this is not a joke

Chapter 606 I Saw You!

Chapter 606 I Saw You!
"I can sense you." Pei Na's voice quickly echoed in Wei An's mind, "Tang Li and I have come out of the basement. Although the sense of danger is still there, Tang Li said that the thing has left .”

"Be careful!" Wei'an replied in his heart: "The Colosseum I encountered here is very weird. Except for the curse poker that has a reaction and can sense with you, nothing else can be opened."

Pei Na was even more worried when she heard that there was nothing in Wei'an's inventory.

"Then you must pay attention to safety! Wait for me and Tang Li to come in and help you!"

"Don't come in!" Wei'an stopped immediately, "Just get close to the Colosseum where I am, and help me see what's going on here from the outside. Because I feel..."

"How do you feel?" Pei Na asked eagerly.

"It feels like I'm dreaming, but it's not quite like it." Wei An said.

At this time, he had already arrived at the door of the living room and opened the door with a bang.

Out of the corner of the eye, I saw three weird creatures outside the door. Their feet were scattered all over the place. One was standing on the steps leading upstairs, the other was standing on the way downstairs, and the third was standing about a meter away from the door. place.

At this time, Wei An has been able to use his peripheral vision to observe things very skillfully, although he does not see very carefully.

But it doesn't matter if you can't see clearly as long as you can be sure that there is a weirdness there.

After opening the door, Wei An barely stopped, and took a step forward, dodging the weird peripheral vision that was closest to the door, kicked open the door of the opposite house with a slam, and then rushed in quickly.

Before he came out, he had used his "positioning character" skill to figure out the weird location outside the door, so he was able to avoid it accurately.

At this time, the key information he had just obtained through the "Search for Strange Talk" skill appeared in his mind.

Just now when Pei Na heard that Wei An couldn't take out any piece of equipment in the inventory, she started to panic.

Because she didn't know that Wei'an still had his last trump card - the plot editor.

If it is another participant, even if the participant is extremely powerful, even like Zhou Wenbing, the top investigator in the Administration, if he encounters such a strange talk when there is no inventory to use, it is basically It is very difficult to survive.

If Wei An didn't have a "story editor", he would be blind at this moment.

He rushed into the opposite room because he had already obtained the feedback from "Search for Strange Talk", which also confirmed his guess just now.

This Colosseum is indeed like other ghost stories, and smaller ghost stories also appear in it at the same time.

However, although it is said to be a "little strange story", it does not mean that the difficulty of completing these strange stories will be reduced. Any Colosseum here should not be underestimated.

Wei An glanced at the strange story he had just found in his mind.

The information he received just now had left enough space for him to escape.

After rushing into the opposite room, he knew that the weirdness in his peripheral vision would definitely come after him, so he immediately picked up an old teapot on the dusty coffee table and continued to walk into the bedroom inside.

No one has lived in this room for a long time, it is full of dust and cobwebs, and it is also filled with a strong musty smell.

After Wei An quickly walked into the bedroom, he slammed the old teapot in his hand against the corner of the bedroom, and then turned back to the living room.

In the corner of the bedroom behind him, the teapot was broken and scattered all over the floor.

On top of this fragment, an elderly man with no clothes on appears.

The old man has white hair all over his head, his skin is grayish brown, wrinkled, and a large number of skin folds hang down like curtains.

Even at a glance, these peeling skin folds seemed to form a large garment, covering his body.

It's just that there is still something hanging and shaking under his legs, which looks extremely disgusting and weird.

Immediately after the old man appeared, he cast his eyes on the fragments of the teapot scattered on the ground, and then an extremely strong anger surged in his eyes. Under the gray-brown skin, there seemed to be countless maggots twisting and jumping up and down, making His wrinkled skin was also trembling violently.


The old man let out a painful and angry roar, and rushed out of the living room.

At this time, Wei An had already arrived at the window of the living room. This window had been damaged long ago, and the broken window effect made the windows on the left and right sides also broken.

He bowed directly, and jumped off the stairs when the wrinkled old man had just chased after him to the living room.

The legs were bent and the body was leaning forward. When it landed on several wreaths laid on the coffin below, it also counteracted a lot of the force of the downward rush.

Wei An only felt a slight numbness in his legs, but he was not injured.

When the scary old man in the living room upstairs didn't see the target, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something like himself in his territory.

Although he couldn't see anything like Wei An, his strange special sense let him know that his domain was threatened.

The old man immediately waved his hand, and the open living room door slammed shut, and the room was quickly flooded with a thick black like ink, and nothing could be seen.

At this time, two weirdos have already chased into the living room from the corner of their eyes. These two weirdos screamed that no one could hear, and were soon wrapped in darkness and squirmed...

Wei An downstairs had already stood up at this moment, and quickly trotted towards the direction of the crematorium without looking back.

At the door of the coffin shop behind him, an obese middle-aged man in a white coat and black baggy shorts reappeared.

While waving, he called out to Wei An's back: "Xiao Kai, Xiao Kai, why did you smash the things in my store and run away? Don't you pay for it? You pay for my wreath, my incense candle... "

Gradually, the voice became thinner and higher-pitched, as if it was a different person.

At this moment, the obese middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and the outer corners of his eyes slowly, becoming more and more strange. His face began to squeeze, and a large number of teeth fell out of his mouth, exposing his bleeding gums.

Although he was calling, he gradually smiled.

Turning around and going back to the coffin in the store, he grabbed a soft white baby from inside.

Holding the baby in his arms, the owner of the shop came to the door of the shop again and walked in the direction of Wei An.

By this time the darkness in the broken window upstairs behind him had overflowed, trickled down, and some had dripped onto the awning of his shop.

I heard the shop owner talking to himself: "Old man, are you coming out too? Is your baby... broken? Hahaha..."

At this moment, his voice is extremely thin, like a woman, and it seems that he has returned to his childhood and entered the period of changing his voice.

Click, click...

More black liquid dripped from upstairs, and soon turned into a solution, and something was squirming inside.

Wei An who left here didn't care about these movements, he just quickly approached the crematorium, and at the same time contacted Pei Na in his heart.

Soon Pei Na responded again.

"Wei An, we have rushed to the area around the Colosseum you entered. There are several alleyways here at the same time. I need to confirm where you entered from." Pei Na felt a little anxious, "What's the situation with you now?" Sample?"

Wei An replied: "Temporarily freed from some dangers, I am rushing to the crematorium. There is more than one strange story here, there are many, many, many..."

"Wait, Tang Li found the Colosseum you entered!" Pei Na said happily, but then her senses became unstable.

At this time, Wei An had already arrived outside the wall of the crematorium, and was looking for an entrance or exit, or he could climb over the wall and enter directly.

After feeling for a while, he thought that the telepathy between the two would be interrupted, but he soon received a reply from Pei Na.

This kind of induction is very stable, which means that the situation just now was not caused by objective reasons. Pei Na's voice quickly rang in his mind, but it was trembling and frightened!
"Wei...Weian, don't...don't move! I...saw you!"


Wei An suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked around, but the surroundings were deadly silent, except for the fence and weeds, there was no one there.

 Thank you for waiting!Love you guys!At the same time, thank you for the [-] rewards that we are already Pengyu people!

(End of this chapter)

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