the supernatural power of my lord just now, and for a moment I forgot that I still have something important to say. Copper The mirror can indeed connect this place to other ghost stories, but it can only be connected to ghost stories lower than this place. By the way, you can’t take the bronze mirror away, once you take the bronze mirror away, it will backfire on the person.”

Wei An showed a sneer on his face: "This last important thing, you forgot to mention it on purpose, right? So that I would take the bronze mirror away from here without knowing it, and then be eaten back by it!"

Seeing the panic on the boy's face, Wei An's expression changed, and he said sharply: "It seems that you can't stay..."

"No, no, my lord, I really forgot to say this in a moment of excitement just now. Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong!"

The boy screamed in fright, and wanted to kneel close to Wei An and hug Wei An's thigh to beg for mercy, but he was afraid of causing the other party's misunderstanding, so he would kill himself directly instead.

Seeing that appearance, Wei An secretly thought in his heart that he might not be faking it this time.

Of course, even now Wei An is deliberately trying to blackmail this guy with the fear he exudes.

But one thing is very clear to both sides, if the boy of tricky language provokes Wei An again, this guy will really be beheaded on the spot, just like Gui Ying's wraith was killed.

The boy may have known about this scene through his master, that is, the rules of this ancient house.

With a fierce expression on his face, Wei An slowly pulled out the halberd and axe.

This scene formed a strong deterrent to the Lying Yu boy, so frightened that the other party forgot to even cry, but trembled in horror, stretched out his hand to please Wei An's feet, but he dared not.

"Think about it carefully, what else did you forget to tell me." Wei An said slowly.

Lying on the ground, the cunning language boy racked his brains, while subconsciously scratching the ground with his index finger, and directly smashed all the bluestone bricks on the ground, digging out a hole.

He quickly raised his head, and spoke very quickly: "This bronze mirror is called the bridge mirror, and it is the only treasure in the house, but it cannot be taken out of here. Through the bridge mirror, it can be connected to other low-level monsters, and many of them can be connected at once. .”

"What's the use of connecting to other strange stories?" Wei An didn't put down his halberd and axe, but asked with a frown.

The boy lay down and replied: "Growth makes us grow. Not only strange stories, but also weirdness can grow."

"Tell me in detail." Wei An said.

The boy pondered for a while, and replied: "Let me tell you this, my lord. The house was only F-level at the beginning..."

Wei An was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that this ancient house could allow himself to grow through a bronze mirror and other strange stories.

That is to say, from the very beginning of the F rank, it has grown to the current C rank.

And if it can, it can continue to grow as long as the connection is there.

"Take me to this mirror."

"Okay, okay, the villain will lead the way, and the adult will follow slowly!"

The boy immediately got up, turned around and walked forward, turning his head while walking, constantly reminding Wei An to pay attention to the safety of his feet, and he seemed very attentive.

Because now the boy can feel that the feeling of terror just now has been significantly reduced. This is because Wei An's malice towards him has decreased. He cherishes this feeling very much and doesn't think about anything else.

From his point of view, Wei An really has mastered some extremely powerful means, planted a mark in his body, as long as he is not happy, he can pinch himself to death at any time.

The two walked to the room where the boy was, and then went to the innermost room. The boy dragged a wooden box out.

Kneeling in front of the wooden box, he put away his usual frivolous appearance, opened the box carefully, and reached in with both hands to take out something wrapped in black cloth.

After removing the black cloth, a bronze mirror appeared in front of Wei An.

"This is the bridge mirror." The boy's face became extremely serious at the moment, and he said: "It likes me, but it still has some resistance to outsiders. Sir, please don't touch it for now."

Wei An glanced back at the mirror that the boy usually used to paint his face, and it was [-]% similar to this mirror.

The boy immediately explained: "I made my own bronze mirror according to its appearance, adults, don't think too much about it."

Wei An said: "The 'teacher's last wish' ghost story is E-level, and the 309 dormitory in the past is also E-level. Now this place is C-level, why not find a few better D-level ghost stories to absorb and grow, and keep it. What are those two E-rank monsters doing?"

The boy knew everything this time, and he replied, "My lord doesn't know something. It's not that I want to stick to those two strange stories. In fact, someone has come here before and discussed some matters with my master. Although I I don’t know what they talked about, but since then we have been connected with those two ghost stories, even though the master has grown up, it has not changed.”

Wei An frowned slightly: "Someone has already been here? Those people also know that there is this bronze mirror that cannot be taken away?"

"I know." The boy nodded.

Wei An pondered for a while, and asked tentatively: "Among those who came, is there a woman with very long and a lot of hair, and she can move on her own?"

"Hey, how do you know?" The boy was curious.

"Yuzhen?!" Wei An raised his head.

This Yunzhen has always been connected with the white-haired old woman in the dry well, and Wei An has already guessed based on this level, that woman cannot be related to this place for no reason.

As for this woman who has dealt with many times, Wei An knows what the other party's purpose is, that is, she has always wanted to find a way for her to leave the world of strange stories.

(End of this chapter)

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