this is not a joke

Chapter 573 My lord, you are so imaginary!

Chapter 573 My lord, you are so imaginary!
After the tenth node was opened, it was the patriarch Wang Zhenhai who appeared, that is, the person who had died in the underground tomb space.

When Wei An and Pei Na saw this scene, their first reaction was stunned. They never expected that Wang Zhenhai, who died in the tomb long ago, would suddenly appear here.

And looking at it like that, although half of Wang Zhenhai's body appeared, his lower body was still in the nodes of the star chain, and he was extremely skinny.

If it weren't for the deep impression on this guy at the beginning, the two of them might not be able to recognize him immediately at this moment.

This is completely in line with the characteristics that Wang Zhenhai lost weight every time he escaped from a life-or-death crisis.

The moment Wang Zhenhai opened his eyes, he also saw the scene in front of him, and immediately recognized Wei An and Pei Na.

I couldn't help but burst out a sentence: "How could it be so fast!"

Obviously, he didn't seem to expect that Wei'an would untie the tenth node of the star chain in a short time.

Seeing this scene, Wei An suddenly came to his senses.

This tenth node can make a special wish, so the original Wang Zhenhai may wish to be reborn here after death, which is equivalent to leaving a second life for himself.

No matter in whose hands this star chain ends up in the end, if it is time to open the tenth node, I will perfectly implement the layout and continue to be reborn from this place.

It's just that the current time is too fast!

What Wang Zhenhai didn't expect was that Wei'an would get sixteen anti-evil nails, and use the anti-evil nails to untie the first nine nodes so quickly and reach the tenth node.

If it wasn't for the suppression of the previous nine nodes, the tenth node would not have been opened so easily, revealing Wang Zhenhai's incomplete rebirth.

At this moment, Wang Zhenhai was also a little confused, because he came out early, and his lower body was stuck in the node.

The whole picture looks like a lamp god being summoned.

"Kill him!"

Wei An grabbed the killing ax that had just been placed on the table, and quickly struck at Wang Zhenhai's neck.

And Wang Zhenhai also reacted, his heart trembled, and he muttered something, his body swished and stopped going out, but retracted back into the tenth node before the ax approached.

Wei An hit the air with an axe, and took a closer look, the thin Wang Zhenhai had disappeared at the tenth node, without even a head.

Su Ya stood on the sofa, hid far away and said: "I know, although the Suppression Nail suppresses the power of the nodes of the star chain, it will not become weak after only a few uses. It is the fault of the guy inside! He If he died before, he would be reborn in the star chain, just like a weapon spirit, his existence can prevent the star chain from exerting too much power, and even reduce the overall strength."

Wei An looked down at the tenth node, frowning slightly.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhenhai was reborn through the star chain, and hid in it to affect his use of this black weapon.

No wonder I always felt that something was wrong at the beginning, but because I didn't know much about the Star Chain, I didn't notice it. If it wasn't for Su Ya's suggestion to open the tenth node this time, I might not know that this guy has been hiding here until he is completely reborn. in.

"This guy has been hiding inside and can't come out, and he was conceived from the star chain. How can we get him out and kill him?" Pei Na said.

She was slow to move just now, and she was not the closest person to the Star Chain, otherwise she could have covered Wang Zhenhai with a wordless book, and directly absorbed him into the book forcibly. This made Wang Zhenhai completely leave the Star Chain.

"You say he's like a weapon spirit now?" Wei An pondered.

Su Ya nodded: "Yes, although this is his second life, it is realized by the star chain through the way of making a wish, so strictly speaking, he is currently equivalent to the tool spirit of the star chain, because He does have the effect of affecting the use of the star chain, which you have also discovered."

After a pause, Su Ya said again: "But it's not true, because if he fully grows inside, he will definitely be expelled from the tenth node. Because at that time, even if his wish is fulfilled, he must come out .Otherwise the star chain will not be used by the next person."

Wei An asked: "If I want to eliminate him from the star chain, can I also use the aragonite solution to soak it? Just like you proposed to soak the Guard Medal."

Hearing this, Su Ya's eyes lit up slightly.

"In theory, it is possible. Although this person has not yet fully grown to the point where he can escape from the star chain, it seems that it should be soon. Soak him in the aragonite solution in advance at that time. Once he reaches the level where he can escape, he will It will be absorbed by the aragonite bit by bit, turning into a pile of dross."

Wei An nodded. It seems that this is the only way to do it.

The most important thing now is to find Dad and let him find a way to get Aragonite out to "watch and learn".

The tenth node of the Star Chain was once again restrained with the Suppressing Nail, so that Wang Zhenhai could not sneak out, and then Wei An put away the equipment for the time being.

Pulling Pei Na to the passage leading to the outside world, she whispered as she walked, "Let's go, I want to prove to you that this is really not a matter of losing the chain at a critical moment."

"Why is that?" Pei Na let him lead her and asked softly on purpose.

"Physical strength, it's all because physical strength can't keep up!" Wei An said without changing his face: "But this time it won't happen, because you have successfully angered me!"

"Really?" Pei Na blinked.


three days later.

Inside the strange story of the ancient house.

Wicked Tale Boy said to Wei An with surprise on his face: "My lord, I have it, I'm happy!"

When Wei An arrived just now, he heard him say this, and was taken aback for a moment: "Fuck, you know this, but even if you are happy, it's not me, it should be..."

Before he finished speaking, the boy continued: "The strange talk has been connected by me, and it really has a lot of energy, which is much stronger than the energy of the previous two strange talks!"

"So that's what you meant by 'hi'!" Wei An nodded.

The boy tugged at the corner of Wei An's clothes: "My lord, do you want to go to that strange talk? The little one is also very curious, I don't know what's in that strange talk. Hey, my lord, you look blind and your head is crooked. Slanted, pale, filthy, earthen skeleton, it seems very empty! Have you not rested?"

Wei An scolded with a smile: "Brat, where do you get so many words? Quickly lead the way!"

"My lord, please come this way!"

The boy immediately bent over and stepped forward, leading the way.

Soon he came to the backyard of the side house, pushed open the door of the backyard, pointed to the thick fog there and said, "My lord, this time I will pass here."

After the words fell, let's go to the fog first.

(End of this chapter)

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