this is not a joke

Chapter 605 Unseen Plot Speculation

Chapter 605 Unseen Plot Speculation

When he thought about it, the woman had been following him, it must be because the original owner of the body took her things away during the theft.

That's why he was stared at by this monster.

But after saying these words just now, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he found that Yu Guangzhong had an extra pair of feet protruding out.

These should belong to the feet of an old man with small soles, wearing a pair of old-fashioned cloth shoes, and cannot distinguish between men and women.

But when the old man's feet appeared, they were closer to Wei An than the woman was standing, almost only one step away.

At this moment, Wei An had no choice but to take two steps back, and directly activated the role positioning.

He couldn't figure out how many strange things that could only be observed from the corner of his eye were there in this room.

But now I have to guard against them, otherwise I don't know how to die.

At the moment when he started positioning, what Wei An thought about was to locate the monster that was malicious to him and very likely to hurt him.

Soon the red dots in front of me began to flicker, but not one, but seven red dots appeared at the same time, four of which were flickering inside the house, and three more were at the door outside the house, distributed outside the door and in the upstairs and downstairs. on the stairs.

Two of the flashing red dots happened to be the pair of women's feet and the old man whose gender didn't know who had just appeared.

After seeing this scene, Wei An suddenly understood that these strange things that appeared in his peripheral vision were not good for him, that is, their things might have been stolen by the original owner of this body, so he came to him one by one.

But this Colosseum is so difficult, it can't be just what I see on the surface now.

Wei'an pondered for a while, and spent 50 energy points again to start the plot speculation.

His eyes dimmed slightly, and this time he saw a one-time and extremely special plot speculation that he had never seen before.

[Plot 1: Your body is shaking and your consciousness is falling.You find yourself surrounded by many strange things that can only be seen in the corner of your eye. You want to return the stolen things so that these weird things will divert their targets and stop staring at you, but it seems that this has no effect .So you deliberately threw the stolen items under the bed, trying to take this opportunity to escape from this room and go to the crematorium to find out.This action did not increase your chances of escape. Two monsters got under the bed, but there are still two monsters in the room that are getting closer to you.The probability of this scenario happening? 】

[Plot 2: Your body is still shaking, and your consciousness is still falling.You feel something is wrong, maybe some of the weirdness is because of those stolen items, but maybe some of the weirdness is not for this.Through character positioning, you find that the woman's weird feet are still approaching you, and suddenly you find that you have overlooked the key point, that is, you can only see these weird feet from the corner of your eye just now, and it seems that you can't move up from the corner of your eye , can not see their upper body.At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed, and you immediately looked at the woman's feet from the corner of your eye again, and then gradually shifted your attention to her upper body, and saw a group of irregular meat balls covering her upper body, and the meat balls were wriggling, as if in control of her body.The probability of this scenario happening? 】

[Plot 3: Your body becomes trembling, and your consciousness is also trembling.Yu Guangzhong's feet are already close to you, you retreat to the door of the living room, but you can't open the door, because there are also three weird ones waiting there outside the door.The ball of flesh is getting closer and closer to you until it sticks to you.At this moment, you think of the scene where you met Gui Ying's wronged soul in the old mansion compound. There is also a strange space behind Gui Ying that you can only see from the corner of your eye.When the mass of meat enveloped you, you simply took a step forward, completely in contact with it, trying to enter another different space, and then break the shielded situation of the item bar.It's pitch black in front of you, but you still can't open the inventory at all.The probability of this scenario happening? 】

[Plot 4: Your body begins to shatter, and your consciousness is being wiped out.A large amount of blood gushes out from your open wound behind the meat ball covering your upper half. You have not become the same as the lady covered by the meat ball. Your body is shattered at this moment. Your consciousness seems to have turned into substance, flowed out with blood, dissipated, and no longer existed.Unfortunately!You, the participant, die.The probability of this scenario happening? 】

This time, he directly inferred four plots, and consumed the 50 points of energy in an instant.

Wei An hadn't come across such an energy-consuming speculation for a long time.

However, he was also greatly shocked by this conjecture. For some reason, the first sentence of every plot is that there is something wrong with his body and consciousness.

"My body is shaking?"

Wei An could feel that although he was a little worried at the moment, the invisible feet in this room were a little scary, but it was not at all in a state where his body trembled.

And the consciousness is also trembling.

This is even more terrifying. If the consciousness is trembling, it means that you can no longer think effectively, at least you cannot form a normal consciousness.

"Why do you say that? Why does this sentence always appear before the plot speculation. My body was finally shattered, and my consciousness was completely wiped out, and what accompanied me was just being wrapped in that meat ball. My body was really shattered, and my consciousness was really too. The moment of death."

At this time, Wei An seemed to realize something, but he only had a vague understanding, and he came to the conclusion that this Colosseum is a bit like that kind of phantom level.

It was like seeing Xiaomei grow up on TV when I encountered the first Colosseum.

As if he was in the TV, although his body didn't seem to be trembling at the moment, to some extent, he might be experiencing this kind of trembling.

"No, no!"

Wei An pinched his thigh fiercely.

It hurts so much that tears are about to fall, which proves that he is not hallucinating.

"My inventory didn't disappear, because the Cursed Poker proved to be still available..."

While thinking about it, he didn't act as the plot speculated, but grabbed the bag of gold and silver jewelry and rushed directly to the living room.

Because there is no indication of the probability of occurrence behind each plot speculation, this is the first time this has happened with this function.

Does this mean that not only do I feel that the plot is a bit confusing, but even the plot speculation may be confusing.

It seems that it has been speculated, but in fact there is no probability of it happening, or is it impossible to happen at all?Or is it absolutely going to happen?
"Pei Na, can you still sense me now?"

A word came from Wei An's mind, and he rushed to the door of the living room.

However, he didn't open the living room door, but directly opened "Search for Strange Talk".

Yes, the current arenas of beasts can be regarded as composed of small ghost stories, and if you are sure that you have fallen into some kind of hallucination, the function of searching ghost stories is definitely useful, and there are many ghost stories here, after searching, there must be more than one. A strange talk (Colosseum) came out.

(End of this chapter)

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