this is not a joke

Chapter 611 Incinerator

Chapter 611 Incinerator

Wei An, who had entered the spectator mode, raised his head and stared blankly at the man hanging upside down.

It turned out that although the footsteps I heard just now came from behind, they were not on the ground, but on the ceiling, and this weird one was walking upside down from above!
No wonder I didn't see anything when I turned my head just now.

Entering the spectator mode at this moment, the other party not only can't see Wei An, but also doesn't even seem to remember why he is here suddenly.

The woman hanging upside down had dirty long hair, many of which were stuck together, very much like a knotted mop. Her face was also dirty, black, and seemed to have been burned.

Not only that, but the fluctuation of the aura emanating from this woman is terrifying, which proves that she is not an ordinary monster, and is much more terrifying than the black liquid chasing Wei'an just now and the aura of the boss of the giant baby shop.

The head hanging upside down was still for a moment, because Wei An's existence could not be found, even in this strange consciousness, Wei An had disappeared.

Her hanging head and her long mop-like hair slowly moved up to the ceiling.

Wei An still stood quietly, with his head raised, staring unblinkingly at the head disappearing into the darkness of the ceiling.

Only then did he realize that the ceiling in the corridor was said to be a ceiling, but it was actually so dark that he couldn't see anything.

It was impossible to determine what was above, Wei An was a little puzzled, and after the long-haired woman did not appear, he went back to the door of the exhibition room he had just walked out of.

The pair of leather shoes that were originally standing at the door were gone, only a pool of blood remained on the ground, but because it lost its target, it no longer flowed.

Wei An looked up at the ceiling of the exhibition room, and found that the ceiling in this room was different from the outside, it was not completely black, but it seemed that something was flowing above it.

He compared it with the ceiling of the corridor again, and found that there seemed to be a flame flowing above the ceiling of the exhibition room, but he could only vaguely feel a burning sensation.

Like fire instead of fire?
Wei An frowned slightly.

This moment is different from just now. I don't know if it's because the display room can feel my existence just now, deliberately concealing something, or other reasons.

Now he can feel that the display room at this moment has become dangerous, especially those things on the ceiling that flow slightly like flames.

Just now I focused on those urns, but didn't pay attention to the top of my head.

Returning to the corridor, Wei An walked all the way through the corridor, passed a small courtyard that was not open-air, and approached the incineration room at the back.

Along the way, he was observing the ceiling above his head for any changes, and he also noticed that the dry pool in the small courtyard was covered with mud, and there were very obvious footprints in the mud.

It was footprints, not shoe prints, as if someone had walked barefoot in it.

A faint burning smell filled the entire small courtyard, and when he walked in, he saw the metal gate of the incineration room that could only be opened by pushing, and on the same pitch-black ceiling directly above the gate, there were four or five The upper body of a corpse that was hanging upside down just now was dangling.

This scene looked extremely strange.

There were men and women among these people, but because they couldn't detect Wei An's presence, they didn't hide themselves, and they didn't have targets to attack, they just wandered around in that space silently.

Every monster here, in Wei An's eyes, is as powerful as the woman hanging upside down just now, and the weird fluctuations emitted by the body have reached the point where Wei An can't help but get goosebumps.

Even though he has encountered many monsters now, regardless of size or strength, even if he is too strong to resist, although he still has fear, it will not be like this now.

Wei Jing felt it quietly.

Soon he was sure that his reaction was entirely real, and that it had come about because of the monstrous aura emanating from the men and women hanging upside down, filled with utter evil.

In other words, even the monsters that are several times stronger than them have never had such a terrifying evil aura on their bodies. These monsters are simply the spokesmen of evil, and they seem to have nothing but terrifying evil.

It's evil that keeps them alive, that makes them hang around in this eerie, upside-down fashion around the crematorium's office building and burning area.

Soon Wei An was able to confirm that if he could use the suit, although these monsters were indeed extremely evil, they could still be killed by him.

It's just that he's curious why this particular kind of weirdness occurs in this place!

Continuing to walk towards the gate of the incineration room, those weird things walking upside down on the ceiling quickly disappeared, and when Wei An pushed the metal gate of the incineration room aside, these weirdnesses almost subconsciously wandered. Go inside and get near the glowing stove.

One by one roared angrily on the ceiling, as if they were roaring towards the stove, but as the fire in the stove began to grow brighter and hotter, these weirdnesses immediately subconsciously retreated to the metal gate, repeatedly .

Wei An stared at this scene in surprise.

He did not approach the direction of the stove, but was far away, and soon began to look around the environment.

I saw seven corpses parked in a row of corners of the incineration room, all covered with white cloth, lying on a push bed.

There are still many bloodstains near these trolley beds, and they are even wet, as if they have just been dripping.

Until now, none of the security staff have been seen, not to mention the staff, not even a single living person has appeared.

"This is just a place where consciousness exists." Wei An muttered to himself.

He watched the malicious monsters on the ceiling growl fiercely and keep retreating one by one, until the fire light inside the stove became extremely strong, even a little dazzling, and all these monsters had retreated outside the metal door just now.

The stove didn't seem to have any special changes, but the fire inside did get brighter and brighter.

Not long after, on one of the trolley beds by the corner, the white cloth covering a dead body moved slightly, and a purple mottled fat arm slowly lifted from under the white cloth, and lifted the white cloth, revealing a An obese man who was about three hundred catties.

The man had obviously been dead for a long time, and he didn't know why he moved suddenly at this moment.

With his eyes still closed, he lifted the white cloth from his body and walked down from the push bed with some difficulty. During the process, the small bed made an unbearable creaking sound, as if it was about to fall apart in a second.

After the fat man stood barefoot on the ground, he immediately moved his legs and walked in the direction of the increasingly hot stove. His eyes were always closed, as if something was guiding him in the direction.

Tick-tock all the way, there is still blood leaching behind him, and it is not known why the man died.

Soon he came to the front of the stove, stretched out his hand and pressed a red button, the stove was turned on, and a flame burst out immediately, burning on the fat man's body, making a scorching sound, and the skin immediately turned black.

Originally, the corpse was pushed into the stove lying down, but at this moment, the corpse sent itself to the door by itself.

After turning on the stove, he headed in and burrowed in directly along the mouth of the stove where the flames shot out.

Soon a large number of flames surrounded his body, and an invisible force was generated, pulling him into the blazing furnace with a swish.

Wei An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't understand how these corpses would burn themselves. No wonder there is no need for staff here?It turned out that they got up by themselves to complete the work of burning themselves.

But at this time, the door of the furnace was not closed, and the fat body inside was quickly burned by the strange flames without even a slag left.

The second that Wei An thought it was over, a black shadow jumped out of the furnace, screaming in pain, but it was the fat man who had just entered the incinerator by himself.

The guy seemed to wake up at this moment, but it was too late.

His shadow wanted to run out, but it was still pulled by the flame, and it was dragged back into the furnace to continue burning.

At the same time, the monsters on the ceiling by the door were roaring angrily and moving around non-stop.

Not long after, the black shadow in the furnace turned into a red afterimage, which could no longer be seen.

"Black shadow? Red shadow?" Wei'an muttered to himself.

This scene reminded him of something.

But there is one thing he knows very well, the incinerator is not only burning the corpse, but also burning the weirdness that the corpse turned into!

(End of this chapter)

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