this is not a joke

Chapter 604 The Stealer

Chapter 604 The Stealer

Standing at the corner of the stairs, Wei An pondered carefully.

The fact that I was able to contact Pei Na meant that the Cursed Poker was still working, but I couldn't see it, and couldn't really hold it in my hands.

"Is it because they are blocked in some way?" Wei An murmured to himself, "This makes me unable to see and perceive them."

Since it is blocked, there must be a way to regain it.

When thinking of this, the "go home" instruction in his mind suddenly became stronger, causing Wei An's heartbeat to speed up uncontrollably.

Now he knew that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise worse things might happen.

Holding the joss paper money in one hand and the lighter in the other, Wei An quickly went up to the second floor.

There are only two families upstairs, the doors are closed, and it is extremely dark.

When Wei An saw the door of the house next to the stairs, he was immediately sure that this was his rented house.

At this time, Pei Na felt in her heart: "Team leader Tang said that your Colosseum is too dangerous. Let's find a way to get out of the basement and see if we can go to your place."

"She knows that the two of us can communicate with each other?" Wei An asked.

"I didn't tell him, but I just said that I felt that you would be very dangerous, and that you might not be able to open the inventory in this Colosseum." Pei Na replied.

"You guys think of a way first." Wei An said: "But you must come here under the condition of ensuring your own safety, and wait for the regular aura to leave before you act."

At this time, he had come to the door of the rental house.

Wei An didn't open the door to go in immediately, but squatted down first, put down the paper money joss stick in his hand, then lit the paper money with a lighter, piled it up in front of the door and burned it, and put the joss stick on it.

While lighting it, he said: "No matter what kind of god you are, you followed me here before, now please collect these incense paper money, go back to the southwest corner of the crematorium to rest, and don't wander around here."

Inserting the lit joss stick beside the stairs in the corridor, Wei An was about to stand up when suddenly he caught something out of the corner of his eye.

After a moment of daze, he didn't move, but immediately looked away, but he didn't see anything.

He immediately looked back, just staring at the paper money that was about to burn out, and looked around with his peripheral vision, and soon saw something in the place where he caught the shadow just now.

Those are a pair of women's feet!
The woman was wearing a pair of light yellow flat casual shoes with the insteps exposed and no socks.

But the exposed instep was full of blood stains, only the pair of shoes looked clean.

These feet are actually less than one meter away from where Wei An is squatting, which is very close, but if you look straight ahead, you can't see anything, you can only see it through the corner of your eyes.

Because he couldn't see it clearly from the corner of his eye, and the blood stain on the instep of Wei An just felt suspicious, he wasn't sure.

But it is certain that the feet are small. This is a pair of women's feet.

"Here, I'm sorry to disturb you." Wei An said again, "If there is nothing else? Please go back."

I don't know why the original owner of this body went to the southwest corner of the crematorium and provoked such a thing.

And this thing staying here obviously has a purpose, Wei An can only guess that the original body owner accidentally provoked this monster and was followed by the other party.

Don't form antagonism with the other party for the time being, if you talk well and give some sweetness, maybe you can turn big things into small things, and small things into nothing.

After saying these words, Wei An saw those feet move forward from the corner of his eye, and he almost subconsciously backed away, preparing to keep a distance from the owner of those feet.

But still refrained from moving.

A feeling of scalp numbness suddenly came from the top of his head, as if something was approaching him.

At this moment, the owner of those feet is already very close to him, if the other party reaches out, he can just reach the top of his head.

After a while, the numbness of the scalp intensifies, and directly turns into a burst of tingling.

Wei An could feel as if an electric shock was about to come, even his scalp couldn't help throbbing, and goose bumps popped out all over his body.

Can't let this thing get close to me.

Wei An immediately leaned forward, grabbed the door, and twisted it lightly. The door was not locked, and he opened it directly.

After Wei An took a step, he straightened up, immediately got into the room, and closed the door behind his back.

I don't know if the feet behind them are getting closer, anyway, I can't hear any sound, and I can only see each other with my peripheral vision.

Wei An took a breath and tried to open the inventory again, but nothing happened. He thought about taking out the bloody hammer again, but there was nothing in his hand. Even if the bloody hammer was invisible, he should at least feel it. is.

But at this moment, he didn't feel anything at all. This meant that his guess was wrong. Now that he was able to use some of the abilities of Cursed Poker and communicate with Pei Na without barriers, it didn't mean that he could use other equipment.

Looking up at the house, the house is very small, with one bedroom and one living room, and the things in the house are also very simple, whether it is the sofa, table or TV, they should all be second-hand.

Walking into the bedroom, the area is smaller than the living room, but there is a bathroom inside.

Although the room is small and the items are second-hand, it looks clean.

After entering here, the urging voice in my mind disappeared, which indicated that the initial order to enter the Colosseum had been completed.

After entering the rental house, there should be no other requirements.

Wei An is still preparing to leave as soon as possible. He pretends to open the wardrobe in the bedroom, and then finds a damaged suitcase from under the bed. He opens the suitcase and prepares to pack a few pieces of clothes in the closet and put them in the suitcase before leaving. .

He suspected that even after he went out now, the woman would still follow him weirdly, so he had to find a way to completely deal with her.

Or, according to the revelation brought by Zhou Wenbing, find the secret in Yu Guang Colosseum.

When he casually put a few pieces of clothes into the suitcase, Wei An was stunned for a moment, staring at a ring that was covered by the clothes just now.

This ring should be made of gold, it is very heavy, and there is a turquoise inlaid on it, but this style of ring is not worn by young people at all, and it is basically worn by those who are old and have a wealthy family.

"This thing... shouldn't be fake." Wei An said to himself.

Putting the ring on the bed, he turned around and went to the closet to find out the clothes on it. Soon he saw a cassette inside, and he was taken aback when he pulled out the cassette.

I saw that the inside was full of gold and silver jewellery, which was about to fill up the space in the shadow box.

If it is just a laborer, it is impossible to afford so much gold and silver jewelry.

Wei An's first thought was that this guy was stealing things, and the target of the stealing was not ordinary people, but the corpses parked outside the crematorium waiting to be cremated.

Most of these corpses should be elderly, and before cremation, things that cannot be burned or valuables will be removed.

And the original owner of this body should have taken this opportunity to steal these things.

While thinking about it, Wei An's heart suddenly twitched, feeling something was wrong.

He turned around immediately, but there was nothing behind him.

Although he couldn't see anything, he didn't relax his vigilance. Instead, he moved his eyes and only used his peripheral vision to observe the surroundings.

Soon, I saw the woman's feet appearing beside the bed.

"Which item here is yours? I'll give it back to you." Wei An said.

 I have to work overtime tomorrow, I don’t dare to stay up late, I just rested honestly, I love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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