this is not a joke

Chapter 572 Chapter [-] Point

Chapter 572 The Tenth Node

The moment he heard it was hair, Wei An knew it was a typical method of Yunzhen.

However, Yunzhen is dead now, and was killed by her father. She never thought that these hairs would still work after being separated from the mother's body for so long.

It seems that Yunzhen should have used some extremely powerful special method, even if she doesn't control it now, these broken hairs will work on their own.

But since it can be found, there must be a way to get rid of it.

This Guards Medal was not easy to come by, and there would be no second one that was exactly the same, so it would be best to save it, Wei An really didn't want to give it up just like that.

"Is there a way to clear it?"

Su Ya thought about it carefully: "Among the items I caught, there is a special item called 'aragonite'. This aragonite can absorb impurities, not only physical impurities, but also spiritual impurities. But you There are too many impurities in the medal, which have almost merged with foreign metals, and it may take until the year of the monkey to absorb it with aragonite alone."

"You can suck even mental impurities?!" Wei An was surprised.

Su Ya nodded: "The treasure has been taken away by the administration on the spot, and it has not been put into the warehouse of this strange talk. They said that this thing is useful for those investigators who have suffered from certain mental pollution, and it needs to be used for research. Then help these investigators get rid of the mental garbage."

"Where is this aragonite now?" Wei An asked.

"It should be in the central city, and it may be in the hands of those expert groups." Su Ya said.

Wei An didn't consider using this aragonite to absorb the spiritual pollution he had received. In fact, he thought that getting a small amount of spiritual pollution was a good thing to some extent.

At least my own spiritual pollution also brought those dreams worth studying, so that the black and white women are still studying them until now.

And Dad's level of spiritual power is even more outrageous, as if it was obtained by greater spiritual pollution.

Of course, this is just Wei An's guess. What he wants to obtain the aragonite now is not to remove his spiritual pollution and build some spiritual barriers, but to use this thing to clear away the impurities of the Order of the Guards.

Let yourself be able to use the close guard set in its entirety.

Although he had used it once before and could feel the powerful function of the set, Wei An understood at this moment that the function of the set was not fully utilized at that time.

Because Yun Zhen had tampered with him ahead of time.

If the impurities are completely removed, I believe the power that can be exerted is stronger than what Wei An felt before.

"We need to find a chance to use that aragonite." Wei An rubbed his chin.

It's not difficult, as long as my father asks, even if he takes a bite of the aragonite, the administration will not say anything.

Su Ya didn't know what Wei An was thinking, nodded and said: "Brother An, remember, after getting the aragonite, you just adsorb it on the medal, and it will be very slow to remove the impurities inside, but if you can melt the aragonite Finally, soak the medal directly in it, so the effect will be greatly improved. Otherwise, it may not be able to absorb these impurities in a lifetime."

"Ah! Melting?" Wei An was taken aback.

With his father's ability, it's fine to take the aragonite and take a bite, but if it melts directly and the thing won't go back, will the old guys from the expert team of the management authority agree?

If this thing is thoroughly researched, it can be a treasure that can clear the investigator's mental pollution.

In this way, there will be fewer investigators like Zhang Zuxia.

But having said that, Zhang Zuxia's strength has doubled after being crazy, which also has gains and losses.

"I'll think of a way." Wei An scratched the back of his head.

Then he took out another black weapon, the star chain, and placed it in front of Su Ya.

Su Ya was startled, looked carefully at the metal chain, and then looked up at Wei An.

She didn't quite understand where Wei An got all the black weapon-grade equipment.

You must know that Su Ya has been fishing here for so long, and she has never encountered a single black weapon. There are only two red weapons, which have been taken away by the administration.

However, she also caught some special items that were useful to Wei An, such as the sound transmission mask, which she quietly kept.

So Su Ya knew that black weapons were not so easy to come across, but now Wei An took out two at once, which couldn't help but surprise her.

Especially the chain in front of him looks very special. Not only is it a black weapon, but it also seems to have a terrifying force that is stronger than it, and it is specially suppressed by the power to check and balance it.

Su Ya quickly fixed her eyes on the coffin nails.

"This is……"

"This is the anti-evil nail. I used it to seal the nodes on the star chain." Wei An explained, "Because it is necessary to open the nodes on the chain to fully use it, so I had to make a bad move and use the anti-evil nail to block the node." live those nodes and force it to fully open."

Speaking of this, Wei An glanced at Pei Na beside him, and continued: "But now I found that after using the Suppressing Nail to suppress the nodes of the Star Chain, although it can exert its full power, it is useless to hit the node a few times." The chain will soon become weak and limp, and it won't work at all, not as much as the previous few strokes."

Pei Na began to purse her lips and chuckle.

Wei An knew that she would laugh, so he continued to stare at her.

Pei Na blinked, and her eyes moved to Wei An's body, Wei An quickly turned around and turned her back to her.

Su Ya, who lowered her head, didn't notice this interesting scene, but said: "This star chain itself is very powerful. You can suppress it with special items. Although you can use all its functions, because it has been suppressed, So it's not going to be used consistently like normal."

"Then how can I make it last longer?" Pei Na asked with a smile.

Wei An coughed.

Su Ya asked him, "Brother An, is there anything else special about this chain?"

Wei An thought for a while and said, "It is said that after unlocking the tenth node, you can make a special wish."

"Making a wish?!" Su Ya seemed to have thought of something, covered her mouth and smiled, "Will there be a dragon?"

Wei An also laughed and shrugged: "I don't know."

"Would you like to give it a try, just open the tenth node's evil nail, and then make a wish." Su Ya suggested.

Wei An thought about it for a while, maybe he could make a wish so that the chain would not become weak after a few whips.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at Pei Na again, her heart is really not about the whip, it also depends on who the opponent is, because in terms of physical strength alone, Pei Na beats her by ten blocks.

"Then I will open the tenth node's anti-suppressing nail, and try to make a wish."

Wei An did it right away, grabbing the tenth node's anti-destroyer nail, and pulled it out.

Unexpectedly, there was no hint of making a wish, but a puff of green smoke popped out at the tenth node, and a humanoid creature squeezed out from that node in the next second, getting bigger and bigger until The upper body forms a person.

The next moment, the person's eyes suddenly opened.

This scene startled the three people in the room. Wei An and Pei Na backed away involuntarily, while Su Ya jumped up from the sofa she was sitting on, stepping on the sofa with her feet and hiding aside.

Staring at this half-formed face, that guy is still pushing his body out of the node of the star chain.

"Wang Zhenhai?!"

Wei An and Pei Na said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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