"Fuck, this ruthless person! He is so ruthless to himself!"

Wei An was stunned.

He didn't expect that this woman would just do the movements, and even broke her own leg directly, not only that, but also allowed this broken leg to prop up her whole body, playing a golden rooster independence!

This posture is so difficult that it cannot be compared with the two movements just now.

It is the action of directly breaking one's left leg from the knee. I am afraid that few people dare to do this.

In all fairness, Wei An didn't dare to be so cruel to him.

What's more, after breaking the foot, let the foot be independent and support the weight of the whole body. Who can support this normal person?
This is no longer a question of being cruel to him, but a question of whether he can do it. Wei An feels that he can't do it at all.

But it seemed like at this moment he had no choice.

"Can this... also be imitated?"

He looked at Xiaomei standing on one foot in front of him, her body was extremely balanced, but the broken foot supporting the ground was shocking, because the bone inside the skin had obviously broken, and the skin was pushed out high, making the piece of The skin is pale.

It felt a bit close, the broken bone was about to pierce the skin.

"A-level, A-level strange talk that does not leave people alive!" Wei An murmured in his heart.

At the same time, he probably knew why the wounds of those participants who returned to the basement alive were immediately frozen at the moment of returning to the basement, because if this kind of wound was not frozen, an ordinary person would not be able to last long, and would not be able to continue the beast fight next time moment.

When he was still hesitating, he saw that Xiaomei, who was originally expressionless, frowned slightly at this moment, and was about to show a fierce expression.

Wei An knew that he couldn't wait any longer, otherwise the other party might attack directly.

He immediately controlled the foreign object resistance receptor in his body, that is, the human skin left by the cursed corpse, to move to the knee of his left leg, deliberately bent down, grabbed the knee of his left leg with both hands, and "twisted" suddenly!
In fact, Wei'an's hands did not use force, but used this all-things-resistant body to cover the knee bone, stretched it, and then twisted it.

Although he could feel something strange in his knee, Wei An couldn't feel any pain at all because of the covering of the foreign object resistance receptor and not the effect of other external forces.

In fact, his knee only seemed to be broken, and even the bones were pushed up. In fact, it was only deformed under the action of the all-things resistance receptor. As long as this strange force is eliminated, it can still be restored.

But now there is one thing that Wei An is better than Xiao Mei, that is, the pajamas he wears are trousers, so it is not so clear just from the outside.

It seemed that Wei'an's knee was also broken, and his pants were partly pushed up by the broken bone inside, while Wei'an put on a painful expression with a hideous face.

Enduring the pain, he slowly raised his foot, and then lifted the other foot, so that the broken foot quickly supported the weight of his entire body.

At this time, Wei An's expression was even more painful, giving people a feeling that he would completely collapse in the next second and could no longer hold on.

But he just kept on like this all the time, and just kept going.

In fact, at present, it is the all-things-resistant body that fully supports his body weight, and it is stable without shaking at all.

But Wei An wanted to pretend that he had tried his best.

Until the text prompt in front of you pops up.

[The third action, pass! 】

Xiaomei put down her other foot, and Wei An also followed her to put down his foot slowly with a face full of pain, and then he pretended to break off the place covered by the foreign object resistance body, his expression became resolute .

It gives the impression that at this moment, he seems to have directly snapped back the raised bones, and the trouser legs have become flat. In fact, he has quietly removed the receptors of all things.

There was a subtle and imperceptible change in Xiaomei's always cold expression.

But soon she turned her body back and lowered her waist, turning into a reverse U shape as if performing acrobatics.

His hands supported the ground behind his heels, and after maintaining this movement, his waist suddenly twisted again, making a crisp clicking sound, so that his front was facing Wei An, and he looked over from his crotch.

I don't know if Xiaomei's waist is broken at this moment, but hearing the crisp sound just now, it feels like it should be broken.

Wei An was stunned.

He wondered whether even after he finished this movement, the next movement, the woman would directly twist her head off, hold her in her arms and play with it as a ball, and then let him follow suit.

If that's the case, then you're just kidding, you'll die sooner or later!
My lower back is okay, since I was trained by Pei Na in the Brahma City Administration, my waist is also very flexible, especially at night, I still need to "train".

He can now do the posture of turning his back and lowering his waist, but it's not standard, and he doesn't stay for a long time.

But it is absolutely impossible to do what Xiaomei did, after lowering her waist backwards, she can still maintain this posture and twist her upper body forward.

At that time, it is not a question of whether it can be reversed, but a question of whether it will die on the spot.

"Can the all things resistance body protect my lumbar spine?" Wei An raised a question.

Although now he is very clear that this piece of thing is not the human skin that he understood before, but a very rare and special item called the all-things resistance receptor.

And it comes directly from the cursed corpse, and it is not obtained by completing the strange talk task.

He carefully moved the all-things resistance body to his waist, thinking whether it could be flattened and thinner, so as to cover all the places where his waist would be lowered.

Suddenly, he felt that the all-things-resistance receptor was really stretching, slowly wrapping his waist completely, and as if he knew what he was going to do, he didn't need Wei An to issue instructions, but tightened this piece of muscle, and quickly replaced them role.

Relying on his own movements, Wei An slowly turned his back and lowered his waist, and then under the action of the all-things resistance receptor, his strength became sufficient and strange.

The width of the lower waist became more obvious, and the strength was also greater. The whole person was close up and down, and then there was a click, the waist was broken, and Wei An's face was twisted from the back to the front, just like Xiaomei, looking at the other party from the crotch .

Xiaomei's face had turned into obvious surprise at this time.

But Wei An felt an extremely strange feeling at this time, he found that he could only feel his upper body, and his lower body was empty, as if it didn't exist anymore.

Obviously, this has been temporarily taken over by the all-things tolerance receptor, otherwise I would not be able to perform such an action that would allow people to die on the spot.

The text appeared in front of my eyes.

[The third action, pass! 】

Wei An also had a thought in his mind: "Will there be a fourth one?"

Seeing Xiaomei, who still had a shocked expression on her face, slowly recovering her body, and Wei An immediately recovering her body by relying on the Wanwu resistance receptor, her heart was pounding.

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