this is not a joke

Chapter 612 Mask

No wonder there are two different breaths of red and black?

When the incinerator burns the corpse, it will turn into a strange black aura.

Some monsters will try to rush out of the incinerator at this moment, but the power inside the furnace is obviously stronger, making it difficult for these weird shadows to escape.

Then Weird was incinerated again, turning into a red shadow, and then disappeared after being swallowed by the incinerator.

"This stove..."

Wei An stared thoughtfully at the flickering incinerator. At this moment, the flames were slightly smaller than before, but the weirdness on the ceiling still did not dare to approach.

"Since even the weird ones will be burned, but these ones on the ceiling survived, what's going on?"

Feeling the endless evil aura emanating from these monsters, Wei An suddenly realized something.

This furnace can't even escape the weirdness, everything will be melted, and there should be no reason for the weirdness on the ceiling to escape the doom of being burned.

so they...

Wei An raised his head again, and looked at the weird monsters that were hanging upside down and hovering in front of and behind the metal gate, exuding extremely evil intentions all over their bodies.

He suddenly understood that these weirdnesses were not individual individuals, but were born after the countless weirdnesses were incinerated by the incinerator, and the little bit of weirdness that escaped was accompanied by boundless hatred.

So these weird evil intentions will be extremely powerful, surpassing any monsters I have seen before, because they are not a single monster itself at all, but the evil produced by countless monsters because they cannot escape. Formed by resentment, unwillingness, and hatred.

I don't know how many monsters were burned, and these weird evil intentions actually gathered several weird shapes.

It's no wonder that Wei'an can't see their specific appearances clearly, only one feature is the thin face. As for the difference between men and women, it should be that the female weirdness and the male weirdness should be distinguished and merged after being burned.

They hated this incinerator, but they couldn't get close to it because it was too strong, and they were burned to death by this furnace, so they also had instinctive fear in it.

Wei An didn't know if his bystander mode was turned off, and if the incinerator found him for the first time, would he be under the control of the fat corpse just now.

But he suspects that there is a high probability that it will happen.

In this incinerator, this furnace should be an extremely powerful existence that even represents the rules of the Colosseum.

The most important thing is that I am currently conscious, which means that this stove is not a real thing, but is also a product generated in a state of consciousness, which comes from the rules of this weird talk.

If he could destroy this thing, he might be able to directly destroy the rules of the Colosseum!
"This incinerator...will it go out?"

Vian looks at the stove, which has been burning, and calculates how long he can remain in spectator mode.

Now I have probably figured out the situation here, and I must find a solution to this Colosseum before the spectator mode disappears.

While he was thinking, an old man's corpse lifted the white cloth from the small bed again, stood up by itself, and walked into the burning incinerator.

As the corpse turned into fly ash, a strange black shadow appeared, and then the old man continued to burn, wailing silently.

After being completely burned, the strange black shadow of the old man turned into a red shadow, which was completely swallowed by the incinerator in front of him, providing nourishment for the rules of this weird talk.

During this process, an imperceptible breath drifted out, flew towards the ceiling, and merged into the darkness.

And the ones who are restless in the darkness at this moment are those horrible monsters full of extremely evil aura that cannot be vented.

They can feel the pain and helplessness of their own kind, and they can empathize with their own grief and anger!
One by one, they left around the metal door again, and began to approach the flaming incinerator again, wriggling and screaming wildly, and the violent evil aura rolled over the ceiling like a black cloud.

Wei An's eyes brightened slightly, staring at this scene.

As far as he is currently unable to use the item bar, apart from the trump card of "Story Editor", the only skill he can use should be "Spiritual Totem", that is, "Totem of Fear" .

Just now, after realizing that he only entered the Colosseum at the conscious level, he began to work hard to contact the black cat in his mind.

At the beginning, the consciousness was in a state of being blinded, so the totem black cat did not show up, but after the consciousness was released, the shadow of the black cat gradually became clearer.

Until now, the whole black cat's head has clearly appeared in Wei An's mind as usual.

He has been able to paw cats normally like before.

After all, the totem skill is extremely rare, it does not appear with the appearance of the item bar, and has nothing to do with the item bar.

It's purely a spiritual thing.

In addition to the fact that the consciousness was blinded due to ignorance at the beginning, in fact, as long as Wei An's spiritual consciousness is still there, he can use it again, unless his spirit is dead.

Wei An sensed for a while that the totem could be activated, and this time he wasn't going to make a fuss. Once the fear totem was activated, it would definitely activate the most powerful "fear image".

Seeing the weirdness on the ceiling being forced back by the flames in the furnace again, each one was ready to return to the metal gate in anger and fear, Wei An knew that he could not wait any longer, otherwise his spectator mode might not be able to support the next corpse when burned.

In the next second, he took back the spectator mode by himself.

The moment Wei An's figure was exposed in the incineration room, the originally normally burning flame trembled suddenly, and then let out a slight roar, as if a certain core inside was starting to be attracted by Wei An's sudden appearance.

The flames in the furnace suddenly started to grow bigger, and Wei An immediately felt his body walking towards the incinerator uncontrollably, and his feet moved by themselves, just like those dead bodies just now.

But the difference is that he is not a corpse, but a conscious living person.

But at this moment, the body is still out of control.

Those monsters on the ceiling sensed that someone had entered, but their target was not human beings, but the incinerator. It was just that after seeing this person being pulled by the incinerator, they immediately filled with monstrous anger again, together with the long-suppressed evil breath Diffuse against the incinerator.

Because these weirdnesses are very clear, this young man who suddenly appeared for unknown reasons will die soon, and will not even have a soul left after being burned by the incinerator.

After a while they would feel the pain and howls of the young man's death.

Wei An quickly approached the furnace, and the door of the furnace that transported the corpses opened suddenly, and a stronger suction appeared.

Wei An immediately activated the fear totem without hesitation.

The image of fear erupted the moment he approached the furnace door, and a majestic sense of fear gushed out of his body, crazily drilling into the incinerator.

This incinerator obviously has a certain consciousness, otherwise it wouldn't be able to manipulate the corpse and burn it again as soon as the corpse weirdly took shape.

Even if this consciousness is not strong, as long as you can think, you will have emotions, and if you have emotions, you will inevitably be affected by some horrible things.

A strong burning sensation hit his face. At this time, Wei An was already very close to the incinerator. He felt that his forehead hair and eyebrows had been curled by the fire, and he smelled a burnt smell.

However, with the appearance of the fear image, the tugging feeling was greatly relieved.

This image of fear instantly entered the incinerator, drilled into the middle of the raging flames, and poured into a temporarily invisible object.

A huge sense of fear completely covered and penetrated the incinerator...

The flames that had been burning inside seemed to have never diminished. At this moment, they suddenly shrank, and the momentum of the flames was reduced by half.

Those upside-down monsters who were still fearful and watching at the metal gate were shocked suddenly, and each of them seemed to have noticed some kind of turning point here.

In just two seconds or so, all the monsters approached the incinerator immediately, and there was no need for Wei An to remind him.

No one hates the incinerator as much as these monstrosities, more than anyone else.

Soon the black clouds rolling from the ceiling came to the top of the incinerator.

This was an impossible situation at any time before, because the top of the incinerator was roasted by the flames, and it was always within the absolute control of the incinerator, and those weirdos dared not and could not approach it at all.

Wei An had regained control of his body at this time, grabbed the hot furnace door and opened it completely.

During this process, the skin on his palm creaked and smoked, and soon there was a burnt smell.

The flame in the furnace continued to decrease, and it was less than one-third of what it was just now.

At this time, the sense of fear in Wei An's body was still continuously radiating out, hitting the center of the furnace.

He doesn't need to know what's in there, as long as he can oppress the opponent and create opportunities for those weirdnesses.

As the flames were further suppressed, a strange man hanging upside down fell further from the ceiling and went straight into the furnace, followed by two strange men hanging upside down.

At this time, the incinerator didn't have much open flame except for the scorching heat.

The only place where flames still burst out from time to time is in the middle of the furnace.

Wei An lowered his head and cast his eyes, and saw a mask suddenly appeared there.

This mask is divided into black and red, the left half is red, and the right half is black, and at this moment, the target of my fear is attacking this thing.

After all the flames disappeared, a black wriggling space appeared in the hollow inside the mask, which seemed to point to another place.

This space is constantly wriggling, creating a suction force, which pulls the mask and moves slightly towards that space.

It's just that the suction is not too strong.

The weird man who got in first grabbed the black and red mask immediately, bang bang bang bang, leaving five fingerprints on the mask, and the strange figure of the man disappeared completely, as if he had exhausted all his energy. itself perishes.

The same is true for the second monster, which scratched at the mask for a while, leaving some traces, and then disappeared.

The third, the fourth, the fifth...

Until all the weirdness subconsciously attacked the mask and disappeared, Wei An's fear image was almost exhausted at this time, and it could last for a few seconds at most.

"No, not dying?! They... left!"

In the next second, he imitated other weirdnesses and grabbed the black and red mask.

After grabbing the mask, a suction force was generated immediately, bringing Wei An's consciousness into it instantly, and his body disappeared in the furnace.

Then his whole body began to shake, and he could still feel the fear suppressing something, and at this moment, this something... seemed to be holding it in his hands!

The body is still trembling uncontrollably, as if experiencing a certain space, and cannot be suppressed by the collision of the turbulent flow of space.


The whole picture collapsed before his eyes and plunged into darkness.

Wei An could still feel what he was holding, but he knew that there was nothing in his hand, but nothingness.

After a while, the trembling of the body stopped, and the existence of the black cat could be felt in the mind, feeling a warmth.

The item bar appeared soon, and the equipment items in it also appeared one after another!

"Back! Back outside the Colosseum!"

As soon as the thought came to him, his feet shook. Wei An looked down and found that he was standing in the darkness, and there was a light in the distance, which should be the place where he just entered the Colosseum.

He immediately walked forward.

Soon the light became brighter and brighter, and two figures could be seen ahead, but they were also shaking, as if the entire area was shaking.

Seeing Wei An's figure suddenly, Pei Na immediately shouted: "Wei An, you are out! Go! This Colosseum is about to collapse!"

Team leader Tang Li, who was standing beside her, also waved anxiously.

The two of them have been afraid to enter here, but just now they suddenly saw the bloody threads inside the small door suddenly disappear, and at the same time, the boundary of the land began to shake.

They knew that most of Wei An had succeeded, and had shaken the foundation of the center of the Colosseum, otherwise such a change would not have been possible.

Sure enough, Wei An stumbled to the door.

Pei Na rushed forward, grabbed Wei An's arm, and supported him.

Seeing Wei An's body, apart from the bloodshot wound just now, one arm is also a little weak. This is the hand that has withered at the level of consciousness.

Soon the three of them walked along the alleyway to find the basement they entered first.

On the road, a large number of gray shadows can be seen flying around to avoid, and the walls of the alleyway are also shaking, and bricks and dust are constantly falling.

The three of them ran for a while, Tang Li quickly said in amazement: "No, the intersections of alleys and roads here are all messed up, there was no fork in the road just now!"

Pei Na also said: "We should have reached the basement entrance, but we haven't seen anything here!"

Wei An turned his head to look at other places, and found that the direction of the roadway ahead had been blocked by fallen stone bricks, and he had to climb over the piles of rocks to pass through.

"The road here is wrong! Let's go back!" Tang Li suggested.

Pei Na nodded, and when she was about to pull Wei An forward, Wei An shook her head.

"There is no road, there is no road here at all." He said: "This rule center doesn't want us to leave at all!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Pei Na and Tang Li, and asked, "Have you ever tried to stand here and look up at the sky?"

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