this is not a joke

Chapter 574 The Devil's Deal

Chapter 574 The Devil's Deal

Wei An followed behind Tricky Boy, and passed through the thick fog in front of him not long after.

In fact, the boy had never been here before. If Wei'an hadn't been following behind at this moment, he wouldn't have been so bold and directly barged in.

The thick fog in front of him quickly thinned and then completely dissipated.

Wei An turned his head and looked around, and found himself on a large lawn.

The lawn is so huge that you can't see the edge at a glance. Apart from the fog behind you, there are no references such as mountains or trees.

And there was only one tall building standing on the grass not far away, the roof was sharp and angular, and the highest point looked like a sharp arrow, facing the sky straight.

A tall and wide pitch-black gate appeared on one side of the building. At this moment, the gate was closed tightly, and no one could be seen around.

"My lord, this building is so weird! Be careful!" the boy muttered.

"This is a church, something from the West, you may not have seen it before." Wei An said.

"Is the church used for teaching?" the boy asked.

Wei An shook his head: "Like Taoist temples, temples, almost similar buildings."

The boy nodded immediately: "I understand, this is what Westerners like!"

While talking, the two slowly approached the cathedral.

There are two connected buildings at the back of the church, but they are a little shorter, and they should be the living quarters of priests and the like.

But I don't know if there is anyone.

Because the surrounding area is too quiet, there is not even a breeze on the vast grassland, and there is no smell of living things.

Arriving in front of the pitch-black gate, a prompt from the "Story Editor" appeared in Wei An's mind.

[It is detected that the host enters the current ghost story as a "non-participant", is it embedded in the current ghost story? 】

"Not embedded." Wei An immediately denied it.

Reaching out and pushing one side of the door open, the inside of the church is bright and spacious, with a large number of long rows of wooden chairs neatly arranged.

The boy felt it and said, "It seems that there is no danger."

Then he jumped in and walked in.

Wei An also looked around and found that there was no one there, and there was no danger in sight.

The boy quickly ran to a stone platform under the cross at the front of the church.

The stone platform is not empty, but a one-meter-high golden equal-arm balance is placed.

At this time, the boy had already discovered the special features of the golden balance, so he approached it curiously, took a closer look, and reached out to fiddle with the tray on the right side of the balance.

At this moment, the trays on both sides of the balance are empty, and nothing is placed in them.

When Wei An walked over, the boy reached out and fiddled with the empty tray on the left side of the balance.

But at this moment, his index finger stretched in a little, and there was a loud sound. The crisp sound came from nowhere and echoed in the church.

The golden balance also moved suddenly, and the boy found that his index finger, which had been inserted into the balance tray, could not be retracted, but was pressed against the tray by an extremely powerful force.

With a click, the index finger was separated from the boy.

The boy screamed in fright, quickly retracted his right hand, which was missing a finger, and hid behind Wei An.

He wasn't screaming out of pain, but was frightened by the strange force.

Besides, as a weird thing, a finger is nothing, the severed wound doesn't even have blood, it's pitch black, and the boy subconsciously put it in his mouth to suck it.

At this time, because of the addition of a broken finger on the balance tray, it has begun to tilt to this side, while the empty tray is getting higher and higher.

At this moment, something suddenly appeared out of thin air on one side of the empty tray, which suppressed the rising tray, and slowly pressed down, making the two sides of the balance gradually tend to balance.

Wei An and Tong Zi immediately moved closer to the tray where objects appeared out of thin air.

"Rouge?! It's rouge!" The boy's sharp voice was delighted, "I've wanted to change to rouge for a long time, this rouge is exactly the kind I've always wanted to use, um, it smells like a faint scent of hibiscus. "

Then he looked up at Wei An: "Is this... for me?"

Wei An nodded: "You traded that finger for this."

At this moment, he finally understood that the church balance in this strange story can be exchanged for any item at an equivalent value.

Just like when the boy accidentally used his finger to exchange a small box of rouge.

"Devil's deal?" Wei An remembered that his father had mentioned it in passing.

The appearance of this balance here should mean that the participants can make any transaction with the invisible devil in the church at any time.

As long as the special trading item is placed on one end of the scale, on the other side of the scale there will be an item that the hidden devil considers equal, and will be offered to the trader.

Wei An looked up at the dome of the church, maybe there is no hidden devil, and only the strange talk rules are in charge of this balance transaction.

And the energy of this strange talk rule is extremely powerful, but it should not be aggressive, which causes its energy to be accumulated all the time, providing traders with many weird and inexplicable items, and collecting special trading items to supplement their own energy.

"This strange talk is interesting." Wei An muttered to himself.

At this time, the boy had carefully taken out the rouge box from the tray on the other side of the balance, holding it with both hands, looking very cherished.

As for the finger he lost, it will grow back by itself after a while, the boy is not worried about anything at all, on the contrary, he already has the feeling of eagerness to try again.

When Wei An didn't notice, this guy stuffed the rouge into his arms, and then he pulled out a face he had collected, and slammed it on one end of the scale.

"Don't use it indiscriminately..." Wei An was shocked when he saw this, but it was too late to stop it.

A bang echoed in the church again.

Seeing that the other side of the golden scale kept rising up, a wriggling mass of meat suddenly appeared in the tray.

This lump of meat looked nothing like anything. After a while, the lump of flesh stretched out, as if it were a soft head with long hairs on it.

Not only Wei'an, but even the boy was stunned by this scene. He didn't know why he traded such a thing. He actually just wanted more rouge.

It appeared to be that of a woman - a boneless skull!
The next second, the head was lifted up, and the face facing the two of them had nothing on it, not even a face, but a black hole like a bottomless pit.

An extremely shrill voice came from inside: "Give me your face...!"

The wind suddenly picked up, and the boneless skull jumped out of the tray, and rushed towards the boy.

However, it was smashed into pieces by Wei An's hammer while it was still in the air, and with a click, it fell limply to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Wei An turned his head to look at the frightened boy hiding behind him, and asked, "Do you want any more rouge?"

(End of this chapter)

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