this is not a joke

Chapter 558 Manic

Chapter 558 Manic
Therefore, it is not difficult for Yizhen to reach an agreement with the strange talk rules here, and it is not difficult to guess what her purpose is.

"Using this bronze mirror can connect the functions of other ghost stories, and find a way to directly leave the ghost story world and go to the human world." Wei An secretly speculated.

It took a while, and he quickly learned about the general situation this guy knew from the mouth of the crooked boy.

I don't know how the rules of the ancient house got in touch with Yunzhen. In short, Yizhen entered here through other strange stories that were inadvertently connected with the strange stories of the ancient house, and then learned about the situation of the bronze mirror.

It's just that the bronze mirror can't be taken away, so Yizhen reached an agreement with the rules of this ancient house. Since then, the ancient house has been connected to "teacher's last wish" and "309 bedroom" strange talk, absorbing its energy.

Even though he has grown to a C-level later, for some reason, he didn't replace these two ghost stories.

Although the Tale Boy doesn't know what the agreement between the rules of the ancient house and Yizhen is, but now Wei An speculates that the secret may lie in those two strange stories.

It's just that the current rules of the ancient house have completely stopped after I completely destroyed the operating mechanism (that is, Gui Ying's Wraith and Wang Kui) that it relied on for survival.

I don't know if it can be awakened. If Yunzhen arrives, she will most likely find that there is a problem here.

Thinking of Yunzhen's arrival, Wei'an was startled secretly. When he first came up from the school's dry well, the white-haired old woman had already spotted him.

If you want to notify Yunzhen, the news must have been passed on long ago. If Yunzhen is going to come, maybe she has already arrived, at least the projection has also arrived.

So if you go back from the school's dry well now, it must be dangerous.

And even if Wei An leaves the strange story through the passage behind the forbidden wall, there is no guarantee that after Yunzhen arrives, she will further control the ruined ancient house that is no longer operating according to the rules, and even find a way to control the bronze mirror.

So Wei An couldn't just leave like this, not to mention that he had a faint feeling that he hadn't finished exploring the things inside, and had to explore further, especially the issue of the close guard suit.

After communicating with the Crazy Tale Boy, he learned that his rule master is seriously ill, so the task of controlling the bronze mirror falls to this boy.

In this ancient house, only a boy can perfectly command the bronze mirror to function.

Wei An was thinking about whether to let the boy directly disconnect the two strange stories of "teacher's last wish" and "dorm 309", which would definitely catch Yunzhen by surprise and ruin her plan.

But before that, he still needs to further explore these two strange stories, and unravel the concerns that he has not explored before.

Now, the sly boy doesn't seem to have any strange intentions on the surface, and he doesn't dare to resist himself for the time being, but if he goes to the other two strange talks and leaves him here alone, the situation will be difficult to say .

"Put down the bronze mirror now and follow me for now." Wei An said.

The boy was surprised, but he saw that Wei An seemed to be going out from the lobby just now, so he immediately asked, "Are you going to go to those two strange stories?"

Wei An nodded: "You don't want to go?"

"No, no." The boy shook his head immediately, "The little one is willing to go anywhere with the adults, but the bronze mirror needs to be taken care of, and if I leave, what should I do if the master suddenly recovers?"

"Don't worry, the things I destroyed will never get better." Wei An sneered, "If you don't leave with me, I will also destroy this bronze mirror now!"

"Don't, don't, my lord, this is my everything!" The boy hurriedly said, "Please don't destroy the bronze mirror, my lord! If... If the master really dies, I, I am willing to manage this ancient house in its place, Guard this bronze mirror."

"I didn't expect you to be so loyal." Wei An showed appreciation, "Yes, as long as you are obedient, I will not destroy it for the time being, but only temporarily."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside, saying in his mouth: "Put down the bronze mirror and follow me!"

The boy immediately agreed, carefully and quickly put the bronze mirror into the wooden box and packed it, then pushed the wooden box into the darkness, then stood up respectfully, and followed Wei An quickly.

Just now, Wei An has already understood clearly that the ability of this strange boy is indeed very strange.

Not only the face he has is the "mind" itself, but he can always pretend to be someone else by changing his face. Of course, the premise is that he can't make up on those faces indiscriminately.

In fact, the boy can control his height at will, that is, he can further impersonate other people by controlling his height after changing his face. This is his strong point.

In the process, the target can be cursed by his tricks without anyone noticing.

Wei An has experienced this kind of curse before, and it is extremely terrifying, because this is a special attack mode, not even an attack, so it can't arouse "Jia Yuhan's blessing" at all, and even Wei An unconsciously said .

But the Tale Boy's own physical attack is almost non-existent, or very rubbish, but he can perfectly stimulate the bridge mirror, making the strange story of the ancient house connect to other strange stories to grow.

As long as he makes good use of this guy now, Wei An believes that it will be of great use in the future.

It's just that he really needs to think of a way to control the Trickster in his own hands, instead of just relying on scaring like now, so he can only stay by his side for the time being.

The two came to the gate of the ancient house one after the other. This time Wei An pushed the door, and the two gates that were no longer controlled by the rules immediately opened.

Walking outside the gate of the compound, looking up, the thick fog not far away shows that this place is still connected with the "teacher's last wish" strange talk.

"Come on, let's go over there and have a look." Wei An immediately walked into the fog.

The boy didn't speak, just nodded and followed quickly.

Although Wei An's malice toward him dissipated now, the boy could still feel the fear slowly permeating his body.

Therefore, he firmly believed that Wei'an had planted a mark in his body, which could not be sloppy, after all, Wei'an was a terrifying existence that broke through the forbidden wall and destroyed his master.

Under the double pressure, the sly boy lost his mind for a while, and just followed behind Wei An obediently.

Not long after, the originally white mist in front of my eyes was suddenly infested with a layer of faint red, which turned the white mist into a red mist, a blood-red mist!
Wei An was taken aback and stopped.

The boy immediately stepped forward, staring at the blood mist around him, with surprise and contemplation on his face.

"Do you know what this is?" Wei An asked upon seeing this.

The boy nodded: "My lord, I have been with the master for a long, long time. I have seen many strange stories and experienced many weird things..."

"Strange? Is there anything weirder than you?" Wei An secretly thought.

The boy didn't know what Wei An was thinking, and continued: "This situation seems to be aroused by 'mania'. Some strange talk rules will have 'mania' after evolution. This emotion is divided into three stages, but generally it will not be revealed easily. , even if the rule dies, it may not appear.”

"Manic?" Wei An was surprised.

"Yeah." The boy nodded, "This is the emotion brought about by the evolution of the rules to a certain extent. It cannot be erased, and it may only be aroused sometimes."

"What will happen after the excitation?"

"All the weirdness in this strange story...became crazy, and the strength was maximized." The boy swallowed his saliva, visibly vigilant.

"Under what circumstances will the rules of ghost talk be aroused?" Wei An frowned.

The boy looked up at him and replied, "Someone deliberately intensified it."

(End of this chapter)

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