this is not a joke

Chapter 588 Imitation

Seeing that his method worked, Wei An's confidence suddenly rose.

This is the method he came up with just now, so he immediately used the sound transmission mask.

As for what to do if other participants encounter this situation, it only depends on their own resilience.

However, all participants should not be able to take out the weapons and equipment in the inventory at this time, but can only take out some special items.

If this kind of special item can work here, then it can pass smoothly, or if there is no item, rely on brute force to kill the headless wood bud woman.

But presumably there are very few participants who can do this, so most of them will not be able to pass this strange talk in this strange talk.

After Wei An imitated Mu Ya's mother and spread the voice, seeing Mu Ya retreat in a panic, he imitated again and said: "My head is missing, so I came to ask others, do you want me to twist your body too? "

Mu Ya continued to back away, her hurried and helpless appearance was really like a headless fly, plus she had no head at all.

Stumbling back to the crack of the bedroom door, Wei An heard her very characteristic footsteps as if she got into the bathroom after squeezing out.

When the footsteps suddenly disappeared, Wei An opened the bedroom door and walked out.

When he came to the door of the bathroom and took a look under the dim light inside, he didn't see anything. He went in again and took a closer look at the narrow bathroom. The headless wooden sprout seemed to disappear immediately after entering here.

"It might have entered through the sewer." Wei An said to himself.

He looked up at the always-on TV screen in the living room.

At this moment, the originally huge Xiaomei's cheeks on the screen have disappeared, and only the bed where Xiaomei was lying holding her grandma just now, and the grandma suffering from Alzheimer's disease on the bed, has passed away.

Xiaomei has disappeared.

Wei An came out of the bathroom, walked to the living room, and wanted to see if the TV series would continue in the future.

But it was found that the picture inside had been frozen at the moment of grandma's death, and did not move anymore.

Immediately, a burst of goosebumps emerged from his back, and at the same time, a chill from the back soaked into his body. He subconsciously turned around immediately, and saw a woman standing there with disheveled hair at the door of the bathroom where he had just walked out.

This woman is Xiaomei.

She was wearing a white nightdress, pale and expressionless, exactly the same as the one on TV just now.

Wei An immediately backed away, and saw Xiaomei stepped forward and walked out of the bathroom, raised her head slightly, and stared at herself.

A line of text appeared in front of Wei An in real time.

[Xiaomei wants to play a game, please accept her invitation.otherwise……】

At this time, a more powerful chill struck from Xiaomei's direction, instantly crawling all over Wei'an's body, giving him the illusion of falling into an ice cave at this moment.

At the same time, the skin of the whole body seemed to be frozen, and the cold feeling was extremely terrifying, as if the skin was about to be cracked by the cold.

"Accept!" Wei An said directly without using a sound transmission mask.

He knew that he had to accept the situation at the moment, and he couldn't accept it if he wanted to. If he didn't accept it, he could only use weapons to kill this little beauty who was obviously much stronger than the headless wood bud just now.

Even if you just use ordinary weapons, you may not be able to beat Xiaomei, who looks like a human but is not human.

After saying the word "accept", the cold feeling on his body disappeared instantly.

And Xiaomei just stared at him until now, and didn't say anything.

Words appeared in front of Wei An's eyes again.

[Please start to imitate Xiaomei's actions, if she does one, you must imitate it perfectly, otherwise it will be regarded as a game failure! 】

"Well, it's similar to the story of this woman on TV." Wei An thought.

Xiaomei has always been imitating in the TV series, and imitation is her forte, and the game she is playing at the moment is very in line with her behavior habits.

After the words surfaced, Xiaomei immediately took action.

Facing Wei An, she bent down suddenly, grabbed the ankles of her two feet with both hands, and bent her body completely parallel to the two feet, even extending her head from the bottom between the feet to the back.

Maintaining this posture, Xiaomei remained motionless, as if waiting for Wei An to do the same.

Wei An was slightly taken aback.

He tried to bend down in the same way, grabbed the ankles of both feet with both hands, clasped them tightly, and then kept his bent body parallel to his feet as much as possible, and he heard his waist creak.

Fortunately, Wei An had received the devilish fighting training from Pei Na before. While completing some fighting skills that Pei Na taught him, he had to move his body and stretch his limbs first.

Wei An's limbs were pulled apart during that time, and he basically did radio gymnastics to stretch his body after waking up every day, so at this moment when he was doing this movement that ordinary people seem to be unable to complete, he encountered The difficulty is actually not as great as imagined.

Although it was a bit strenuous, Wei An finally completed this movement after his old waist crackled.

While being grateful to Pei Na in his heart, he was also paying attention to what was happening on the other side.

Soon the words appeared in front of my eyes.

[The first action, pass! 】

There was a rustling sound from Xiaomei's side. She was standing upright again, and Wei'an was also carefully restoring her body, moving slowly, for fear that she would hurt herself if she moved too fast.

Xiaomei quickly squatted on the ground again, looked up at herself, then crossed her left and right hands to support the ground, and then lifted her feet flexibly, leaving the ground.

"Fuck, this move! You practice acrobatics, right?" Wei An was startled.

He didn't know if he could do this action, but it still felt very challenging, and he couldn't help but be eager to try it.

Squat down on the ground, cross your hands, place them on the ground, and then gradually shift your center of gravity to the palms of your hands. Your strength will begin to increase, and you will continue to keep your center of gravity stable.

At this moment, Wei An tried to relax his left foot first, and then his right foot.

After both feet are completely relaxed, start to try to get off the ground slowly while increasing the control over the center of gravity of the body.

Sure enough, after a series of adjustments, Wei An unexpectedly completed this movement that he thought he could not do, although his body trembled a little, and this posture was also very ecstasy.

However, the prompt text did not pop up at this time, which means that the action was not in place, and Xiaomei on the opposite side still maintained this action and did not recover.

Wei An once again stabilized his balance. Fortunately, his arm strength is still good, and gradually his body stopped shaking, and finally maintained a delicate balance.

After staying like this for a while, familiar words emerged.

[The second action, pass! 】

Soon, Xiaomei began to recover and stood up slowly.

Wei An breathed a sigh of relief, and also slowly returned his body to its original shape, and this time he was even more careful, for fear that he would accidentally slip to his waist.

Unexpectedly, when she just recovered, she saw Xiaomei suddenly bent down, hugged her left leg with both hands, and snapped her left leg directly from the knee.

Then she let go, and stood on one foot with the broken left leg, and raised the other foot to support herself up.

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